>didnt serve in the military
>owns guns
What the fuck do you think you're doing? Man enough to own a deadly weapon but not mane enough to put kn the uniform and learn how to use it? How useful do you think that gun is going to be if you have no experience actually using it?
Didnt serve in the military
Other urls found in this thread:
Can we use the same criteria for free speech and voting rights too?
>How useful do you think that gun is going to be if you have no experience actually using it?
honestly pretty fucking useful, it's not like a sword that takes fucking forever to be good with
Considering 95% of soldiers and cops qualify on their weapons once a year even Jow Forums has more right to own them by your admission.
Absolutely! If you weren't man enough to fight for your country, and defend the freedom enshrined in the constitution, what makes you think you have the right to vote or speak your mind? Shut the fuck up and let those who earned their rights use them.
we already know your position Heinlein you don't have to repeat yourself
>didn't lick the boot
>against the boot treading on him
Seems perfectly logical to me. Do I need to work as a taxi driver first to own a car too? Be a professional chef to buy my groceries?
3/10 made me reply
Israel isn't my country,
>”You don’t deserve rights if you’re not willing to die for oil, empire, and Israel”.
Go neck yourself.
Someone help me out. I'm scanning through the 2nd Amendment and trying to see where is says I have to be in the military.
Some third world peasants with AKs can take down highly trained special forces operators.
Peasants with pitchforks were basically fucking hopeless against knights with swords.
The firearm was just as critical as the printing press in bringing about the democratization of western civilization. Where the printing press democratized information, the firearm democratized the capacity for violence.
There is nothing manly about murdering innocent people halfway across the world for US imperialism, capitalism, and the military industrial complex. Actually, it's quite the opposite. It makes you a punk bitch.
It's too late for free speech. I dislike the fact that social media has made it so people think their voice matters. Nine out of ten times, it doesn't.
You should have to own property/have a mortgage to be able to vote. Also, if you are currently receiving government benefits you are not allowed to vote.
>against the boot trading on him
Yeah, fuck the government, right? Its not like they're the reason you have everything you do.
Plural marriage is cool too though, right?
Based and Heinleinpilled
>government is the reason I have everything I have
Lmao, this is your brain on boot licking. I will have to remember that the next time I am forced to give up a portion of my hard earned profits under threat of imprisonment, while also having to follow arbitrary rules I never agreed to.
people are the reason the government has everything it has, not the other way around unless you're a welfare nigger
the vast majority of "veterans" these days were pack mules and desk jockeys during their service. The military is like working at UPS or in fast food, with the occasional use of guns.
>How useful do you think that gun is going to be if you have no experience actually using it?
Try taking it and you'll find out.
>How useful do you think that gun is going to be if you have no experience actually using it?
Im a better shot than every military person I know both freehanded and benched because I get to shoot more than they do and with better equipment.
Is murdering sand people a requirement for gun ownership?
Thank you Uncle Schlomo for giving me back some of my own money after giving most of it to niggers and faggots.
Ummm the part about the militia? The founding fathers clearly intended for all men to at least serve in the national guard.
Militia act fuccboi
In many traditions, the right to have a say in the community (by vote or otherwise) was tied to military service. However, this kind of service was only for the actual defense of the community, not great power games in service of (((interest groups))).
The NG is basically the Army JV team. The informal "militia" is defined as all able-bodied citizens between the ages of 18 and 45.
>it's another I served so I'm better than all of you shit post thread
Fuck the military, fuck the government and fuck bootlickers like op
>active duty soldier
Considering I'm Jewish, I don't plan on dying for zog when I am zog.
explain? I dont know much about politics but they sound a lot like normal Jow Forums
What I hate is people posting here without working for a telecom. Do you think your garbled nuisance you call text travels around the globe on magic and happy thoughts? Fuck you. Do some real work before posting your keyboard diarrhea. Once you've served your time working for a telecom, you'll deserve the privilege of surfing the web. What are you waiting for? Someone else to do the real work for you? You all make me sick. Thank me for my telecom service.
