it sounds like you're looking for attention. The worst kind too since they'll be expecting a performance.
What so many people misunderstand about suicide and dying is that its not just a means to leave the suffering of life. Its an opportunity to recognize or realize what life is really worth living for. There's a genuine chance that you might suddenly come to an epiphany that will make life seem, not just bearable, but worth while and enjoyable. If you decide to make it public the chance of that opportunity presenting itself is almost definitely shut down since you will, no doubt, invite people who came to see someone kill them self.
Suicide is a choice that is within your rights, as a person, to go through with, but if you do it for others, instead of yourself, you'll only be dying the same way you've lived.
John Hill
Depends how creative it is. Tell your viewers to subscribe to PewDiePie if you want to be really based and redpilled.
Jaxson Gonzalez
seconding play hit or miss on the background too
Lincoln Bailey
Mental illness is not temporary, fucking retard.
Justin Nelson
It's not dumb. By livestreaming your suicide you'd be doing something that people actually care about for once in your life. Might as well go out doing something right.
Adrian Scott
>giving people the chance to call for help Pretty dumb if you really want to die. >making witnesses if you back down Pretty embarrassing if you walk away from it.
Camden Morgan
It can get better for everyone but it doesn't always.
Ryan Long
Yes it is, or at least you can learn to live with it. Anyways OP isn't mentally ill, he's just a spoiled loser with no ambition.
Robert Gray
Of course nothing is certain. Doesn't mean you shouldn't try to make it better.