Why am i the only one of my friends who cannot get a girlfriend? Every other guy i know, even shy and autistic friends, can get a gf. I am 23 and never even been on a date or kissed
Why am i the only one of my friends who cannot get a girlfriend? Every other guy i know, even shy and autistic friends...
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Do you meet girls? Do you interact with them? Do you make your interest known to them? If the answer to these questions is no, then socialize more and go from there. If the answer is yes, then your probably just ugly as sin and out of luck.
You are the only virgin alive. Let that realization eat you alive on the inside.
Do you remember the names of the last 3 women you were introduced to?
Maybe you just have standards and your friends don't.
There's no shame in asking your friends - or their girlfriends - to set you up with someone. That's how a LOT of couples meet - and a double date can cover some of the awkwardness
it's because you subconsciously know you're gay and are sabotaging your efforts.
>Do you meet girls? Do you interact with them?
Yes all the time
>Do you make your interest known to them?
No, I'm scared they'll think i'm a creep or feel uncomfortable if i do that.
Be honest. rate your looks in comparison to your friends
Try to be a dynamic figure. If all you do is talk about video games or guns. That becomes repetitive. Go out and do shit, work out, volunteer, interacting with more people makes you waaaay for well rounded and improves your responses in conversation
What effort exactly am I not putting in?
My friends are average looking dudes. They have flaws, some are chubby/fat, some have funny teeth, some are short. No I don't think they're noticeably more physically attractive than me, though obviously they are better with girls than me.
Why do you assume I don't already do those things? I only play video games multiplayer with friends these days. My hobbies are real life things and I meet plenty of girls through them.
>What effort exactly am I not putting in?
See your reply to the second question here
Girls don't show any interest in me as a romantic partner though. Whats the point in showing my interest for girls if they aren't interested themselves?
>lost weight
>got new wardrobe
>got better haircut/beard style
>got good job
>started going out and meeting bew people 2-3 times a week
>have become more outgoing
>been doing this for months and nothing has changed
Not op, but what the fuck am I wrong?
They are interested but you refuse to see this. You have been told this thousands of times this year on Jow Forums already. Why can't you take the hint?
My guess would be you are not talking to girls, not being on dating sites, and generally doing absolutely nothing that would possibly get you a gf.
These are all open to interpret. Perhaps you threw away your halo 3 t shirt but bought a wu tang clan shirt instead. Your hair might look good to you but hardly anyone else. The real struggle is because you can't truly see yourself.
>meeting new people several times a week
>not meeting girls
Nice reading comprehension retard. For the record about half the people I meet are women.
No girl shows blatant signs of interest in me. Even girls who seem to be flirting with me do it in a way where they could just as easily be being just friendly to me. No girl ever does anything that clearly indicates she is attracted to me. Even the ambiguous cases of flirting are very very rare.
So i dont know what I'm supposed to do. Do you expect me to go around asking out girls who only act friendly towards me? What if they get creeped out by me doing that? I really don't want to make any girls feel uncomfortable...
But do you make yourself available?
Fair point, but I think its reasonable to assume that Im presenting myself well from my experience. Every second opinion Ive gotten on my new style has been positive and I get compliments on these things from strangers fairly often.
Lets just work with the assumption I am presenting myself well, whats else is missing from my list?
Ive had a friend mention I dont do this, but I have no idea what it means. I talk to these people and have a good time and make new friends. Isnt that what I should be doing?
I dont talk to people irl like I do on an anonymous dildo forging site.
Ive made plenty of friends so far and Im often told by close friends that Im among the nicest people theyve ever met. I dont think me being an ass is a problem.
Get Jow Forums, eat better, listen to some normie shit to remain relatable, clean your house/room/car/truck. Groom pubes, and work on body language. How's your eye contact?
Bro it's not difficult to make it known you like someone. Just ask them to get coffee or lunch or some shit and when you hang out just start throwing in some light casual flirting and teasing
Holy shit. I'm not op but I have shit eye contact issues when I first meet someone. How can I get better?
>get fit/eat better
Working on it
>listen to some normie shit
What do you have in mind? The only thing that people seem to talk about nowadays is whatever is the hit show on netflix or whatever. I dont own any streaming services or have the time to dedicate to those things.
>clean house, groom pubes
Im trying to even get a date. One step at a time friend.
>body language/eye contact
Ive been improving it, buts it really hard to judge how well youre doing. Eye contact is still hard, cause while Im much more comftorable looking people in the eye, Im concerned that Im staring people down for too long or too aggressively. I can have a stern face at times.
I appreciate the suggestions guy.
Hate to break it to you, but a high percentage of men simply aren't attractive enough to be liked by any girl no matter how hard they try. You probably fall into this group I'm sorry. Women to men ratio is 1 - 1 but the interest rate is not 1-1. That's how evolution works.
Don't waste time on lost battles. Accept, move on, find your way and you'll maybe win the war
Don’t listen to this guy
Listen to this guy
Kill yourself fucking faggot. This is pretty much the only honest and sincere advice here. Try to looksmax, ask girls, then gl. Evolution doesn't make all males able to procreate. It doesn't work like that. Read some biology and studies. Don't lie to yourself. Fate is fate
Don't listen to this fag
But I'm scared that doing those things will make women feel uncomfortable
I'm not hideous ffs. I'm just a normal looking guy, I groom myself well and am conscious of wearing clothes that look good on me.
