Meanwhile, on 2218 Jow Forums

Previous Threads here:
2218: Stellar Conflict continues

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I fucking love these threads

So I was riding my mansteed the other day when what I thought was a peasant walked up to me, started screaming at me that slavery was wrong and shit. It was a fat, foul beast, with half her hair shaved off and the other an eye hurting array of unnatural colours, and from her tan I realized this beast was not one of the great leviathans the Great House seers speak of, but something even worse than all the devils of the black cosmos, a Martian.
Oh how that blubberous mass that was its face shook and wobbled as it screamed that the mansteed upon which I sat upon was just as human as she was (and, frankly, I wouldn't argue with her on that point) and that I was as an emperor to human waste.
Realize she belonged to no house I told her to remove herself from my presence and return to her solar scorched rock and whipped my beast to walk on, this sent her into a frenzy as she stepped right into the path of the beast and screamed, which quickly led to the very amusing situation of my mansteed to panic and bite her head, lifting her unimaginably heavy form and tossing to the side with a loud snort. We rode on, our duties as retain of Great House Cthulhu Macula already delayed enough.

I say to you men of the sun and the sand, keep better restraint on your grotesque manbeasts, for they come to our beloved Pluto far to often to make spectacles of themselves.

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Oh by the way everyone please read through both of the archived threads so you can better understand the canon lore of the stellar conflict in this thread everyone.

Is there anywhere in the local system where I can own a type x blaster without first having to submit to 500 hours of State-enforced homosexuality? I’d be up for 100, and could do 250 if it’s just oral, but no way I’m going the full 500 on Terra.

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Well, there's always the frontier outposts on the edges of explored space. But of course if you go that far away from civilization it's unlikely you'd even have the resources or facilities to produce a type x blaster in the first place. But, if you're smart, you can do as the pilgrims do and smuggle out some heavy duty weaponry to bring with you to the frontier. National security is a lot more lax about illegal weapons leaving their borders than they are about them entering the borders.

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>Be innadeepspace
>Ship's sensors tech
>Survey mission with a mixed crew from Sol
>need a stimulant to wake up after cryo
>Some red robe wearing Plutonian wont shut her mouth about space leviathans.
>Drop out of FTL 400 lightyears from the nearest human settlement.
>Nothing, probe was a bust
>Ship preparing to jump out when I get a hit on my long range scanners
>Moving too fast for anything man made
>scans come back as "Biological"
>Plutonian crashes through the bridge doors
>The thing gets closer and closer
>Deck security restrains crazy pale bitch
>Thing comes within visual range
>Bridge crew starts to freak out
>Creature grabs hold of the ship and puts a massive eye on the bridge.
>Captain pulls his sidearm and blows his brains out as the XO's head pops like a grape
>Crazy bitch is yelling about having faith as her eyes melt from their sockets.

Damn, martians are that bad huh?

>Be me, onnabob
>Krauts keep "offering" me work on earth
>Decide to get my own ship
>Find an absolutely dirt cheap, but decent looking frigate
>Buy and move in
>Get hauling jobs
>Get paid
Here's where shit gets interesting...
>Hauling a few hundred tons of water of all things
>Worth a lot too
>Ambushed by pirates
>They ask for my shit in suspiciously Deutschey accent
>Reply by blowing their corvette to pieces
>Blow up escape craft too
>Glace at wreckage
>See a poorly hidden German Empire emblem
So what were they? Deserters? German navy running covert, illegal shit?

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The Colonies need YOU!

Unparalleled advances are being made in the sciences on COLONIAL WORLDS! Unbound by STIFLING BUREAUCRACY, the INTELLECTUAL can truly test the limits of the FINAL FRONTIER!

OVERFLOWING AGRI-WORLDS prosper under the dutiful eye of colonial farmers!

MINING OPERATIONS PROSPER under safe, profitable workspaces designed by colonial engineers!

XENOS HORDES BREAK under the onslaught of new weapons developed and wielded by colonial soldiers!


Contact your regional Megacity Immigration Affairs office for more information!

