Why am i the only one of my friends who cannot get a girlfriend? Every other guy i know, even shy and autistic friends...

I dont want advice from the following people:
>r9k browsers
>pol browsers

I want advice from people who actually go outside, succeed with women, have normal social lives and can tell me what I'm doing wrong. Your overuse of Jow Forums buzzwords and rage at "plebbitors" is leading me to believe you probably dont have any advice of use for me.

Then why are you here?

Being able to ask for advice anonymously

Then why not accept the advice "normies" gave you, b8-er? And as another user said; why are tou here, friend? I think that's the thing you should be asking yourself. Why aren't you in plebbit? They have advice subs there too.

I think you are at the wrong place buddy... most of us come here looking for help, not lookin to give it

Then go fucking ask people with gfs irl. They'll tell you to just go and ask some girl out. Do so, fail terribly, try 50x times, keep failing terribly and ask them again. GL

Because you are not bold enough. When was the last time that you asked a girl out on a date?

This worked for me.