Have no social skills, no friends, 35 year old khv

>nothing comes to mind
Why does that happen?

i feel like everyone has a story to tell, interesting, funny and positive things happen to them that they can relate to and that they can bring up in conversation

i think the most popular guys i know are those who can tell stories

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So you don't have opinions?

Fuck, here’s Canada guy again. Go get a therapist and stop posting different iterations of this.

not any good opinions, and can't express them well. like reasons why i liked/disliked a movie or show, i can't say much, but some guys can go on

and i can't think of a way to express my opinion in conversation

>today walking with 2 other coworkers to client
>they talk about how they live close to each other
>mention how sketchy their neighborhood is, streets or areas they avoid
i don't know their neighborhood, i didn't say anything

>they talk about how the client is located in the entertainment district (nightclub area) and how it's so different walking in the area during the day and while sober. they mention a few of the bars in the area they go to
i rarely drink or go to nightclubs, i didn't say anything

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The problem with that OP is you have to understand an issue at hand or at least have a basic framework that you can use to come up with an answer even if you don't know something in detail. You have to know things to a certain extent to talk about them. If someone was talking about visiting New York for example they'll talk about their experiences visiting the city and doing stuff usually fun stuff. You either know the place yourself because you've been there or you know enough to connect with a similar place you've been to and that's how you come up with a conversation right there. You need something to work with though otherwise you got nuthin.

Then practice on that. Learn about stuff, analyze stuff, write down opinions, check down other people's. Life is 95% practice, user. If you want to be good at small talk, take the kind of actions that will make you good at it.

Don’t bother, this guy posts the same dribble thread and is unable to comprehend any of the good advice offered to him. He always circles back to the same idiotic question because he is a brainlet.

>bodied 16 chicks

Listen to me whenever I say this.


Be natural, when they say hi and shake hands, be polite and natural, then act like you just glanced down then look down again and say SOMETHING about their shoes.

>those must be new, you just started dancing?

>what are you a size 6? tell me how hard it is to find shoes your size, am I right
If you guess her shoe size and/or say something she can totally relate to, you just fucking hit a home run, just walk the diamond and take your plate

Outside of dance studio just do the same thing but adapt it to the situation.

>wow, you really went all out head to toe
>WHERE did you find those? It's so "you".

Shoes and hoes, bro, shoes and hoes.

>The problem with that OP is you have to understand an issue at hand or at least have a basic framework that you can use to come up with an answer even if you don't know something in detail.
Not really. I have a friend who is all into history and politics, both subjects I have pretty much zero knowledge on, so when the time comes, I prompt him into giving info and then formulate a basic opinion on what I just heard:
>These guys used to eat their own kids
>That's crazy, why would they do that?
>They believed that it gave them superpowers
>Jesus, the kind of things people have made-up throughout the ages, really makes you think how much stuff we're just making up too, or how the future people will see our current customs
There, a casual conversation, zero knowledge on the matter. The thing is, you need to have a goal when talking to people. if you don't know what they're talking about, try t learn by talking about it. If you know but not enough to formulate a strong opinion, formulate a weak one and ask for extra info. And so on, so on.
It's really not rocket science, we all understand how the classic back and forth works, as it gets proved by the fact that we're having a conversation here, but lots of people get into conversations and all that's in their mind is "I want to chat, I'm chatting, how do you chat, how does this work" instead of thinking stuff like "what reason does this person have to prefer this bar over others?" which is a thought that creates conversation.