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Anyone know a good place to buy ground phase matter for handloading .45s? I keep getting bent casings out of the 2111 whenever I use magnet dust #9.
I'm in the Omega sector of the henng-krom system.

I just want to leave to a bubblehive on an asteroid and play videogame all day.

>Living in a California descendant system
Serves you right, and The Arizona FUDC should've killed you and your whole federation off for good back in '95. Damn robo-pelosi and her mexibots.

Fuck off shill. I'm staying on my autonomous micro colony on an asteroid

>Tfw I bought heighliner on NEETcreds and now spend my days cultivating hallucinogenic spores and playing final fantasy 307 while fingerfucking my Martian war bringbacks
Anyone near spice mine 6P-2 wanna have a lan party?

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There's a lore to this? Now I'm intrigued.

>laser-area network
Everyone's on the way-wide web, old man
Get with the network!

>National security is a lot more lax about illegal weapons leaving their borders than they are about them entering the borders.

What they will completely lose their shit over and scramble a naval task force to come after you is if you try to setup private mining/refinery facilities with self-replication capable rapid manufacturing systems outside what they can control and spy on

Like controlling your own industry somehow makes you a goddamn terrorist with endless supply relativistic kinetic weapons

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Well fuck man, it happened.

>Finally get contact with Ganymede
>Bout ready to leave off this yellow rock and gtfo out of this forsaken system
>Except that's not my buddy on the holocom
>Krauts annexed Ganymede for their own purposes
>Found the colony operation I was about to sign into
>They confiscated the project because it was "against regulation"
>Ship owners are dead
>tfw I payed 12.5 million Sol for this

I've hijacked a sulfur mining ship with a material fabricator and some explosives meant to trigger sulfur eruptions. I've combined enough electronic scrap and handheld mining laser cutters to make a weapon and I plan on giving those sausage loving bastards a piece of my mind and maybe if I survive I'll take one of those confiscated ships for myself.

Either way, some of you guys are alright. Don't go to Ganymede tomorrow.

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They where trying to find a way to get you on their shitlist and they successfully did so by having you attacked and destroy a german navy scouting crew and have now put you on the shitlist and have broadcasted the event to other colony that are under or influence by the german empire.

Now you will have to either appease them by ACTUALLY working for them to pay off the dept or pretty much go refugee mode and head over to the UAF refugee station.

Or you can use their anal obsession with rules against them by forcing them to either admit to falseflagging or compensate you for dealing with pirates/deserters
It's hilarious to watch their "optimal solution pathways" short out-for max lulz, get pic related on your ship sheet

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Your search history and every words you used have been thoroughly recorded and sent to our agency's hivemind network.

Expect a visit soon.

Judging by his message hes the one visiting you! And sooner than you expect..

user... the krauts have a history of outright nuking the fuck out of Israel and Palestine after their successful military coup from the eastern military division that executed Merkel's relative that was in power with an old tiger gun and they wiped out anyone that have a hince of jewish in them. If you have that on your side they will actually either kill you outright or use you as lab rat for experimentations.

The krauts are not something you can jole and make fun of like you used to back in 2000s anymore user you should know this by now! Hell they practically raped france to high hell after Kaiser was in charge and destroyed french history and torn down the eiffel tower and replaced it with an iron cross for God's sake!

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lol I saw troops heading to the origin of this signal the moment I posted it. Here's a hint, I wish I could see your faces when you get there.

But don't worry, I have plenty more where that came from. Hope you like antimatter, schnitzel.

>some lonely neet bringing firecrackers to the kraut's industrial minging owned facility
>going up against the kraut's storm troopers with german imperial gattling guns, ion gustav cannons, ss elite troops and officers and the fucking Bismarck capital ship with multiple Ferdinand frigate ships
>expecting to live long enough to get near their sausages and sauerkraut


You do know they use visa workers in the kaiser marine corps which is basically fodder cannon to them and already have you on their system tracking signal right?

