Guys it's getting cold

Not that you couldn't fix the problem easily enough, but if you can't be arsed, then at least put a sleeping bag by the fireplace. There will still be plenty of warmth to keep you comfy. Duh. You don't need to heat your entire fucking house.

majorly comfy, user

Laughs in Alaskan

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At least put your phone in power save mode to preserve the battery. And turn on your faucets just a tiny bit to keep the pipes from freezing. If this looks to go on for a while, get out some quilts or thick comforter-type padded bedding and tack them over your window(s) to help your room stay warmer.

Chew my boots bitch.

You're all going to die. Imagine what happens when we shut the grid down for good?

Only once Winter-chan has purged all the niggers un the local area.

LMAO christcucks Chan with that symbol and a pagan winter chan

>having a gas water heater
>not having a gas central heater
>not even having a propane tank to run a space heater on if all else fails

Do you have a gas oven? If it uses a pilot light, just warm it up, and move into the kitchen. It’s retarded, but it’ll keep you warm.

But why would power be out except for internet towers? Seriously wondering, if anyone could answer...