My long term gf just got diagnosed with autism. no one saw it coming not even her parents

uh... relax ?

I have autism and I turned out fine.

Also I find it hard to believe that no one saw this coming. When you're autistic it's like wearing a giant block of cheese duct-taped to your head... you can see it from a mile away.

Anyway what advice do you honestly expect from us? Your gf has a disability, so support her, maybe go the the bookstore and find a book on the topic.

Lots of women get diagnosed later in life. Symptoms show differently because men and women behave differently in general. I wasn’t diagnosed until 21. Apparently lots of girls go through the same thing because no one picks up on it

t. person who knows nothing about autism

She was also autistic before, she's literally the same person as before and if you liked her before there's no reason the diagnosis should change that.

> lots of girls go through the same thing because no one picks up on it

Just goes to show doesn't it.

You are born with autism, you can't develop it. Your upbringing and if your parents decide to get you proper treatment significantly changes your ability to adjust with the condition and act more normal, in high functioning cases.

>what do?
Keep enjoying your relationship and stop over thinking it.

I had mine recognised early on, and the amount of social skills lessons and such I did probably really did improve how I act as I do now, but on the flip side it left me ashamed of what I was like as a kid, and that it's a label to be ashamed of. I act as I do now with a permanent consciousness of remembering what traits of AS are and avoiding them, don't focus too much talking about interests, consider everyone else's feelings before your own, be empathetic. Don't make any kind of behaviour which isn't normal, never forget that people bully at school if someone's asking for it, I remember being about 11, and it's my fault for making myself an easy target. It's a weakness you Bury and change, you do not live with, you change, or you'll always be different.

In any case, I would feel ashamed if anyone who knows I have it saw me doing something or acting like something related to any traits and they just accepted it, and sure they would but I don't want that condescending compassion, I have worked too hard to despise and be someone who doesn't have it, and I can't stand when it gets brought up, and I detest people who self diagnose

>You are born with autism, you can't develop it.
That's a matter of debate. There's strong evidence for epigenetic factors playing a large role.