/10 how dumb is it to live stream your suicide if its a given your going to do it?
/10 how dumb is it to live stream your suicide if its a given your going to do it?
Don't take a permanent decision because of a temporary mental state, user.
why would it be dumb?
what an npc thing to say
more lain pl0x
IDK, maybe it could hurt your family more.
But if your willing to kill yourself, then its not much of a jump.
read the text dude.
How is it wrong ? Death is permanent, your depressionfag attitude is temporary and probably self-inflicted
Honestly death isn't a big deal.
Me dieing isn't a big deal tbqh
>bro just do fun stuff
What if nothing is fun or interesting?
If you fail,think about all the bullshit you will have to hear from other people who watched it, and it won't stop for at least a year...even if you didn't stream it, the trip to the emergency room would cause the same aftermath...
I did it
failed obviously
>If you fail,think about all the bullshit you will have to hear from other people who watched it, and it won't stop for at least a year...even if you didn't stream it, the trip to the emergency room would cause the same aftermath...
What would would they say?
I doubt anyone would give that much of a shit.
What will live-streaming it accomplish? Why would anyone watch?
It's not a big deal to you because you value nothing, probably because you're afraid to give importance to things and then lose them. But I'm sure there's people who love you, and your death would be a big deal to them.
I never said anything about fun. Fun is for people who got their shit together. What you need is struggle. You need a fire inside of you that motivates you to fight this world, to prove to everyone that you won't be the faggot who killed himself. Instead, be the dude who overcame his problems and managed to live a good life. That I can respect.
Tucker Carlson watched mine
if you are younger than 25 you are going through meme depression, it might get better just hold off until ~25ish. youre gonna die one day and it will all dissapear so might as well give life a fair shake.
>You need a fire inside of you that motivates you to fight this world,
Well that isn't happening, not a single ember here lmao.
And i am currently pursuing college, doing well atm. Although even if i succeed and get a nice job like i want to, it still doesn't seem that great to live. Just go to my day job and go home, nothing to care about.
>get a hobby
Genuinely nothing interests me.
Thats about the time i'll graduate. However , if i fail or can't get a job, then i'll kms.
If i drop out or can't get a job , then i'll probably kms
Atm im just gonna try w/ school and see how that goes. Although
the only issue is its not given your going to do it and if you don't then your absolutely fucked. Chances are video would get to your parents and police and the police are the last motherfuckers you want knowing your suicidal cause then off you go to a mental hospital.. and there believe is when you'll want to kill yourself and you'll never be the same. Also its just has a ton of fucking risk, thought about it myself user. Best thing is to live stream yourself via phone jumping off a bridge or building and not your house or apartment. But dont do it :)
Ah so you don't even problems or anything, you're just so spoiled that life doesn't interest you. Find some ambition instead of accepting a mundane life and then complaining about it. What do you want from life ? If you could do anything right now, what would it be ? Dream big and try to achieve it instead of being a passive faggot
If i were to do it, the actual stream wouldn't last more than like 30 minutes - 1 hour tbqh.
> Genuinely nothing interests me.
life snuffs you out sometimes.
really though? nothing in this world even gives you a drop of joy?
what sort of things were you passionate about before?
>dream big
>get some ambition
Im just a regular person, I'm only capable of normal people things. Seems dumb to hope for something that realistically couldn't happen.
Also, im life isn't bad. It just isn't interesting of engaging.
Used to be art, although thats dead in the water.
Now i kinda just hope i can find enough vidya to keep me entertained. I have no unique skills,talents, or knowledge.
Programming is a little fun, but im super unique in it so i'll never do anything with it. Im not creative enough either to have unique creations. Im just hoping to land my 9 to 5 70k+ salary.
*but im not super unique in it.
not op, but I've had people say this shit to me for just about every year. when I'm 25, people will tell me to wait for 28 or some other bullshit arbitrary number.
also, when has telling someone that their depression isn't "real" depression ever helped?
Op here
Never claimed to be depressed, you guys put that label on me.
youll be fine man. just need to put in some time to discover yourself. i know that sounds like a meme but life is good when your desires, beliefs and actions are in alignment.
life is shit when youre not eating or sleeping right so take some time to optimize that too.
>find some ambition
>dream big
so just don't be depressed? damn, wish I'd thought of that earlier
>desires, beliefs and actions are in alignment.
