Python Conference Very Inclusive


Attached: Screen_Shot_20180513_at_22.17.47.png (745x600, 502K)

when leftist women started pretending that tech conferences are as dangerous for women as record release parties in the ghetto is when I just lost all fucking respect for these people. Fuck "women in tech"

C# or C++. C is for Boomers.

Fuck that forever using powershell from now on. Why is python so gay

The absolute state of high level languages.

Attached: aga.jpg (1364x928, 507K)

Imagin walking around with a MAGA hat in that enviroment

Attached: Screen_Shot_20180513_at_22.20.29.png (594x611, 526K)

Fuck. I specifically decided to use Python because the Java alternative is for trannies.

Why 90% of womyn on these pics are wearing glasses?

probably would be asked to take it off or kicked out