Help me manage this Jow Forums-chick

>Move to new city last year
>Im only to be in town for about 8 months for work
>Set out to acquire some FWBs, and succeed
>One of them is a very Jow Forums martial arts girl. Visible abs whole nine yards. Competes and wins trophies and stuff.
>things move along great, we really like each other but keep things open since I will leave at some point
>get closer and closer, its like a relationship. I drop other FWBs (still fuck some tindersluts every now and then tho)
>she does the whole trad. GF thing. No Drama, Cooks, Cleans, high-quality sex available whenever I want
>Its perfect. hit gym together. She is literally the opposite of gains goblin. Participates in my cut.
>I'm about to leave in 2 months.
>She says I love you into my ear when I'm half asleep.
>I don't realize it happened until next morning
>Don't say it back for a week
>She starts talking about this chubby beta orbiter she has and that her girlfriends say she should try dating that guy (she literally calls her orbiters beta orbiters herself by the way)
>I know its a jealousy shit-test and stay calm
>2 days later she develops obvious drama-attitude
>I calmly ask her whats up try to talk it out
>She pretends nothings up and leaves
>no communication since

Now I know it's obvious: She's trying to push me into making things serious. And I would actually be down for that.
I know I could just tell her I love her and want to get serious and things would be fine right away.

However if I give in to this implied threat, what kind of precedent does it set? She will definitely lose respect. What kinda pussy gets bullied into saying ILY?
Also, this is a huge red-flag isn't it? Like if the uses such tactics to get things serious now, what kind of manipulation attempts am I in for during proper relationship. Also, using a beta orbiter as threat? that's fucked up.

So my question is should I even try to pass this shittest if she behaves like this. Or is it normal girl-shit?

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you are asking for serious advice on a board full of 16 yos and social retards. Good luck user

you could always start by communicating to her that you know she's trying to get you to be serious, but tell her that she's doing it in a terrible way and you will only consider the relationship if she stops doing that shit

>she actually calls them beta orbiters herself
if you’re not full of shit this is the biggest red flag you could possibly see, run user run

Not even manipulation, retard

If she can’t get what she wants she’ll just move on, she is entitled to that

She doesn’t HAVE to worship your corny ass

normally I wouldn't think about it so much since I have options but this chick is any lifters dream.

I rated it as honesty and her knowing that I know how shit works. Every above average girl has orbiters and every girl knows exactly what they are.

That's my current plan but only if she contacts me first.

inb4 no I cant post her pics or the martial-art she does since she competes and anons would be able to dox her.

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Just be honest with her. Do you love her? Then tell her you love her. But after that, tell her that you really don't appreciate her recent actions. If she can't handle talk like that, I'd rethink the relationship.

She can get what she wants but needs to communicate it.
Its manipulation if she low key says "lol I might fuck this loser if you don't get serious right now even though we only have 2 months left in the same city."

Or you could make her your gf, drop all your free sex and commit to someone, you spoiled fucking child. That's what she wants and to be fucking honest it's what you should want, it's even what you're SAYING you want but you're too much of a pussy to admit it. You shouldn't have started something with this person if you knew you were gonna leave. She doesn't deserve you and your bullshit games.

>baww I've got the best tasting fish I just reeled in but I don't want to do anything about it because I'm a glutton

>Do you love her?
Yes, but I'm afraid shell lose respect if she can force me into saying it.
And respect is very important here especially. Im 6'4 but in a mugging situation she would probably be the one fucking up the mugger...

She put herself out there and you didn't reciprocate and now she's hurt and lashing out.

If you honestly do care about her and want to get serious then put your ego away and tell her that. If you go on worrying about precedent or no "giving in" then you might lose her. If that possibility is alright with you then go for it and stand your ground

>Yes, but I'm afraid shell lose respect if she can force me into saying it.
How old are you? If you love someone, you don't play power dynamics with them unless you're an autist.

nigga if you like the girl just get with her, if you dont just break it off.

If youre in doubt then obviously dont do it and dont get advice on a uzbekistanian paint ing enthousiast forum

Well, just imagine you said it first and she didn't say anything back for some time. You'd get insecure as well, no? Or suspecting that she actually doesn't care about you?
Just fucking say it.

You've got a relationship that have the autists on this board would kill for and you're whining about shit thats and having to commit. This is the end game. In her mind she's trying to gauge if you think she is worth keeping - if not then she is basically doing gf/wife duties while you fuck around.

If you love her, have a serious chat, say you do love her but you dont like being manipulated into jealousy.

>T. Beta Orbiter

>but only if she contacts me first.

don't play games.

Post abs

Just fucking talk to her. You don't have to make every interaction you have with women into a Game of Thrones social chess match. God damn.

fuck I swear today's pop-dating culture is hyper sensitive about toxic behaviors and shit like you're describing. Sure people have flaws but unless they're a compulsive manipulator or some shit, which they don't seem to be, just treat it at face value. She wants to be with you but doesn't know how to ask for it.

so do whatever you want, I guess.

>make every interaction you have with women into a Game of Thrones social chess match
I wish it worked like that. Didn't get laid regularly until I did just that

You're a childish faggot

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Thanks anons. I'll talk to her today

If she doesn't you're letting unicorn go.
Give her time but in the end, if she's silent, reach out.
Don't even engage if she brings up what happened or downplay it.
Defuse the tension and then talk with her that she's cool but you're not into such pressure.
And if first contact works out, take her for a date, and after nice evening and good fuck, then you tell her you feel serious about her.
If she feels she pushed you into this then it's not respect shell loose but interest entirely.
Good call user, such behaviour would show you to her as a submissive pussy.
Ooooooh boy, just wait till you get fucking married.
Geopolitics is easier, if you want to hold onto your man-card that is.

Are you an actual child? Grab her hand and tell her about how you actually want to be serious. You kinda of half-fucked up already because she's starting to believe you're not capable
Be a bit more assertive gaylord

Who is the milk truck in picture?

If you’re leaving in two months and neither of you are willing to move to try making it work, your only option is to let it end imo.

Yea that's part of why I'm hesitant. If I end up committing I'll go straight to planning the long term logistics. If she thinks long distance is viable I'm done immediately

Nice larp dude

>hurrdurr r/fit/ gib me advice fur fitgf

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listen mayn, she doesn't sound all that bad, but do you really want to even worry with this? you're only there for 8 months anyway, don't even bother stringing her on if you don't intend on settling with her, because otherwise you'll be wasting time trying to sort her out and get her into line for nothing

>>She says I love you into my ear when I'm half asleep.
>>>She starts talking about this chubby beta orbiter
She really likes you and she is wondering if you really like her. Since you didn't say it back she is insecure about weather you feel the same way that she does so she brings up the thought of her potentially dating other people to see if you will care. She wants you to show that you feel about her the same way she feels about you. Her thought process is like "i said i love him to him, but he didnt say back it to me omg dosnt he care about me? REEEE i need to know and i need to find out so i'll just do this drama shit and if he dosn't show that he cares then i was right and he don't love me so i might as well cheat REEE i am a fucking insane mess of a human REEE"

>However if I give in to this implied threat, what kind of precedent does it set? She will definitely lose respect. What kinda pussy gets bullied into saying ILY?
She isn't bullying you in to saying it to test your manhood or some shit, but she definitively wants to know if you are in to her like she in to you, she is just doing in that indirect womanese way of using manipulation.

>Also, this is a huge red-flag isn't it? Like if the uses such tactics to get things serious now, what kind of manipulation attempts am I in for during proper relationship
Good fucking luck finding a chick that won't do such things.