> just need to put in some time to discover yourself
What do these mean?
>Im just a regular person, I'm only capable of normal people things
Everyone is a normal person. Doesn't change that some people achieve a great career, make lots of money, find a good wife a build a family, have interesting hobbies and live their lives to the fullest. What differenciates them from you is ambition.
It's not that your depression isn't real, it's that there's no point in staying obsessed over it forever. Take that weight on your shoulders and lift it, that's all you can do.
>Doesn't change that some people achieve a great career, make lots of money, find a good wife a build a family, have interesting hobbies and live their lives to the fullest.
I do plan (hope) to get the first two, if anything.
Yeah, unironically just don't be depressed. Or at least, don't accept your depression. I used to be depressed, but I realized that no one would get me out of it. I also realized that I have people counting on me. So I got myself back up, worked on myself, found a goal and now I refuse to give up until I've achieved it.
It has to come from you, nobody will help you. Fight
That's a good start. However you should realize that a career and money should serve as a mean to achieve something, rather than being an end in themselves. Why do you want money ? What would you do with it ? Do you have people you care about ? I want money so my parents can retire early and so my kids suffer less than I did, for example
first one just means live life the way you want and not the way others want. everyone is out for themselves and only fools work to accomplishing the dreams of others.
second means try a bunch of new shit to see what you like so you can work towards maximizing the joy you get from the things you like.
>That's a good start. However you should realize that a career and money should serve as a mean to achieve something, rather than being an end in themselves. Why do you want money ? What would you do with it ? Do you have people you care about ? I want money so my parents can retire early and so my kids suffer less than I did, for example
Being broke sucks, so having a pile of it would make life easier.
idk, not having to stress about bills would be nice.
1. There really isn't any way i want to live my life.
2. Seems memeish. At what point can you say you've tried, found nothing, and realized theres nothing here for you?
Right, but that's just assuring your survival. Let's say you're rich and you have millions in the bank. What would you do with your life ?
move out of my parents (im 21 in college) and just stay the way i am, but with alot more vidya
If i had money i could probably just accept this. If i had to accept this while being broke, then i'd probably kill myself.
So we're back to your lack of ambition. Don't you find it boring to just spend your life doing nothing ? Right now it seems fine but trust me, unless you have something that motivates you, you'll get depressed quickly if you do nothing. It's why so many old people are depressed
Yeah, but I just don't feel invested in anything.
I have no unique skills so i don't see myself accomplishing anything special.
Im just a regular, non-special person. I'm indifferent about everything.
everyone is like that. most people's lives are held by a string.
bottom line is life just isnt all about fun and you have to develope your own meaning of this existence which is why its important to get a taste of everything life has to offer. i dont know what a good threshold is but at the very least life becomes a more interesting when you have new experiences.
so whats some new random thing i should try? I have no idea.
Also, how many things per week/month/year should i try?
meet new people, date, take trips to new places, try pyschedelics. get into a sport or something else thats competitive. skiing and surfing is a lot of fun. take scuba classes and swim with the fish.
it sounds like you're looking for attention. The worst kind too since they'll be expecting a performance.
What so many people misunderstand about suicide and dying is that its not just a means to leave the suffering of life. Its an opportunity to recognize or realize what life is really worth living for. There's a genuine chance that you might suddenly come to an epiphany that will make life seem, not just bearable, but worth while and enjoyable. If you decide to make it public the chance of that opportunity presenting itself is almost definitely shut down since you will, no doubt, invite people who came to see someone kill them self.
Suicide is a choice that is within your rights, as a person, to go through with, but if you do it for others, instead of yourself, you'll only be dying the same way you've lived.
Depends how creative it is.
Tell your viewers to subscribe to PewDiePie if you want to be really based and redpilled.
play hit or miss on the background too
Mental illness is not temporary, fucking retard.
It's not dumb. By livestreaming your suicide you'd be doing something that people actually care about for once in your life. Might as well go out doing something right.
>giving people the chance to call for help
Pretty dumb if you really want to die.
>making witnesses if you back down
Pretty embarrassing if you walk away from it.
It can get better for everyone but it doesn't always.
Yes it is, or at least you can learn to live with it. Anyways OP isn't mentally ill, he's just a spoiled loser with no ambition.
Of course nothing is certain. Doesn't mean you shouldn't try to make it better.