They're both immoral.
What should I do with a million dollars?
Help me
maybe according to you, but morals are subjective
Run a non fast food restaurant then. Or get into real estate. Buy some property in a quality area and rent it out.
Drop half of it into a high-yield savings account and basically forget about having it. Let it grow and when you're ready to retire, you're set for the rest of your life.
Take a quarter of the million and invest in something that will make money back for you. Find a startup business or project that will give good chances for making your investment back.
Spend the other quarter on yourself. Buy yourself some land (Start a pot/hemp farm, is what I'd do.) Buy yourself a reasonable sized home that you can maintain and take care of if/when the money is all gone so that you always have a home that's paid off. Get yourself a good used car. (Don't buy new - the second the wheels roll onto the street from the parking lot, it's value is halved and it's considered "used". ) Get some new clothes, upgrade your hobby-related shit, play and have fun.
Donate up to $10k for tax purposes so that you're sitting pretty.
take a few grand and buy yourself some toys/vacations/whatever youre into, but use most of it to make more money
I'd save half for retiewment and travel around the world and meet different people
Life's about the experiences you get, not about how much money you save desu
>Buy yourself some land (Start a pot/hemp farm, is what I'd do.)
honestly considering this since my parents own some land in Vermont that they never used, I could buy it from them or maybe they would just give it to me, never smoked before though lmao
>Life's about the experiences you get, not about how much money you save desu
I like this, I would rather have cool things and cool experiences when Im young then saving everything for "muh secure retirement".
Kek sure user.