What Are Traits in a Man That Girls Are Attracted To?

Tall, Big muscles, big dick.

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Funny how none of those girls in that pic look overweight.

>insta thots count as people
Why? They're not. They're barely subsisting. They're the devolution of humankind. They're regression embodied.

So are you if you A) weigh their opinions... like, at all or B) consider them properly human or C) want to date or even smash them. We say 'no dicking crazy,' but they're next level crazy. They're "I cut your penis so you'd bleed inside my vagina and it would mix with my period blood" crazy. They're "I've been slipping roofies in all your food for weeks hoping you'd be comatose after a while."

You're on your fuckin' own if you actually want these people or value their opinions. They've shown their hand, don't be the dumbass who shows right back. Ignore those whacky bitches.


>Mating opportunities are, at least in evolutionary terms, the ultimate prize of status. And here is the final humiliation for short men. When 100 women were asked to evaluate photographs of men whom they believed to be either tall, average or short, all of them found the tall and medium specimens "significantly more attractive" than the short ones. In another study, only two of 79 women said they would go on a date with a man shorter than themselves (the rest, on average, wanted to date a man at least 1.7 inches taller). "The universally acknowledged cardinal rule of dating and mate selection is that the male will be significantly taller than his female partner," write Mr Martel and Mr Biller. "This rule is almost inviolable." For short men, the sexual pickings are therefore likely to be slim

And you can google more about this yourself.
Its not just for insta thots at all.
Even for smart women who want to get married its mostly about face amd height. They just have a bit more "personality" preferences but nothinh much.

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Underrated post

Many women have preferences but often don't follow through with them IF they're not the shallow types. The women tweeting those horrific things are clearly shallow pieces of shit, which exists in the male population as well. In fact I'd say men value looks more (generally) due to your higher sex drive.
Most sub 5'4" men I've met get women easily, and I have yet to succeed in getting a tiny boyfriend despite being average weight, well groomed, and not shooting for Chadlets. If their pickings are so slim then at least one should have been okay with me but clearly they have a bigger pool than you'd believe.
