Found the cuck
Don't date women with kids. Ever. They've made bad decisions in the past, they will likely make more and you'll be screwed too.
Everyone keeps telling me I should be dating the manager of my favorite bar. She seems super interested...
If you're interested in her you could try to date hey without adopting her children
I think that might work, especially if her kids are old enough
What do you think this woman is looking for? Do you think she is looking for the love of her life and live happily ever after with the lucky man who happens to be OP?
...Or do you think she is desperately looking for a beta buxx provider for her three kids? That's one of the reasons why single moms are such a huge red flag. These women bring you into their life so you can provide for them and raise children that AREN'T YOURS.
I don't think anyone should ever take dating advice from a person who unironically uses the C word.
Just wanted to know who this girl in the photo is. Anyone have a name? That bitch is gorgeous.
>3 kids
dude, my ex's father did that. He did manage to put one more in her (my ex), but it is just generally a terrible fucking idea.
I have fucked a couple single moms. Do not go down that road, dude. I don't care what is going through your mind.
I got advice for you, get off the internet for a few days, it warps your sense of reality.
I've dated a two mothers in my life, the one I have now is probably my soulmate.
Thing is, I'm actually a broke piece of shit loser, lmao, but I'm great with kids.
Moms are more matured, strong, they don't do none of that melodrama bullshit. It's also nice to have that sweet child support check from the actual real cuck who's sperm call me daddy.
But hey, y'all do you. I just think y'all are giving single moms a bad rep, and it's really not fair.
She's fun to be around while on the job, because that's part of her job. What is she like off the job?
It's always fun to read these anecdotal reports. The fact that you specifically have a good experience with dating single moms does not disprove the rule of thumb.
And that rule of thumb is that dating single mothers is, in general, a bad idea. This is especially true if you actually have a career and some money to your name unlike you. Most women who have children NEED a man to provide for them. They are literally genetically wired to find a man who is willing to provide her with resources and protection. Call me crazy, but it think it's fairly pathetic to spend your time/energy/money raising and taking care of kids that aren't yours. You are seriously investing your hard earned resources into carrying on some other dudes genetic lineage.
Wait your ex's dad put a baby in her?