Is that what british women look like? Jesus fuck, no wonder you guys aren't breeding.
Brit/pol/ - News Edition
Asher Ramirez
Charles Richardson
>Brexit: First applications from EU nationals for settled status
I was born and raised in Holland but have lived here for the past 16 years, why the fuck should I have to pay £65 for government incompetence?
What'll happen if I don't do anything?
Isaac Ross
This ruined any and all THICC memes for me.
Charles Hernandez
>if I ride up my panties up to my fucking chest it'll surely fool some dumb boyim
Sad part is that some low test faggots will call this creature 'thicc' ,completely ignoring the abnormal amount of biomass this cunt has cleverly stashed away in the confines of a brave warrior she calls her panties.
Isaac Stewart
Xurious videos all gone
Brayden Rivera
reminds me of steph kegels
Josiah Nelson
Caleb Collins
Hunter White
Henry Harris
Shoulda just winged it