Chieftain finally does a video on Abrams
Wut? Got to watch this.
Actually quite interesting with him having active backround with the tank. That sniper shot at him must have been a very jikes moment, with just 2 inches diffference of making him go unharmed and die.
Daily reminder that Abrahams is worthless meme tank that would get slaughtered in european war.
So he will say it's the best tank etc. Got it
Actually, he said in the video it probably isn’t the best tank in the world, but I’d serviceable.
Done with it now, is quite different from his regular videos, since about half of the video are about stories and practical experience he made with the tank. Would watch again.
Also now i want my designated tank shotgun when riding into battle.
Which one is the best, K2 or the T14?
M1 is annoying due to the need for so much maintenance and the fuel consumption.
Things that make more practical issues than armor thickness and other masturbatory stuff. FCS and latest KE ammo makes most stuff people talk about moot.
He's also talking about the M1a1
>tfw a single M1A1 has more 7.62 ammo than like an entire infantry platoon
That was a neat video, really enjoyed it. The M1A1HA has a special place in my heart, kind of the personification of the late Cold War and immediate post Cold War era, by 1989 an M1A1HA was one of the best tanks in the world. Seeing someone who had a lot of memories in that vehicle and could point out little trivia facts about working in one was bretty cool. M1A1/2s and Challenger 1/2s always came off as super comfy to me, seems like Chieftain agrees :)
Probably the K2.
M1 and Leo 2s seems to be super upgradeable compared to the slavic frying pans.
K2's currently are fucked because the Worst Koreans have issues with quality control on critical items such as powerpacks and transmissions. They trying to fix it but its going to be a while.
> mfw he didn't mount the Sabre and skewer a skinny
man, id kill to get an inside the hatch: M1A2 video.
>Chieftain finally does a video on Abrams
Houthis also did a video on the Abrams!
It was more of a documentary about the combat readiness of the Saudi army fampai.
>M1 is annoying due to the need for so much maintenance and the fuel consumption.
All tanks require a large amount of maintenance and guzzle fuel.
i cried a little when he mentioned he misses his old crew
Turbine engines do have higher specific fuel consumption and produce hotter exhaust than diesels, though. They're pretty efficient when the tank is moving, but have poor efficiency while idling. They're also more picky when it comes to intake air quality.
This is why the US is seriously considering turbo-electric-diesel hybrid. A gas turbine with a diesel engine
How big is size difference for the engine compartment between lets say M1 and Leo2? Is it even technically possible room wise?
Correct. We are looking at a fuel injected two stroke diesel as the sustainer/ generator, and a simplified turbine.
Why not the other way around? A constant-speed turbine genset (turbines work best when at constant speed anyway) and an MTU 2000 HP diesel.
It will fit and it will slide out easily.
Remember both the Abrams and the Leo 2 can slide their engines out under 1 hour. Compare to the Russians they need to fucking dismantle the engine compartment to unhook it.
>Chieftain says an autoloader is better
>Why not the other way around? A constant-speed turbine genset (turbines work best when at constant speed anyway) and an MTU 2000 HP diesel.
Hybrid electric turbine makes the most sense. Turbines work best at a constant speed and maximum power, electric motors have huge amounts of power for volume and mass, batteries have very high power densities but low energy density.
Having two electric motors eliminates most of the transmission. While stationary the batteries can easily power everything for a substantial time.
A7V, ignore roachposters
how tall is the Chieftain?
I really wish the South Koreans had bought more T-80s, they make them look so good.
>how tall is the Chieftain?
no fucking way, really?
here i was thinking i'm a bit too tall for a tanker at 6'1
he says in the video there are height limitations for tankers but he did some shit to weasel his way past the limit
The Japanese one has a cvt, which allows to go as fast in reverse as forward, a excellent tactical advantage.
He's a big guy...
>11000 rounds for the coax
>when you need to change the barrel before you need to reload
Inside the Hatch:
>Leo 2
>Challenger 2
life would be complete
Ah, the infamous Abrahams. Often referred to as the 'Infidel Cooker' by the Houthis. The nickname referred to when the Houthis starving from lack of rations, would scavenge destroyed Abrahams tanks for the precious cooked meat inside. In fact, the designers of the Abrahams designed it to light after being hit with bullet in external APU, so that cooking of the crews was guaranteed. Of course, Muslims are forbidden from eating pork, but when starving it is allowed. My grandpappy told me this in great detail when I was a young bacha. Truly, Allah is the greatest, and blessed are those loyal to him.
>Inside the Hatch:
>And this here is the mountain brake *smirks into camera* it is quite the parade stopper
>this entire thread
m1a2 become t72 of americans ha ha
I think a T-72B3 is more possible given he work for a Belarus company that pay for tank Biathlon .