>bureaucratic pencil pusher doesn't know what will happen if instead of decelerating the ship, he wont
hint: kinetic energy quadruples every time speed doubles

Nigga what do you think I spent my time doing while mining mostly by myself on Io. Mining? Jerking off?

How about learning how the german tracking systems function and how to bypass and trick them because how else were those colony ships lying under their radar for so long?

Sucks for the visa workers, but it's they're fault for being suckered into it. Already watched two patrol ships get disabled from various trap explosives. Third one (and I'm not saying which one, I know you're reading this Himmler) Those were just the minor ones, jesus... They really let us just play around with this serious shit without supervision.

>be lonely neet with firecrackers
>see krauts with their fuckhuge aggressive military
>"fucking krauts REEEEEEE" fly towards them
>they use their gustav and it blows me up
>i die and they lovefeed the explosion to the german empire media and everyone gets to watch firefirecworks win space
>buy warbonds for the Kaiserreich now!

I would say they are as Satan himself but that would be such an insult upon the great devil king I'd fear him coming from the deepest cosmos itself to answer it, all their kith and kin are scum of the universe and the fact that they are know as being a part of mankind is itself an embarrassment of the highest order. The Progenitors of Earth, these "Krauts," honourless slime though they may be, still hold infinitely more respect in the eyes off all the Great Houses of Pluto and the fact that they have yet to use their atomics to remove that red abomination from our beloved solar system is itself a crime against man and god.

>trying to intercept an artillery shell with a ping pong ball

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>m-muh gustav
>thinking a fucking capital ship is gonna bother tracking down a rogue mining vessel when it's on the other side of Jupiter

Kraut shills in full damage control now after ships 3 and 4 went down with some sulfur-based plasma explosives. I'͞m ju̢s̶t̕ gettin̸g ̸wa̷r̛med͜ up h͟ere... sh͞it

They don't know about the gustav ion cannon that doesn't use a shell but a literal direct blast of hot ionized plasma energy that can cut through an asteroid

th65'r̡e ̸a͢tds̕5d̷f4g t͡o fuck̸in jam̢ s2̀ẃ0s sca6̡54́sgr̵s͢ a̛cr̵os͡s the wh͜ol̷e͡ plan̴6s54s6f͝6 ̶5̕6s̴d 65̴f͝n͘ s̡y̶s͡t̕em ̧to͢ ͘5́şd65̨df 8͝e s͜hut ̴ųp.͠ ͡Now̛ wa̕6 ̀8o̵t͞h bl̨i͢n͢d.

>direct blast of hot ionized plasma energy that can cut through an asteroid
inertia doesn't disappear just because the target changes state of matter

Well the krauts do have an honor system but it's pretty fucking brutal and if you go looking for job in the empire they expect that you looking for work because you like to work and not just for pay. Because a guy tried looking for a job for easy pay and that got him killed in the immigration office. Does anyone have the story that the visa worker told about his experience working as an office guard in the german immigration office?

We can see the germans have managed to scramble his signal and pretty much blackbagged him

It was nice knowing you user you crazy magnificent bastard

>now --- both blind
Taking down their entire scanner network and risk shooting their own ships

Of course fuckin krauts would do this.

Fuck, I can't afford 600 creds a month for a waywide connection. Not with the price of deep space Cheetos going up.
>Ywn live to see a 100 pentabyte download at a reasonable price

>100 pentabyte download bandwidth
dude you even have a memory storage array that can write that fast?

These spice miners loved them some porn, user. It's one of the things on this rust bucket I can count on.
Besides the solar ionization cannons, this came with a 9xxk series beta memory array that can directly write to plasticast on the fly. Hell, the thing is even equipped with the ability to make more plasticast as it writes. Thanks WesternWeylandDigital™

