Melee is unironically becoming the new IRL meta

No shit, unarmed civilians outnumber armed civilians like 10,000 to 1.

Attached: rapid fire.png (800x566, 240K)

i love you, user

Attached: metameenz.png (629x400, 15K)

>How to trigger Jow Forumsommandos

What um... exactly does this statistic prove? Aside from the fact that here are more unarmed people than armed? Is there any other argument?


>What um... exactly does this statistic prove? Aside from the fact that here are more unarmed people than armed? Is there any other argument?


>Wow that data is so relevant!
>thinking that small time criminals have really changed that much since the 80s
yeah, since 1985 the developers gave criminals a buff of +25% to bullet resistance and rebalanced hand to hand combat so grappling is actually the new meta. guns btfo

>unarmed people are attacked more, therefore they are in a position to fight back more

No shit.

underrated post/10

That's horrible. We need a shall-issue CCW law immediately.