Have become Clingy with a woman ive fallen for

Continuedi got so damn jealous today when she was with the other men. So jealous. But on the other hand I know i shouldnt feel like it. Its immature. But yet ive never got on so well with...anyone. Full stop. She is lovely and we have opened up so much.

Yet she invited me over to the new table and we were together. But im also 29 and on here so put 1+1 together how socially aptitude i am.

Ask her the fuck out and DTR, or don't and just keep things going and maybe eventually she will DTR


Define the relationship you mong

Or since you see relationships as a game of cat and mouse just kys

>went to her house
>didnt fuck her
Your parents should be ashamed of you

Its not cat and mouse just i got no experience. None.

Well we will be watching a movie in her room so that is something.

I've had the same situation happen with a girl I was solidly friends with and it even made me question what she was looking for.

What type of guys has she dated in the past?

shes probably teasing you lol, talk to her about how you feel for her, she seems interested i think... i mean why let you sleep in her house... she might even be dissappointef you didnt fuck her... just talk to her to get a solid answear instead of trying to guess wtf she thinks..gl

One was long term. 15 years. Was in a band together. She rebound and fell in love with another guy but found out he was married after his wife texted her. Got a rough ass deal.

An update but tonight I did not stay at her place but we watched a movie and chatted. She asked me about my other friends which I assume is cause I have hung with her so often consecutively.

Tonight I came very close to coughing up that I liked her but my current advice not to make it official or rush things kicked in and I did not say it. We also work in the same office so I am not sure risking a rejection woukd be worth making it more awkward.


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