Deutschland Empire is a beautiful and wonderful place to come and live here because we have great healthcare for everyone and the food here is very good and muaic is nice for the soul here and our literature is very nice and the nationalism here is wonderful! Please everyone you must come visit here because there are many activities to go do such as to help the old here through the german state funded center for the old and the crippled and work communities for everyone for work because work is very good for everyone since everyone must work for the glory of the german empire plus it helps build muscles and discipline! Also we have megatheaters and megaoprahs with wonderful talented german singers and artists so please you must come here it is wonderful and the military recruitment agencies are very open and friendly for anyone that wishes to join. Tourists are also welcomed to the history center to learn on the history of our glorious leader Kaiser himself on a prerecorded audio on how the Germans together have risen up and overthrown the past dictator of germany and how we defeated thepfrench in their aggression on the german empire. Make it a one way ticket here everyone because i can guaranty you that you will never ever want to leave here once you arrive! Plus we have agencies approved by the german state to accept new volunteers to come to the Deutschland Empire colony on Venus free of charge!

please do come visit our empire we have music, nationalism, food, healthcare, law, order, nationalism, art, literature and Kaiser. You must come visit our empire user it is wonderful here and we have excellent gun rights for everyone! You can own any plasma weapon, any energy weapon, any gravity weapon and any ballistic weapon you could ever dream of user you just have to sign this papers here and become a citizen of the german empire and you can explore more of our glorious empire than a tourist could ever dream of in your life!

Buy warbonds for the Kaiserreich today!

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Why does this make me feel... unnerved and make me afraid?

>they send this out as they shoot down their own satellite that was the origin of the jamming signal

No wonder fucking dust covered rebels on Mars beat you. You're just as predictable and stupid as you were back then.

I think I see one of those colony ships still in a nearby spaceport. Hopefully this works.


user you dont seem to know the lore nor have read through the previous thread

The krauts defeated the mars in the german martian war. Please read through the previous thread before trying to type up more stuff.

I really hate martian communist assholes

Hey man I'm an friend just like you for we martians are united under the red planet as the people's republic of mars! We dispise the Fascist regime of the Kaiserreich after we lost our war against them but we stand together armed as one and united as one against the regime of earth's oppressors! We will stand for the people for we are the people's army! We will unite and fight when the time comes and when that time comes we will reclaim earth and liberate earth from the nazi regime of the Kaiserreich!

Martians unite!

Shhh, he's just a Martian with delusions of grandeur. Be nice to him, he's got less than ideal brain development

Your right.

It must just be a communist labor worker that is fed too much propaganda from the people's republic of mars media government.

You going to unite before or after you all shit in open space like savages? They make vaccu-bags for a reason, designated space shitters

Keep getting this transmission on my hauler coms with that creepy fucking smiling face. Why do I get this uneasiness and nervousness from this transmission with that fucking smiling face? Keep getting kraut cargo offerings with lots of pay on them but idk it feels creepy as fuck.

Ja, wouldn't worry about it. Probably those are the damn martians, ja. I'd take the job. Say will what about those krauts, they are sure great at what they do, and sexy like fine Mercedes electron engine.

Okay... besides the creepy ass spokesperson's message why are krauts so fucking scary and menacing as hell?

I would not worry about it user.

Now be quiet and go to work tomorrow.

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Fucking hate commie pastors coming up on my spaceship doorsteps. Just fuck off already goddamn I have to go to work at the mining asteroid belt around saturn and cant get sleep with the commies still preaching about their glorious red planet shit fuck!

"We have read your notes and have monitored the area of your place for the past seven days abd have taken note of the issue along with the recorded audios of the conversations you and them have had. Don't worry we will deal with the trespassers and discipline them without excuses. Now you don't have to worry you are safe and free, make sure you go visit your mother in the next monday and be sure to tell your father you love him."

"Now go be quiet and go to work tomorrow, don't be late."

Why the fuck is this thread even here?

I think my next door neighbors are space Jews, where do I submit the paperwork requesting an investigation into the matter?

If you where in the past two threads you would understand, just like the ashland threada which are fun for us on here.

Just take a gander in the two archive threads and just enjoy the roleplay in the year 2218.

Nau wat's wif all dese cabbage munchin krautniggers in ma sector? Git ah say, go awn!

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"We will send in an officer to your location so you can report to him when he arrives. Make sure to have your identification papers when the german officer shows up."

