Stop with your dumb false equivalency. An escape earns you nothing.
I used to not give a fuck, but then you turn 27 and suddenly realize that basically nothing happened in your entire life, despite all of your will for it to be otherwise, and the prospect of it changing isn't looking good. And then a friend enthusiastically calls you that they're expecting their second child and they're going on holiday to somewhere buttfuck island to celebrate.
For guys: How do you cope with the pressure of having to always be the one to make the first move...
>you turn 27 and suddenly realize that basically nothing happened in your entire life
Important piece of advice: there's no rush. The societal pressures will most likely tell your otherwise, but everyone has their own pace and their own tempo. Hell, Notch made Minecraft when he was 32 and now he's sitting on 2 billion. Brian Eno hated his life until he just happened to talk to Phil Manzanera on a train station platform. Stan Lee didn't write a single comic until he was 39.
But that's not quite true. If I want kids, having them earlier will reduce the chance of them having Down syndrome (from the maternal side) and schizophrenia and potentially autism (from my side). The percentage difference is quite significant. Is that not enough reason to rush?
I just snapped this Thursday immediately after getting my hair cut for the first time in years. I had a nasty Lebowski look going on. I normally always wear shirts with collars, hadn't done laundry in a while. I just quit smoking by way of a vape, that way I can put off the addiction part and enjoy the immediate health benefits (nicotine while extremely addictive, is in fact virtually harmless).
As far as age of women are concerned I actually am starting in on a lovely young woman at the age of 24. She just recently got out of a bad relationship and she's the one with the house. Don't know for sure if I can snag her, but I'm in a really good position. Taking it easy because I think she has really good long term potential.
God girl, you managed to point out two things I hadn't noticed, lol! The slight resemblance to William H. Macy and how it makes my face look really long. You should have seen my hair before. Have you ever seen "The Big Lebowski"? Pretty much like "The Dude" Lebowski, the main character. Frighting actually. I don't want to change everything too quickly, but I agree with you and will keep it in mind for my next iteration. Thank you very much for the critique!
But Stan Lee was involved in comics since he was 17.
nigga came out of nowhere in his 40ties and became basically the best baroque french composer, arguably on par with Bach
>How do you cope with the pressure of having to always be the one to make the first move?
It's very easy you just need to understand that you're too cowardly and will be alone forever cause even if you do make the first move and bare your soul, she wont care and you'll still be alone.
And then you drink a lot. See? EZ
>sweeping generalizations
You're already escaping from reality though
Why pick and choose?
>How do you cope with the pressure of having to always be the one to make the first move?
By not making any moves. That's why I'm a KHW.
I’m a girl and approached a guy I’m interested in and he hasn’t initiated anything back so fuck that I’m never doing that again.