She put herself out there and you didn't reciprocate and now she's hurt and lashing out.
If you honestly do care about her and want to get serious then put your ego away and tell her that. If you go on worrying about precedent or no "giving in" then you might lose her. If that possibility is alright with you then go for it and stand your ground
Hunter Taylor
>Yes, but I'm afraid shell lose respect if she can force me into saying it. How old are you? If you love someone, you don't play power dynamics with them unless you're an autist.
Angel Perry
nigga if you like the girl just get with her, if you dont just break it off.
If youre in doubt then obviously dont do it and dont get advice on a uzbekistanian paint ing enthousiast forum
Leo Stewart
Well, just imagine you said it first and she didn't say anything back for some time. You'd get insecure as well, no? Or suspecting that she actually doesn't care about you? Just fucking say it.
Ryder Perez
You've got a relationship that have the autists on this board would kill for and you're whining about shit thats and having to commit. This is the end game. In her mind she's trying to gauge if you think she is worth keeping - if not then she is basically doing gf/wife duties while you fuck around.
If you love her, have a serious chat, say you do love her but you dont like being manipulated into jealousy.
Anthony Torres
>T. Beta Orbiter
Camden Davis
>but only if she contacts me first.
don't play games.
John Lee
Post abs
Tyler Turner
Just fucking talk to her. You don't have to make every interaction you have with women into a Game of Thrones social chess match. God damn.
Cooper James
fuck I swear today's pop-dating culture is hyper sensitive about toxic behaviors and shit like you're describing. Sure people have flaws but unless they're a compulsive manipulator or some shit, which they don't seem to be, just treat it at face value. She wants to be with you but doesn't know how to ask for it.