If we’re going to make military service a requirement for owning firearms/voting, we need to make military service A LOT easier. Like Antebellum state militia-tier easy
I own several guns. I know how to use them. I've never been in the military.
i assume they're the same except shittier memes
Gun ownership should be made compulsory of all able-bodied males desu. AR-15 of some description, a certain amount of ammunition and magazines kept on hand at all times, and some form of load bearing equipment with which to carry it all.
Starving kids in Africa knows how to use a gun, faggot. These slant eyed higher IQ fags will know how to point and pull a trigger.
Fuck off nigger faggot.
I'm not a warrior. I do not have the training required to go fight a war. I do however have the training and practiced skills for self defense. I am armed and my claws are kept sharp with training and drills.
Nobody cares faggot
Actually my guns are manufactured by a private company, just like every other goddamn thing I own
I own a lot of guns
I have never been in the military
I have been hunting with my guns since I was 10 years old
I spent several years as armed security for US companies in foreign lands
I've seen more combat than most US military troops
Holy shit.
Post your BMI. I know you're either a fat fuck, or a complete skeleton.
OP is a retarded boot that thinks learning to shoot is hard. Go dump in another alley, faggot.
ITT people who have never read Starship Troopers. You didn't need military service to get voting rights, you could be a federal civilian worker and get them.
kill yourself
>not being a bootlicker that would give up his guns if they were banned makes me Jow Forums
You need to go back. I don't know what made you think this zimbabwean basket weaving website is a good place for people who support government authority.
Cope harder faggot. Congrats on giving your soul and body to a corrupt statist government. A citizen that owns guns and protects his property and family is 1000000000000000x more patriotic than some 18-year-old kid fighting for oil will ever be.
Just got booted out of the army for psychiatric problems
And plan on buying as much guns as possible when I'm old enough to carry
Fuck boomers
They did run into the problem in the book that during peacetime, they ran out of stuff for the droves of people signing up. I can see that becoming a problem if enlisting becomes the same mindset as “going to college” until war comes rolling around.
6-0 216lbs 50years old, blue collar AF, less ripped, more grizzled.
BMI? I have no idea
>impying BMI is a good measure of health for anyone but fat fucks and skeletons
It literally doesn't fucking mean anything if you have more muscle than your average white collar sitting on his ass all day.
This. I practice shooting because I find it fun, not because my DI told me to. I know damn well I can outshoot the cops in my town (and have won bets doing so), can't say much for the military though, all the mil guys I shoot with are just like me, they consider it fun.
>What the fuck do you think you're doing? Man enough to own a deadly weapon but not mane enough to put kn the uniform and learn how to use it? How useful do you think that gun is going to be if you have no experience actually using it?
Prior combat arms here.
PLENTY of non prior civies can outshoot us.
>oy vey goyim, you think you have the right to defend yourself without first serving my interests?
Great bait. But I'll bite. Firstly you can obtain private training superior to what the majority of the military gets on firearms. Secondly "man enough to own a deadly weapon" your car is a deadly weapon, a kitchen knife is a deadly weapon, etc. Thirdly not everyone is eligible to serve in the military, even minor medical conditions can disqualify you. Fourthly it i a constitutional right that you do not have to meet any requirements, other than not being crazy or a violent criminal to exercise.
I don't think you understand what a militia is lmao.
Is this picture real? Or is this somekind of joke? Why is this abomination wearing what appears to be military uniform?! Can someone explain this...thing?
My car is privately made, my clothes are privately made, the house I live in was privately made, all of my food is privately grown and I buy them in a privately owned grocery store, my guns and ammo are made by private entities, so what exactly do I need the government for?
I get what you're saying, but massed blocks of illiterate peasants with oversized tree pruners is what killed the knight. Knights coexisted with gun powder weapons in Europe for a century and a half.
They could always use the huge quantity of manpower available for low-cost public service and infrastructure work.
Reservists who never expected to get called up again.
You should have to own property/have a mortgage to be able to vote.
Bullshit. If you have a mortgage you are a tool of the bankers and pandering to the jews. You only have a right to vote if you own your property outright. Otherwise if you bug-out you leave someone else holding the bag and have given up nothing.
Don't read anything into it that is not there. Says militia, and that meant able bodies men 16 to 60.
Point and shoot. It's not rocket science chuckle nuts.
