>melee is unironically becoming the new IRL meta
Melee is unironically becoming the new IRL meta
>40k becomes real
>We now have dudes charging MG bunkers with swords for bantz
Im down
oh yay my first time using this graph!
>gun free zone
>tfw the emperor literally protects
>shootings occur in gun/weapon free zones more often than any other area
>wow guys look at how shit your guns are
Fucking Christ. I can’t wait for some people to get cancer
>more people dont carry than do so more unarmed people stop shootings than armed people
Who coulda thunk it.
The current meta is the following
>oly lifting for explosive strength
>pick either wrestling or judo and powerlevel the shit out of it
>combine your explosive strength with which ever martial art you chose to launch niggers to the moon
>work on conditioning, shooting from concealment and medical
Only scrubs min max in shooting skill, neglecting everything else. Medical is incredibly easy to level with the beginning levels giving you valuable abilities right off the start.
This, except it doesn't matter what kind of lifting you do. And boxing is fine. And is so is Kali. And so is Eskrima. And Shotokan Karate. And Vovinam. And Sanda. And definitely combat sambo.
Sprints, explosive strength, BJJ/restraint MAs, skillset training are the meta
>what is per x armed/unarmed people
>Get shot by someone from a foot away
>End up a gun crime statistic
Get a fucking gun
Came in to post this
> get a fucking gun
Did you even read the post? As in, the one you are quoting that tells you to learn how to shoot.
>Can't carry guns in schools
>Significant percentage of mass shootings in schools
>"See! Never a good guy with a gun when you need one, huh? Checkmate republitards!!!"
I cannot describe how much I hate this reasoning.
>Make drugs illegal
>Most people involved in drugs are now by default exposed to them through involvement in other criminal activity and antisocial behavior
"See! Doing drugs makes you a criminal loser and destroys your life!!!"
Kinda hard to change this statistic when all the shootings happen in "Gun Free Zones"
But that's useless without knowing what they were up against. Is the other guy using his fists, a knife, a bat, or a gun? How many people were there in the altercation? It could be that physical force is best in certain situations, and guns are best in others.
alcoholism is the true meta
well you can pretty safely determine that it's likely that a gun will solve the issue ~9/10 times
>being drunk makes you loosy-goosy and less likely to take damage from falls
>can ignore pain easier
>always have bottle to smash over someone's head
>leftover broken bottle is now a knife to cut the enemy with
Is alcoholism the most effective modern martial art?
I did cpr on a guy with a ventilated heart therefore it counts as intervention so give up your guns
You use that word but I don't think you know what it means.
META means most effective tactic available, not most common tactic used. I guarantee every single one of those intervening in mass shootings would have benefitted from having a weapon.
Wow that data is so relevant!
You're not welcome here summerfag. You think you're cool but you're actually just fucking retarded.
Alright, let's see your data
It's more data than op showed
Humans have not significantly evolved since that time period and there has been zero events to suggest this isn't representative of today's survivors.
No shit, unarmed civilians outnumber armed civilians like 10,000 to 1.
i love you, user
>How to trigger Jow Forumsommandos
What um... exactly does this statistic prove? Aside from the fact that here are more unarmed people than armed? Is there any other argument?
>What um... exactly does this statistic prove? Aside from the fact that here are more unarmed people than armed? Is there any other argument?
>Wow that data is so relevant!
>thinking that small time criminals have really changed that much since the 80s
yeah, since 1985 the developers gave criminals a buff of +25% to bullet resistance and rebalanced hand to hand combat so grappling is actually the new meta. guns btfo
>unarmed people are attacked more, therefore they are in a position to fight back more
No shit.
underrated post/10
That's horrible. We need a shall-issue CCW law immediately.