Chieftain finally does a video on Abrams

Pretty sure they do. Things could get close enough and you can fire whatever you have loaded and even the noise/concussion will incapacitate some of them briefly.

I'm going to assume that you're trolling since no one could be this oblivious and then accuse the other person of being a newfag.

>Mount a few frag grenades to top of the turret
>Run some wire connecting to all the pins and then into one strand
>Strand runs down into the turret
>Enemies swam tank and are banging on hatches
>Crew is buttoned up
>TC pulls string
>[muffled boom]

Because they're not on Bradleys, duh

>not making hybrid ERA/anti-personnel system out of claymores and duct tape

>not just taping antipersonnel landmines to long poles and then affixing the poles to the tank

203 might be for marking, I don't remember if he mentioned what kind of rounds they were given.

All those different ammo types must be a pain in the dick.

Attached: drive closer.jpg (1920x1080, 123K)

Has more fuel than a Leopard 2, a lower mass, but less range. The turbines were a massive mistake. Note that's not even counting the massive fuel lost from starting and stopping the engine.

40mm grenades