>never been in the military
Then you dont know how to use them. You probably have no real training and even if you did, you definitely have no experience using them in a real world environment. If a situation ever occured where you needed one, youd have no idea what you were doing. Youd probably be more of danger to yourself and those around you than a boon.
Sounds like a great way to get a shit load of mass shooters.
This post is the result of public education. Frightening, isn't it?
>armed security
>no military experience
Being a rent a cop for mcdonalds in afghanistan is not experience. That's the only 'security' job you could get without real trigger time.
Faggot bait to begin meme that anyone who did not serve does not deserve ownership under 2A. Fuck off fascist libtard.
Putting holes in paper is not the same as engaging a dangerous target. You would know that if you actually served.
I started shooting at 14, ive beaten friends in the military at shooting several times
What are you, an edgelord who thinks he needs master training to get anywhere?
Care to name the training? Sounds like s great way for pog boomers to steal the shekels of armchair operators.
>tfw Texas' CCW shooting test is harder than the qualifications I did as a cop
>million times harder than my shooting qualification to be a Corrections Officer
>Did SWAT training because I had to have a course on it to get my Peace Officer License
>costs $50 to go get a good instructor
>usually they offer more lessons
>my instructor is a PMC as his full time job
>does CQC training for civilians
>was pretty fun. Just as good as my Active Shooter/Babby SWAT training.
Seriously. Just look up certified instructors. You can find some good ones.
I fugging hate anti gunners.
>the firearm democratized the capacity for violence.
"God didn't make all men equal, Sam Colt did."
Most knights who were killed, were killed by peasants with glorified farm tools. Guaranteed. Didn't the king of Britain take a fucking lucky arrow to the eye at one point? Look at Romans too. All their glorious military innovation...still died to Celtic and Germanic dirt farmers who, like the U.S. has tried to mimic, had a culture of "Everyone is the military."
Yes. Guns for sure level the field. But at the same time, you can't devalue humanity's fighting spirit/sneaky bullshittery which has seen great armies, great warriors, etc be totally deleted all because some angry kid(s) with a heavy stick had the balls to do it.
>the only people knights ever fought were peasants
>only the military should own modern firearms
Also Bolshevists:
Except for veterans of course
The majority were. There's almost a 300 year gap where the average military was just a bunch of shit smeared peasants lead by a few knights with a few more formally trained soldiers.
>every civil war or rebellion in Europe from ~1100 to 1500 AD.
>The majority were
Then you should have no trouble posting a link or giving us the name of a book or some other historical citation which proves that.
>changing the goalposts
Fuck off chink
Why do I need to waste my time killing brown people in the desert for no reason just to exercise my right to bear weaponry? I don't need to military training to learn how to shoot so go back to licking boots you Messiah of rodents.
>Never butchered a cow
>Eats beef
What the fuck do you think you're doing? Man enough to own high-protein meals but not man enough to slaughter an animal and learn how to cut it? How tasty do you think that steak is going to be if you have no experience actually acquiring it?
>Wanting to work for the state
>Wanting people brainwashed by the state to be the only ones to have the power to fight off the state
Lmao fuck off
I'd like to speak to my lawyer OP
OP, I would've joined the military if I wasn't stabbed in the fucking eye while in the womb by some dumbass who shouldn't have had a medical license.
> Go shoot 200 rounds
There I have more experience in one day than 90% of members of the US military
Eeeeh, 40%. Military members love their private funz. Even pogues.
shut up zogbot
I'm actually Vegan. Good job with your implying.
Show me a source that says they didn't. Yes. Most knights were captured and ransomed off if they were injured or captured. However, who was more apt to go straight for the kill? Another knight, a slightly better educated and disciplined soldier? Or Carl. The farmer. It's mostly an assumption nigga. Can you prove me wrong? Given the totality of the situation, I bet most knights died to volleys of arrows, or a few peasants clubbing them to death after they were dismounted or knocked down.
>Show me a source that says they didn't.
So you have nothing. As I suspected.
Funny how something you claimed happened for three hundred years has absolutely no evidence to support it. It's almost as if you made the whole thing up.
I'd rather join an afghan goatherding organization - they seem to cuck you guys pretty hard