Even if you feel like breaking up for a while, you still lose a massive chunk of your life and coming to terms with that before entering a relationship is tantamount to that relationship's longevity. This isn't complicated - units she never cared in the first place, it will take time for her to return to being a fully rounded person worthy of dating.
How long after their breakup do you ask someone out?
Your view is very romantic, but when you actually observe some girls breakups, you'll notice they sometimes go on dates with people like OP BEFORE they break up.
If she is a princess who lost the love of her life and she has to meditate for 7 days and 7 nights, consuming only bread, water and cosmic waves, sure, you're right. But generally girls aren't like that. Many of them are ready for another relationship before the current one officially ended.
Story time:
I had a crush on a girl, but she was with a boyfriend of something like 8 years since high school. I thought they'd be pretty close to tying the knot so I never really made any serious moves on her.
Then one day, I found out they broke up. She was really unhappy with him for a while, and she told me a lot about it. I was going to ask her out but figured since it was such a long relationship, she'd want a bit of time before moving on. I was thinking maybe I'd give her a month before I made a serious move.
2 weeks later, she's with another guy, in a fucking long distance relationship. She flies 2 hours to see him once every few months.
You snooze you lose user.
>Many of them are ready for another relationship before the current one officially ended.
Can I have any evidence for this side from your feelings? I'm a chick with lots of female friends and the shit you're spewing is mgtow npcism. Most women are in love with their partner and unless they were cheating on him require months to get over it, even if they were the ones doing the break up. Women are just as human as you bro, unbelievable I know.
Doesn't sound like you were too late. Just that she wasn't interested in you to begin with.
You want a list of names of girls who I've seen doing it?
>mgtow npcism
lmaooo for real? telling a guy that he should go for a girl is mgtow? lmao call me an incel for a good measure when you're done with your "women are kwweeeenz" meltdown
At least 2 weeks.
When men breakup, they already have another woman lined up. Sometimes even before the breakup.
When women breakup, they wait a while because they want a break from the mentak exhaustion.
Look it up.
>When women breakup, they wait a while because they want a break from the mentak exhaustion.
But that is simply not true lmao women very often don't abandon one relationship until they have another one on the horizon.
Look around, man.
>be best friends with guy and his gf
>she breaks up with him
>doesn't want to date anyone for a month
>finds out he already fucked someone
>cries over him
>next day she say she's over him and starts coming onto me
>don't buy into it and don't want to be treated like a rebound because she clearly isn't over him if she still cares who he's sleeping with
>go back to friend
>he has a new girl, but still talks about his ex and the memories they had
>hasn't moved on fully and still gets rid of her stuff while he's with another girl
>I think new girl picks up on it and doesn't want to be official with him yet despite him pretty much asking her twice, maybe three times by now
>still not official after 6 months
both claimed they're over each other but clearly not. Don't listen to people when they tell you they're over their ex, because if you date them, eventually you'll start to realize they're not and they'll just be wishy washy about what they want from you and either string you along or make you unhappy or they might change their mind eventually.
I don't date anyone after a break up until I know they're over them which from my experience, seems to be about 6 months+ depending on how long you were with that person and what your relationship was like.
Besides, if someone is in a ltr and they break up and few days later they claim they're over them, then they don't seem like emotionally stable people and are likely to break up with you, make you break up with them, or just string you along because they aren't emotionally mature and don't know what they want.
Also, if someone was broken up with, don't date them because soon after break up because it means they still got unresolved issues and didn't learn anything from their mistakes so they'll only jump into another relationship just to make the same mistakes
Lol i am looking around. Youre the one with slut-goggles on