If girls never start conversations with you, that means you're ugly, right?

not the guy you responded to but that is complete bullshit

Nein. I've had 4 gfs in my life and THEY ALL initiated. Make no mistake, girls are super confident this days in the age of girl power and feminism. They're not shy to get with guys like.

Depends on where you live. Not everyone lives in burgerland/europoor. Try expecting that in a country like saudi arabia where girls aren't allowed to walk alone, or next to a guy (they have to walk behind btw).

Live in USA. SoCal. Girls here are not shy at all. Maybe in Saudi Arabia where talking to a man gets them in trouble they will be shy. Or in other Muslim countries where they get honor killed.

you said they initiate ALL THE TIME. which is bullshit. i’ve had 2 gfs and 5 casual partners. only one of them initiated.