Grad school

>People who pick a major purely for monies tend to end up miserable

>people who don't have the money to afford gym memberships, healthy food, one bedroom apartments to fuck sluts in, money to pay for parents' Healthcare bills and other expenses are even more miserable and actually kill themselves

It must be nice being a woman knowing no matter what you do in life there'll always be a nice rich engineer nerd who will suck your toes and pay for you to be fat and lazy and eat oreos all day while yo watch cartoons

Someone planing to do a PhD would get suicidal doing some trade school shit or the likes.

I like integrating. Also most linguistics PhD programs there are in swedish.
>Your situation is rare
I am gifted with growing up in poverty, with neuroticism and anxiety. I learned my lesson at age 9.
>good luck

Does your vick boyfriend know that you ride the cock carousel?
Fucking roastie