But French speakers sing mean songs about us.
Why has country music been destroyed, Jow Forums...
James Gutierrez
Landon Wright
This MF'er gets it.
Isaac Murphy
This guy is the best. Fuck man.
Grayson Gonzalez
isn't it difficult to sing sincere country music with all this urbanisation?
Eli King
Because it's boring and stupid and gives no vibes.Listen to some real music youtube.com
Eli Evans
Prepare for real nazi music
Oliver Clark
american country music died a long time ago, and the new generation of singer and band mix the real country music with ((((suburban shit))).
unironically, canadians has some good country music actually.
Christopher Brooks
>hehehe memes
stupid fucking zoomer. glad you're all going to die of aids.
Parker Evans
CMT is controlled by (((Sumner Redstone)))
Nathan Roberts
fuck off jew