Not to mention, I actually go outside and socialize, and I see every single kind of guy getting girls. I see short men with girls, fat men, men with horrible fucked up teeth, men who are bald at a young age, men who to be honest don't even look like they've showered more than once a week. I see all of these kinds of guys getting girls, meanwhile I can't get a kiss or a date. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that this isn't right, what's happening to me isn't normal.
The only thing that has been proven to correlate with romantic success is looks
I can’t understand how anyone who’s been outside can believe this
These are obviously bait or legit incels whove never left their house.
I don't think it's always the same guy, this seems to be a generalised problem
I heard of a trick to look just above the nose in between the eyes, from their perspective looks like you're looking them straight in the eyes. I consider this cheating, but knock yourself out
kek. Besides, nobody said op has to get married and procreate and shit, let the guy have a ltr with someone
Don't listen to gay psyops
I like looking people in the eye because I think the different shades of eye colour is interesting.
Well incels are a cult and they need to post shit to keep believing in their religion
The religion of scientifically proven facts, faggot? Kill yourself, useless piece of crap. There are STUDIES done. Cults don't work like that. Learn your terminology you cuck.
Please PLEASE do not shit up my thread like this. I'm looking for legitimate advice from people who actually interact with mainstream society.
Post just one, just one scientifically proven fact by incels. All of their mantras are either completely made up pseudoscience, or studies that are completely unrelated to their claims and using mental gymnastics to show 2+2=5.
Show just one legit scientifically proven fact that incels believe in.
well here's the answer to your question. You're not attractive enough for girls to ask you out first. You may not be aware of how they show interest such as making body contact or trying to be physically closer to you, randomly messaging you. If none of this happens to you then you're going to have to initiate.
Watch out, he's gonna pull some okcupid statistic on your ass, you'd better scram
Nice quads.
Ah yes, he will post the "girls on okcupid only find 20% of males attractive" graph. Which he equates to "80% of males are incels".
Instead of posting a link that leads to a mass of links full of garbage, how about posting just one single claim that's backed up by facts?
>No, I'm scared they'll think i'm a creep or feel uncomfortable if i do that.
That's what subtle flirting is for. Polling interest without being direct.
>scientifically proven
>can be debunked by walking outside and just interacting with people
Wash your mouth before discrediting scientists who worked hard to make studies. You're such a big shit you can't even look at one of the many studies and facts there are? Want me to spoon feed you my little baby?
Not him, but you havent even made a claim yet you retard.
And no "give up everything is hopeless" is not an actual claim.
Make a claim faggot. Posting studies on their own is meaningless
How about posting just one link that shows the results of hard-working scientists?
Its easy for ugly guys to go their whole life without any female attention
Bet you 100 bucks I'm uglier than OP and I've been in several ltr. It wasn't money either. Motherfucker needs to be more assertive and keep trying
How though? Literally how do i do it when no girls will show any signs of being interested in me? Girls are friendly to me but thats it, they just treat me like a friend. I can't help but think if I tried to flirt with them, they'd be uncomfortable with it
You won’t die if you make a move and she’s not interested
Yes user, it must be the evil feminist witches who casted spells on you to not get laid, come on man lol
No but i really don't want to make a girl feel uncomfortable. I don't want to be one of those guys that girls talk about in a negative light in private...
I never said anything about feminism? I don't even have a problem with feminism. I'm not an incel and I'm nowhere close to being some typical right wing r9kdroid. I don't blame anyone for my failures but myself. I just wonder what on earth I'm doing wrong at this point.
For what it's worth, i even know guys who privately parrot a lot of incel talking points and yet they STILL get plenty of girls and have been in multiple relationships... One of my closest friends surprised me some time ago when he went into a rant about "women's unnaturally high standards" and hypergamy... I wanted to say to him "DUDE what the fuck, you've fucked countless girls and been in 3 relationships in the time i've known you, you don't have a problem to speak of"...
>one of those guys that girls talk about in a negative light in private...
Look at the plebbit faggot lol, and he still wonders why he doesn't get laid...
What are you even talking about?
Do tou still don't understand that people who act like plebbitors (or ARE plebbitors) don't get laid? Or get laid but are cucks/settle down with some worn out 30 something wahmen that nobody else wanted but them?
Please user, I'm not interested in your advice, I want someone normal to give me guidance.
Didn't you get guidance from "normies" in previous replies? I smell b8..
I'm on the same deal, but now that time has passed I've realised I've had many chances to have gf. Only that I disliked these girls a lot and never really considered them.
The difference is that my friends feel lonely if they are not in a relationship, so they settle with the first chick that comes to them. I have really high standards, maybe it's a bad thing but, I'd rather be alone than with any 5 or 6 girl just for the sake of not being alone in the eyes of others.
I dont want advice from the following people:
>r9k browsers
>pol browsers
I want advice from people who actually go outside, succeed with women, have normal social lives and can tell me what I'm doing wrong. Your overuse of Jow Forums buzzwords and rage at "plebbitors" is leading me to believe you probably dont have any advice of use for me.
Then why are you here?
Being able to ask for advice anonymously
Then why not accept the advice "normies" gave you, b8-er? And as another user said; why are tou here, friend? I think that's the thing you should be asking yourself. Why aren't you in plebbit? They have advice subs there too.
I think you are at the wrong place buddy... most of us come here looking for help, not lookin to give it
Then go fucking ask people with gfs irl. They'll tell you to just go and ask some girl out. Do so, fail terribly, try 50x times, keep failing terribly and ask them again. GL
Because you are not bold enough. When was the last time that you asked a girl out on a date?
This worked for me.