
I can't wait until summer is over and people like you stop using this site.

Tell her that shit is not right

This applies to both men and women in a relationship.

In this OP her action is like playing on the edge of a slippery slope. Maybe she doesn't misplace her footing but as she plays nearer and nearer the edge the probability increases and then down that slope and the harder she tries to stop the faster she slides.

She is totally aware this is risky and yet she does it despite OP's misgivings.

You cannot stop someone from playing on the edge nor should you. She is an adult and if she wants to jeopardize the relationship with this rekindling of a "friendship" with an ex then that tells you she prefers this "friendship" over the relationship. If two people are committed to their relationship, neither will do anything that might put it in jeopardy. If this ex was truly a childhood and family friend she cannot live without then OP would be involved by the request of his gf. She does not want that.

So OP all you can do is sit back and watch this crash happen in slow motion. You have already cautioned her and can do nothing more but you should have told her that if she slips and falls your exit is imminent, and mean it. She won't believe you but you must begin your emotional detachment as she plays nearer the edge.

I actually agree with everything you said except I still think he should try and maybe by some miracle it will work. Even if it doesn’t it’s good practice for the next relationship so I don’t think he should just leave right now. It ain’t over til it’s really over.

>she accepted one of her "exs" invite to get drinks.
She wants to fuck him you retard. If she cared about you she wouldn't accept it. Stop being a cuck.

>So just let it happen, I just don't want to get fucking cucked by this little chode
You don't have any legal authority to prevent her, and if she really wants it you can't do anything to stop her without looking like a desperate freak. Either be fine with getting cucked or break up.

Either way if she is the sort of person to do this sort of thing I don't see why you would want to stay with her.

Make sure you brush your teeth next time you kiss her you pathetic excuse for a man, make me sick reading this drivel

Also make sure you buy her some condoms perhaps he won't bring them

>Women will do this type of shit all the time in most of your relationships.
Sure about this m8? Kinda depressive thing if true desu.

It's true unfortunately, some to a higher degree than others. Sorry to say, but in OP's case, this is a lighter degree.