even being white, tall and fit won't help if you have horrible people skills
t. tall, fit white boy
Advice for online dating as a guy? Besides "don't do it"
No, see Cold approaching strangers and trying to hit on them isn't "brave," it's creepy and weird
>the only form of asking women out irl is canvassing strangers
Kek check out this weirdo.
Why is a troll?
The idea is to first make a friend and then ask them out.
The only advice I can give you other than "don't do it" is be wary because people tend to shape their lives to seem better than it is... or are just disingenuous in general.
I know this happens in AFK in person dating and asking people out but I have just not had the best of luck finding women who have the idea goals as I do.
>it's creepy and weird
Uggo detected.
Not trying to be a troll, but I genuinely think that you will have better success if you approach people in person.
The goal of an online (((relationship))) is to meet with and form a real bond with this person at some point. If it doesn't seem feasible it's better to just be real and not pursue it user.
I'm not trolling a bit. I'm not suggesting cold approaching either. I'm suggesting that once you've built a reputation, simply that you aren't a rapist, then you casually ask a girl out to join you for a drink. Unless a woman is already in a relationship, she will most likely say yes. The fact that you had the balls to walk up to her, look her in the eyes, show interest, and form words asking to get to know her is a turn on, and gets into the hardwiring of how women work.
I'm just a pudgy ginger, but I've never had a woman turn me down and I've asked maybe 20 over the last few years.
The be good looking comments probably isn't helpful unless you know what you can do to change. Start with not being fat, then learn to take good pictures and befriend someone who will take good pictures of your full body during something. Treat your life as if you are doing this with the sole purpose of getting your picture taken. Take your picture every day so you know how to pose for a picture so your friends doesn't have to reshoot several times for you to get good pictures.
Once you have 45 good images of yourself, select the best ones that show different sides of you and put them on your profile.