>Turbine engines do have higher specific fuel consumption and produce hotter exhaust than diesels,
Turbine exhaust is mostly air which means that despite being hotter in most situations it will always be less visibile in thermal sights.
no u
This not true at all because if abrahams become t72 it would at least mean it would be cheap to maintain
Turbine exhaust on early M1 made it visible from space fucking amazing trait for a tank to have
(you) well deserved
They recieved it as a debt.
Tanks near the end of their lifespan(resource is almost over) and they'll return it back.
Koreans give tanks back, you weren't supposed to have it in a first place. Buy t-72 instead.
> inb4 whats T72B3
Will the Chieftain ever take a look at a Chieftain?
me too
usually only war dog documentaries gets me but that moment where he looks off camera and you can see hes on the verge of crying himself.
best chieftain video yet
What is with all the Vatnik ass pain?
Is it because the T14 is a huge piece of shit?
Yes, yes it is.
Thought the French invented that.
>the bit about having to sign out every weapon in the tank and what they want to give them
That was fucking gold.
>Turbine exhaust on early M1 made it visible from space
Where do people come up with this shit.
Mike Sparks.
>2 M4
>2 M16, 1 with M203
>4 M9
>1 M249
>2 M240
>1 M2
>the 120mm main gun
>a shotgun
>fucking bayonets
Was this a tank crew or a infantry platoon?
I wasn't prepared for all the feels in this video
>If I'm in a position where I'm out of ammunition for everything else and I'm down to a bayonet, I'm not meant to win this fight and I'm going to drive away.
>tfw you use all 11,000 rounds for the coaxial and they still keep coming
Easily his best vid. Hearing him talk about his time was great, especially him alluding to a prank for new tankers.
Here is your (You), you deserved it.
i dun geddit
>I'm going to drive away.
yeah... if he can drive away
the helicopter crew in mogadishu wished to have had bayonets
im pretty sure the army assumed that a tank will get a mobility kill in the middle of some baghdad suburb and then ganged up by a half million angry sandniggers - so its a adequate load out
Like the germans said in WW2, using your tank tracks is cheaper than the machine gun.
Fear no evil
Warming up the crosswind sensor is the tank equivalent to a box of grid squares, chem light batteries, prc-e7, ba-11s, etc
Private, the crosswind sensor needs warmed up. It's that long metal vertical pole. You need to warm it up by rubbing it with your hands.
>Fix bayonets!
>Sir, we're in a tank!
>I said fix bayonets!
>tfw you knew they were fucking with you but you were too timid to refuse so you just did it anyway
>no face
Are you retarded mate?
This is semi-related
saudi abrams vs. houthi
the face when
the feeling when
are you a fucking NPC or why cant you express all of this in a image?
what kind of a newfag are you
do you know what lol or rofl means?
I could listen to Moran talk about tank and armor all day. Hearing his own experiences was interesting, seems hes had more than one close call to his life and limbs. Or as he often classifies it "Significant emotional events."
His actual quote about it fully recognized how fucked they would be. With or without bayonets.
>Lists off every weapon on and in his tank for the crew to use.
>"If it comes down to the point that this is not working and I cannot even run over them... and without the bayonets, I'm giving up and going home. It is not our day. We are not destined to survive." (8:36 in video)
Gotta appreciate how blunt he is.
>Beating enemies to death with a penetrator
Jesus. When armored warfare gets close in against infantry, it gets ugly.
the 2 240's and the M9's I get, but why does a tank crew need 4 rifles, a grenade launcher, a shotgun, and an M249 as well?
see here they should add 4 chainsaws to it too
just in case
The rifles are also understandable. There are times when the crew has to dismount for various tasks, so having a couple rifles around is just handy. If you're going into a warzone, might as well issue another two rifles to give the rest of the crew a satisfactory "sidearm", you have enough of them in theatre anyways. The 249, 203, and shotgun were just excessive.
i can't help but laugh at the way he says "we have a *SHOTGUN*"
don't they have canister shells for the main gun?
They should have given him a shotgun with a bayonet.
pic is his crowning achievement IMO
but why no TOW´s?
Pretty sure they do. Things could get close enough and you can fire whatever you have loaded and even the noise/concussion will incapacitate some of them briefly.
I'm going to assume that you're trolling since no one could be this oblivious and then accuse the other person of being a newfag.
>Mount a few frag grenades to top of the turret
>Run some wire connecting to all the pins and then into one strand
>Strand runs down into the turret
>Enemies swam tank and are banging on hatches
>Crew is buttoned up
>TC pulls string
>[muffled boom]
Because they're not on Bradleys, duh
>not making hybrid ERA/anti-personnel system out of claymores and duct tape
>not just taping antipersonnel landmines to long poles and then affixing the poles to the tank
203 might be for marking, I don't remember if he mentioned what kind of rounds they were given.
All those different ammo types must be a pain in the dick.
Has more fuel than a Leopard 2, a lower mass, but less range. The turbines were a massive mistake. Note that's not even counting the massive fuel lost from starting and stopping the engine.
40mm grenades