"Glory to Kaiser."

If you know how to use an old computer and some extra proxies you can easily bypass the greater german empire security agency by either hiding your I.P. address as chinese or one of the colonies outside of earth's system but shit is tricky because the germans are grand masters of math and other calculus 6.0 shit so you gotta play it safe.

Anyway story time because I have a work visa and was working on one of the kraut's industrial areas

>get up at 5:00 AM with Prussia Gloria blaring in full max
>had ear augmented so my ears are not hurt by loud sounds but also have a system installed so I could easily translate their languages in my head and understand what they say but can't speak it so I stay quiet
>go eat bratwurst and sauerkraut with black coffee
>get dressed and walk outside
>german tanks rolling everywhere and ion jet powered jets flying overhead and german troops walking down the streets
>make my way to the german state approved transit that have media playing but it's all propaganda and there is constant german military music playing all the time throughout the empire
>sit down and everyone stairs blankly out into space and have their minds set on work
>transit stops at station 88
>i get off and make way to the checkpoint
>stormtrooper in black power armor stops me and asks me for my papers
>show him my papers and he literally reads every detail of it and I mean every words and numbers then hands it back to me and says "thank you, you can move on now."
>make way to the work station checkpoint
>show my work visa and papers
>the man at the booth looks at both then hands it back and says "you can proceed to your work area. Heil Kaiser!"
>make way to work station
>it is now 6:00 AM and my job is basically forging metals and welding
>no one is allowed sickdays because that is considered being lazy so everyone has to work
>go home at 6:00 PM early since im visa worker
>get to my cubicle room and eat my dinner
>eat dinner and go to bed

Not making this up.

I always have my papers ready.

Glory to Kaiser!

>Not doing the month long paperwork to acquire a shitposting permit.

Can you even be considered a german citizen?

Also to add another detail on what it is like to work as a visa worker here you have some benefits and not so great benefits, I'll list them here.

>you can go home two hours early but the wake up hour for work is the same
>the pay is same but taxes are ten percent more for visa workers
>you are treated and respected as a german worker but not a german citizen so there are some restrictions such as no voting, starting businesses, certain areas, visa job approved areas only and if you want to work in the military you can only be a German imperial marines but no higher than that
>food is surprisingly good and healthcare is actually nice but you have to pay ten percent because your a visa worker
>transportation is amazingly engineered here and if there is any lag in the time speed of the transit the german transit will actually personally apologize to you but will scrutinize if it was the transit driver's fault
>crime is almost non existent here and the only crime i seen was some guy tried to steal a purse from an old german lady but the guy was apprehended by two elite kaiser police officers and one handed the purse to the old lady while the other pulls out a Luger plasma pistol and blew the thief's head so their style of punishment on crime is very strict
>it is easier to become a citizen if you work for two years and have mastered the language and the history and the pledge of allegiance of the Deutschland Empire
>gun laws are actually laxed but it is only available to german citizens only and they only allow german state approved guns and the guns have to be german made only
>there are actual communities set up for families to get together and help each other and so on
>there are actual kindergartens but they are guarded by storm troopers to insure no pedophile or anyone that looks like a junkie get near kids since i just witnessed a hobo got gunned down for going near the kids

There are more but I'm really tired right now from my shift.

Oy gevalt, always with the Austrobots!

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which one is worse?

The Greater Deutschland Empire or The People's Republic of Mars? I mean as in which side is more oppressive, authoritative, controlling, dangerous, ruthlessness, corruption and so on.

Which side is worst?

Herr Offizier.
Somehow the Jew has tapped into my Internet service. I will be submitting the notarized forms detailing that I will be filing for the summary execution form in section 37 under the subsection dealing with unauthorized semitic presence within a german citizen only habblock. I must get back to my out of office work and I will be submitting the forms requesting faster policing action on this incident.

Thank you for your service to the Kaiser, I must get back to my research papers.

Submit the form requesting rope to Hang yourself from the third lights fixture in your hab block cell.

Germans always.

