Never keep in contact with any exGF. Its all you need to know. Don't say hello when you bump into them, instead pretend you did not see them.
I met my ex gf of 3 years last weekend during a music festival, I was high on molly, she probably too, plus alcohol
LOL then like I said in my first post, if you didn't understand neither did I.
Its like I am here enjoying my time (I popp ecstasy once a year only) she comes of nowhere high on e and prolly coke too and tells me that I look like a fucking jerk, in a super mean way. I just danced my way away from here so that she won't see me and that was it. Its just that it hit me next day and after another I contacted her but thats already mentioned up there
I guess...
Also, hot new GF cures woes from old GF.
yeah but it won't make me not question my actions
>d tells me that I look like a fucking cunt.
you are, my 'high on molly, alcholic' friend.
you are the scum of the earth
why so mean pal
I dont drink
Been there, its not true. Something different is needed, not a "hotter girl"