Caught my girlfriend using tinder

If you think she is likely cheating on you, then do the what is likely the best answer (break up). Don't get to lost to a thot man.

I’m not stupid. I only act when I’m 100% sure of the truth. Her explanation is plausible, but simply unlikely.

I need advice to find out proof. Is there a way to check app history? To see the last time she had tinder installed? This way I would know for sure

She is cheating on you. That girl you loved is gone.

I am very sorry.

Don't do that. Every second you waste with a cheater is a second you can never get back.

Why not ask her to uninstall it and remove her account, anyway?

Also who the fuck would go onto their friend's tinder and match people? What?

I think you should dump her you clown

The pursuit of truth is never wasted time

then lets save you some time. She's cheating or looking to. Tinder drops your profile in the stack for every day you are inactive, eventually dropping it at all assuming that you have uninstalled and did not delete your profile. She's actively swiping and her excuse of "maybe my friends are doing it idk lol" is so flimsy.
You decide what you're cool with, but she's 100% using tinder behind your back.

The truth is she is lying with some ridiculous soap opera excuse that you only believe because you are pussywhipped and she has been talking and entertaining dudes that want to fuck her (AT MINIMUM)

Do you know how many stories, both fiction and non-fiction, where men have regreted such pursuits? Do you really want to know what your girlfriend has been doing behind your back? If I was in your shoes, then I would have got out. If you really wish to find out, be my guest. Don't hurt yourself too much.

You already pursued the truth though