Grad school

Just trying to garner sympathy and opinions here so throw all of either at me.
I'm an undergrad in an honors program for philosophy and linguistics and I very badly want to go to grad school.
Problem is my boyfriend and I are long distance (he's European). We had plans for me to get my visa after i finish my HBA. His opinion is one of extreme pragmatism, so "do what you feel is most beneficial".
I have the option of applying to a PhD program in the UK so I'm only the cost of an expensive dinner away from my boyfriend at any moment.
Another problem is by the time I finish my doctorate I'll be around 26-27, which means I'll be missing out on a large part of my horny youth with my boyfriend and that's depressing. So I'm thinking I should take a gap year or two to spend with him, establish residency, figure out my research desires, etc., before going to grad school.
What would y'all do in my situation

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>studies philosophy
What the actual fuck.

Gap year is a meme, most people lose focus and getting back in will be a pain. Horny-youth a is meme too, you'll be fine at least until the menopause.

>horny youth

What, do you think you won't want to fuck when you're done studying?

If you're intending to be monogamous, I don't see why this is an issue. Just train over on the weekends and fuck for days. Repeat every week.

Also, could he not move to be closer to your hypothetical UK university?

Lastly, why are you doing a Starbucks degree?

You'll have the rest of your life to spend with him. Go to grad school.

>>studies philosophy
>What the actual fuck.
Is that weird? My philosophy dept is around 35% women. I mean I can understand women not enjoying it, I fucking hate studying anything that has to do with the greeks, but I enjoy philosophy.
>Gap year is a meme, most people lose focus and getting back in will be a pain.
Yeah, I've been thinking the same.
>Horny-youth a is meme too, you'll be fine at least until the menopause.
I hope so. It's just a little sad to me.
>Just train over on the weekends and fuck for days. Repeat every week.
He's in scandinavia so training would take a whole day. Flying is cheap within Europe, isn't it?
>Also, could he not move to be closer to your hypothetical UK university?
Not really, he's stuck where he's at due to work. That's fine though.
>Lastly, why are you doing a Starbucks degree?
Because I love it.

forgot to link your post

Boyfriends come and go. Establishing your future is more important.

On the other hand, a gap year (not two) might be fun

>Flying is cheap within Europe, isn't it?
Taking London and Oslo as an example, average price seems to be about $130 USD return, so not that bad at all

>Because I love it
What are the career prospects of your degree? What positions are available, and how saturated is the market?

>Is that weird?
Well, at least for me it's a first. I do mostly hang with women (maybe 70-30), and I do know a few who went for other dick-fests like CS, CE or mech-engineering, but everyone who studied philosophy had a penis.

>Flying is cheap within Europe, isn't it?
Depends A LOT on the specific place. If he lives in a somewhat big city, (relatively for Scandinavia) and you in the UK equivalent, yeah it should be. Though with the whole Brexit cancer, there is some level of uncertainty of course.

>What are the career prospects of your degree?
Academic stuff mostly, some private sector stuff in translation software, some government stuff.
>What positions are available,
Research professorships are what i'm interested in, considering I'm going for a PhD. Depends what your focus is though. Applied linguistics goes into language teaching, computational linguists go into translation software.
>and how saturated is the market?
For academic jobs? Pretty. Don't know about private sector. Job prospects aren't why Im going to school. If I wanted a high paying job I'd go into applied math or EE. I already know it'll make me suffer and depressed.
I had some neat role models growing up. My mom was a mathematician/logician. Plus linguistics is like 60% women.
>Though with the whole Brexit cancer, there is some level of uncertainty of course.
Perhaps scotland will secede and I can go to Edinburgh, still in the EU. But yeah things might get expensive.

Hm, fair enough. It *would* in fact fall on the linguistics.

Job prospects *should* be why you're going to school. That is the whole point. You can learn whatever you want on your own; the piece of paper at the end is a codification/guarantee of your training, for hiring purposes.
Apart from that, you're only feeding a vacuous system that provides little worth to society apart from propping up lending industries (and creating functional indentured servitude to boot)

Given that your study does in fact have job prospects, then I say prioritize the education. If it did not, I would have advised you to stop at the HBA entirely. Prioritizing the education is all the more rational since your boyfriend is willing to accommodate this.

Gap years are hard to come back from, though not impossible by any means. But PHD's are no joke, and there is a lot of utility in going straight into one while your undergrad knowledge is still fresh in your mind.

Why are you set on the one univetsity in the UK? Are there no comparable ones in Scandinavia, where you can be closer to your boyfriend?

Maybe she does also want a job in a field that actually interests her? People who pick a major purely for monies tend to end up miserable, if they managed to finish it; then having to work decades in a field you don't even like, sounds way worse than a degree that makes the job search somewhat tricky.

Besides, a huge point of university is the social aspect; just doing it in her free time and finding other people who are into it, won't be nearly the same.

>Boyfriends come and go.

>t. Serial monogamist
>totally nontoxic behavior

Aaaand this is why I have multiple OLTRs at a time and have no intention of stopping

>Job prospects *should* be why you're going to school.
I know.
>Apart from that, you're only feeding a vacuous system that provides little worth to society apart from propping up lending industries
I've been working full-time since I started to pay for everything, I have a grand total of 2k in student loan debt which I consider reasonable considering I'm a junior. Got lucky with some distant family willing to give me cheap rent nearby.
>Why are you set on the one univetsity in the UK? Are there no comparable ones in Scandinavia, where you can be closer to your boyfriend?
Cause my swedish sucks lmao. I'm not set on just one uni in the UK, that would be stupid. I intend to apply to too many places that specialize in areas I'm interested in all over europe and the US and hope one gives me a fellowship. The UK option is just an ideal.

>Problem is my boyfriend and I are long distance (he's European).
>long distance

And how many times have you had "accidents" at parties with men hotter than your boyfriend?


>she thinks people in Sweden speak Swedish
My bestie moved there like five years ago, finished her bachelor and got a job at a fortune 500 company. She still can't say a single sentence in Swedish.

Ah so you cheat with purpose then

Break up with your ldr

They speak Arabic though

>People who pick a major purely for monies tend to end up miserable

This is not the only other option. The most reasonable one is to not do university and explore other training structures.

>2k in student loan debt
Your situation is rare

In any case, good luck

>People who pick a major purely for monies tend to end up miserable

>people who don't have the money to afford gym memberships, healthy food, one bedroom apartments to fuck sluts in, money to pay for parents' Healthcare bills and other expenses are even more miserable and actually kill themselves

It must be nice being a woman knowing no matter what you do in life there'll always be a nice rich engineer nerd who will suck your toes and pay for you to be fat and lazy and eat oreos all day while yo watch cartoons

Someone planing to do a PhD would get suicidal doing some trade school shit or the likes.

I like integrating. Also most linguistics PhD programs there are in swedish.
>Your situation is rare
I am gifted with growing up in poverty, with neuroticism and anxiety. I learned my lesson at age 9.
>good luck

Does your vick boyfriend know that you ride the cock carousel?
Fucking roastie