The commies on mars are just idiots

Morning mein friends. How goes life in the worst Reich yet?
> Send screen shots of this to UAF Sol command. Expecting them to at least do something.
> "We do not get involved in domestic matters."

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Hey what caliber of portable railgun is best for dealing with Moonwalkers? I heard that you can't kill them except with moon salt and stellar ash, but I believe that if it bleeds, I can kill it. Any tips?

>best for dealing with Moonwalkers?
Try sleeping pills

Well, apparently not, because a Kraut destroyer, maybe, came out of nowhere and gave me money to not report it to any authorities. Guess the kaiser's navy isn't as loyal as we think...

It was probably an actual Rogue Navy that got loose but was full of nothing but Visa workers and the real Navy had a Visa workers attack you knowing that you can easily destroy them

Sounds easier to get rid of disloyal visa workers than to actually waste ammo on them i suppose

>be me
>Inna space-army
>stationed on the Phobos research lab
>the damn red-skins start to revolte
Because of some gay hearts and minds bullshit we aren't allowed to press the button to ignite the fucking boosters and crash this fuckin' rock onto the surface with no survivors.
The Reds should have perished there.

Cyrobro how good are your sensors on that frigate of yours? Can you hull heat or just engine heat with it? I have the feeling you have been entrapped by the Kraut political police. Don't dock if you can help it and get to an independent system. If you dock where Kraut authorities your shit will get impounded.

Life in this glorious Reich is great and grand. How is life in the UAF? Still having to deal with the somalian mutant infestations or have your weak willed congressmen passed the immigration bill that would deal with the issue? I heard it was introduced in 2045 and still hasn't been passed. Why can't you complete domestic policies?

Ion disintegrators are pretty effective in dealing with them.

Gor offered a job to work as a construction worker for one of Deutschland Empire's new megahospital areas for large sums of credits and even reichmarks. Got my papers and everything so what am I in for guys?

>somalian mutant infestations
Haven't seen any Martians out here lately. I will let you know if I do.
>Why can't you complete domestic policies?
Same reason you can't take vacation or be late to work.

Already in independent space, That's why it was so weird, but they left pretty soon after so I think I'm fine. I'm going to check sensors for tracking devices and then do a visual check.

Something doesn't seem right user... I don't like this

Lets not speak of them please, It is most unpleasant
>Can't take vacations or be late to work
The first is a common misconception, I have taken three vacations in my lifetime that were at the government regulated 4 day maximum, They were extremely fulfilling. You just have to get the paperwork done asking for it. I also sometimes travel for work, which might as well be a vacation.


You are just lazy fat amerimutts.

They don't want people to know about any soldiers-turned-pirates. Makes sense with their whole "everyone in ze Reich is loyal to ze Kaiser" image they want everyone to see.

Does anyone have the hologram net capture of that one visa worker's post about how brutal the immigration system is at the Deutschland Empire?

Makes me think that there may actually be some kind of an insurgency that are the remnants of the old west German people since the weast and east hated each other for some time

Go over your senor logs. If the ship was above 293.15K it was not Kraut navy. If it was under 295.15K it is still Kraut but likely their secret/political police. You want to check for a for a hotgod shaped object near your docking port if they gave you hard currency. Any other temperatures its not the Krauts.

>4 days
Ha. 40 standard UAF days of full paid, 20 standard at half, and 30 government holidays. Join the UAF navy folks.

We're never late. We are arrive when we are needed.

>solar flare killed all my genetically modified crops.
>pride of ligers killed all my genetically modified cows.
>seriously fuck whoever decided we were going to populate mars with random hybrid scientific creations.
>faggots on earth keep trying to make us obey them again.
>can’t get any nice earth power armor.
>my servos are shot on my suit, walking around is slow and arduous.
>I am a Martian
Red til I’m dead baby terrafags get fucked.

