What should I do with a million dollars?
What should I do with a million dollars?
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be an angel investor
that's my dream
But that would most likely be throwing my money away
No. You get profit
It's business not charity
TIme to grow up
But start ups fail a lot
Sorry I'm still a youngin
Give some to me, of course.
[spoiler]I'd invest in a small local business and become co-owner or at the very least a massive shareholder. Some dude gets his dream business, and I get to do the same without being the brains and doing as much of the heavy lifting. Alternatively, get involved with a franchise like McDonalds or similar. A million dollars can easily go into the trash.[/spoiler]
Like the other user said
You can buy a Mcdonalds for 400k
That's stable profit
Give it to me
Give me 10k. It’s only 1% of what you have.
the problem with McDonalds is I hate their food and Im morally against McDonalds even existing in society so I would never fund one, same goes with all fast food chains.
the problem with investing in a local business is that that would involve talking and managing people, I dont like that.
Thanks for the suggestions though
Just sit on it then and start a family and be happy
sorry, not giving it away. Ask me again in a couple years or so.
but I have so much I want to do before I start a family
Bring a Camera?
Bring me with you to hold your purse?
You could also invest stocks. You have some money to throw around so big names like Amazon isn't out of reach especially since they only get bigger. And user, it doesn't even have to be McDonalds, it was just an example. I still believe that investing in it in some shape or form is optimal since that money can very easily blow into the wind.
Invest it in marijuana
I like this idea, but I dont want to just throw all my money away.
>Bring a Camera?
sure why not
>Bring me with you to hold your purse?
sorry, I dont have a purse
ACB is a Canadian Marijuana Company that looks promising I hear
Max out a Roth IRA and continue to max it out with monthly deposits
You need $1.5mil liquid on top of the franchise fee to buy a McDonalds franchise
I'm probably thinking of Jack in the Box or Wendys then
>You could also invest stocks.
this is good idea and could also be fun, but I dont like things that make me nervous and I feel that would make me really nervous that I picked the wrong stock.
>I still believe that investing in it in some shape or form is optimal since that money can very easily blow into the wind.
eh, I could just make another million dollars if I really wanted to, but I agree I dont want to just throw it all away
I like this idea too, but I dont live where its legal and I cant move yet
Ill look into it
I dont even know what this is though, how much money would it make me?
If you want to get in stocks. Just put your money in index funds
They only go up. They have dips, but over the long term, you'll have made significant money back.
You can also look into property.
Buy up houses in up and coming neighborhoods, fix em up then rent them out.
They make good passive income.
If you find a knack for it, you can make it a career in flipping houses
Not advice, but how did you make a million?
Roth IRAs are the safest, and move worth while investments you can make for retirement.
All the money you put in is compounding interesting.
The only catch is that you can only touch the money once you're 65 years old.
But if you got $1mil, maxing out a IRA isn't going to be THAT big of a dent, and it's a really good security blanket for retirement.
Along with a IRA, investing in index funds are also good which will give you big returns over time.
Then why the fuck should we care?
Buy a house, not a ridiculously expensive one, put the rest of your money in a bank and live off of and save up interest.
>triple zeros
This is pretty much endgame life
>put your money in index funds
>over the long term, you'll have made significant money back
ill consider this, how much is significant?
>Buy up houses in up and coming neighborhoods, fix em up then rent them out.
They make good passive income.
I like the idea of buying and renting out property, not fixing them up though lol.
[spoiler]scamming people online[/spoiler]
>you can only touch the money once you're 65 years old.
nah, not gonna wait that long
sounds boring, I wanna make billions someday
>ill consider this, how much is significant?
It's one of the best investments you can make that is "put money in and forget it" kind of thing
Most other ways you invest money in, you have to have an active role in managing and monitoring.
With an index fund. You just put money in and don't touch it for like 5 years
You can put a movie on Netflix for a Million Dollars
Not Profitable, but fun
Will be very fun if you're into it, or finance a project, or whatever. There's a lot to do with a million but that's one of the problems.
$50,000k to hook yourself up with things like a decent car decent bed etc. Get a realtor and buy a house in a good area for like $400,000, bonus points if it’s a real house and not in a development. Get a financial advisor to invest the remaining $500,000 and make sure that you have some decent plan (a job) to pay property taxes, healthcare, utilities, unexpected expenses.
Then you’ll be golden, unless you do some retarded shit like spend the remaining money or refuse to work.
You are an idiot then. You will never make billions out of 1 mil unless you are very lucky and connected.
Sure I will, it's easy to make money if you're not a brainlet
>I'm morally against giving people jobs
1 billion is a thousand millions
You know how crazy that is
real crazy
Just cause I am getting real tired of your shit
Have it withdrawn as ten cent pieces and shove them up your arse.
If you weren't a brainlet you wouldn't be here asking what to do with your money. Put it in a bank, buy a house so you have no rent or mortagr or stupidly high property tax. You will destroy yourself otherwise.
I'm morally against killing millions of people each year by feeding them trash
Yea I know it's crazy, I'm still gonna do it though
I have ideas, nothing wrong with trying to get more though
Buy a fur coat. But not a real fur coat, that's cruel.
You realize they're not being force fed, right?
Obese people are mentally ill, eating large amounts of unhealthy food is how they cope, this I would say is hardly a choice
Regular people eat fast food because it's cheap convenient, and gives them a short dopamine rush, they choose to eat it despite knowing its unhealthy, this is a problem with society making it culturally acceptable to make this decision and giving no other options, which is what I want to change someday
>McDonald's is against my moral code
>I scammed people online tho
those are two very unrelated things
Give me like 20 thousand :(
They're both immoral.
Help me
maybe according to you, but morals are subjective
Run a non fast food restaurant then. Or get into real estate. Buy some property in a quality area and rent it out.
Drop half of it into a high-yield savings account and basically forget about having it. Let it grow and when you're ready to retire, you're set for the rest of your life.
Take a quarter of the million and invest in something that will make money back for you. Find a startup business or project that will give good chances for making your investment back.
Spend the other quarter on yourself. Buy yourself some land (Start a pot/hemp farm, is what I'd do.) Buy yourself a reasonable sized home that you can maintain and take care of if/when the money is all gone so that you always have a home that's paid off. Get yourself a good used car. (Don't buy new - the second the wheels roll onto the street from the parking lot, it's value is halved and it's considered "used". ) Get some new clothes, upgrade your hobby-related shit, play and have fun.
Donate up to $10k for tax purposes so that you're sitting pretty.
take a few grand and buy yourself some toys/vacations/whatever youre into, but use most of it to make more money
I'd save half for retiewment and travel around the world and meet different people
Life's about the experiences you get, not about how much money you save desu
>Buy yourself some land (Start a pot/hemp farm, is what I'd do.)
honestly considering this since my parents own some land in Vermont that they never used, I could buy it from them or maybe they would just give it to me, never smoked before though lmao
>Life's about the experiences you get, not about how much money you save desu
I like this, I would rather have cool things and cool experiences when Im young then saving everything for "muh secure retirement".
Kek sure user.