That's because you probably conditioned your brain to quit at the very moment you lose interest. Work on yourself, force yourself to go beyond the initial peak of interest when you're doing an activity.
I get bored with things easily and nothing interests me, whats wrong with me? how to fix myself?
Ignore these diagnosis, seriously never believe internet doctors- YOU sound like you're a cynical unnappreciative lazy person. No offense but that's what that does. Go out and get hurt. That's all it takes. Get hurt and that meal afterwards tastes better, fresh air smells better. Just go fall off a skateboard or something.
I guess I meant the one guy saying ADHD- I'm sick of Jow Forums looking like early Tumblr
>Bipolar thread! NO TRIGGER WORDS
>Transdyslexicdysmorphia syndrome here! Normies btfo!
We're all sick piles of fuck juice meat. No one cares about what kind of mucus you're made of- I'm sorry I mean what type of snowflake you are
You don't get bored. You just give up on things.
These too but this is the remedy
You're bored because you think things are pointless. You see no fun in getting up after failing. You're just cruising dude. Take a challenge and fail, I'm not saying go build a house, I'm saying try and let a hammer hit your finger. It's primal, once that pain and anger kick in you'll either get in to it or you'll stop and realize "holy shit I'm glad I'm not doing THAT anymore" and you'll feel a little better about regular shit.
So really it's not boredom so much as- you're hiding from life.
>t. never had tumblr, let alone before 2010
So what am I supposed to do? Should I see a psychiatrist?
I feel like this too. I have a feeling it's a symptom of depression. Literally nothing interests me. I'll sit there, absolutely furious at myself from not wanting to do whatever thing it was I was going to, but I won't be able to. And even when I do start, it doesn't take long for my brain to go flat-line, and I just drop the task, even if inside I'm screaming to continue.
Are you unhappy with any part of your life? I think when you're fundamentally unhappy, no random hobbies/tasks are going to make up for it, and your subconscious realizes that and doesn't allow you to get stay about stuff because it wants to you fix the main problem.