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Yeah got it right here but in copy text form

So guys I managed to get myself a work visa to work in the german empire and finally got my papers since it was not easy and it was an eight hour process but finally got my paper but it's all in Hochdeutsch which is a very hard fucking language to learn but to these guys it's like it's english to them as in piss easy. Anyways got myself as a post guard for the imigration office and it is unbelievable over here. I have seen things i wish i have not seen before but the most that disturbed me was the time a guy was literally shot in the knee cap and dragged outside and shot infront of everyone all without hesitation.

>be standing beside the immigration officer
>try not to look at him but I can feel his disgust towards me through his cold expressionless face
>suddenly heard the stormtrooper outside open the door and push in the new guy
>the officer speaks in english and says "now why do you wish to migrate to the Deutschland Empire?"
>the guy stutters and says "Because I want to make a better pay an-" before he can finish the officer cuts him off and yells into his face "DO YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST WALTS INTO OUR GLORIOUS NATION AND JUST STEAL OUR WEALTH JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT PAY? NO ONE HERE WORKS JUST FOR PAY HERE BUT THEY WORK TO SERVE THE EMPIRE AND THE KAISER HIMSELF! DO YOU HEAR ME!"
>legit jumped from the guy's sudden yelling at the new guy for saying he wants to move here for better pay
>the guy then says "sorry sir I'm sorry! I do want to work for the empire and the Kaiser himself! Please don't hurt me."
>the officer leans back and tells him "give me one good reason why i should let you into my country?" After he says this he pulls out this really old pistol that apparently shoots these small rounds 9mm I think and the guy is shaking at this point
>guy stutters and says "because I wish to live in the german empire and serve?"
>the officer looks at the guy and stands up then tells the guy to stand up

Yep, ship was 200.25K. And no hotdog object either. Guess they didn't care or didn't have time...

>the officer then demands the guy to speak in perfect german and to say in german "I will serve the german empire and I will serve the Kaiser with my own life"
>the guy tries to say this in german but fucks up on the Kaiser by saying "keyser" by accident which to the officer it literally means as an insult if you mispronounced the word Kaiser
>the officer then aims at the kneecap and shoots him
>the guy falls down crying and the officer shouts something in german and there comes the stormtrooper and he drags the guy by the neck towards outside
>the officer looks at me and tells me to "follow" and i did as I was instructed
>the officer comes outside and tells everyone in english "To those who only come for a quick pay and easy access to be lazy, you must leave now or you will end up like this pathetic thing right here!"
>he takes the gun and shoots the guy in the head and says "if you wish to come here to work and serve for the german empire and to provide all your effort to insure that the integrity of this empire stays strong and to serve the Kaiser himself are accepted but do not make the same mistake as this rat here made!"
>the officer then unloads six rounds into the dead guy before reloading and holstered his pistol
>the officer then turns to me and whispers "you should be glad that your are only a visa worker or I would have to put you in your place myself. Don't aggravate me." Before he walked back into his office
>the stormtroopers walked up and just dragged the dead body and threw the body into the dumpster and next thing I hearis the officer yelling "BRING IN THE NEXT VISITOR NOW!"
>rest of the day was intense and stress inducing

Just got back to my cubicle room and using proxies to make this post. It is terrifying here and they make you take these "happy" syringes if you are seen as if you are not happy about your work so i have to pretend that i am happy and excited to get up at five to go to work and leave at seven. Krauts are not human!

Hey guys!
The other day, I was cruising around past the Heliosphere to test the maximum speeds of my new Mark 17 Sisu LWSS and found something neat.

>Cruising around almost at lightspeed to avoid any obstacles (if there were any)
>Suddenly my photon radar goes wild
(I know, it's old tech but it works as long as you don't go past the speed of light)
>10 meter metallic object ahead
>Must be an asteroid because there is no transmitter signal
>Decide to examine it
>Not an asteroid, some fucking old tech

Dumping my picks, any idea what it is?
Pic very related

Attached: B&Lphone.holoimage788.4.6.2218.jpg (765x599, 44K)

Have fun starving commiefag. Just like the soviets back in the 40's

Holy shit... user that's the voyager! And it still has the old gold disk on it holy fuck!!!!

That, friend, is the Voyager 2. look it up, because you just found a piece of history.