Which college degree(s) is the most beneficial for your life overall?

No. Those people are generally MBAs from top schools. The vast majority of business degrees are totally useless.

>does all the work for other people
>"I'm the smart one"
stay mad.

Docs make about as much as plumbers

Dont major in CS unless you want to be miserable
T. Unemployed computer science grad with no future.

I wish i followed my passions. Majoring in history would be better than this

Same situation as this user and I agree completely.

You seem like an inquisitive soul so I'll say philosophy. This won't guarantee a career however. I opted for philosophy and although it was extremely valuable I have my regrets. The truth is that happiness and fulfilment is much easier to come by for people of means and status. For this reason I recommend considering medicine, engineering, or another STEM field such as physics or computer science if you have the mind for it, as these subjects will prepare you for a well paid career. It is a difficult choice and I wish you all the best in your decision. Good luck.

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Engineering and computer science

What exactly do you do user? Also, would a degree in Agriculture be worth it?

People think you're smart and honestly most things that are considered "hard" are just applications of stuff you learn, so it really makes you fit for most jobs. You actually learn how to solve problems rigorously instead of just using the stuff someone smarter than you came up with 30 years ago. The other way isn't as easy. Ask an electrical engineer to prove anything more than the uncountability of the real numbers and he'll fucking die.
Also most people in engineering and computer science are mouthbreathing, boring NPCs with the only goal of making money in a boring, non-descript deskjob while nearly all maths students are really passionate and engaged even outside their field.

Also CS is a meme no one should take seriously.

> In fucking Eastern Europe.
Everyone can get that degree since uni is for free there.