>didnt serve in the military
>owns guns
What the fuck do you think you're doing? Man enough to own a deadly weapon but not mane enough to put kn the uniform and learn how to use it? How useful do you think that gun is going to be if you have no experience actually using it?
Didnt serve in the military
Other urls found in this thread:
Can we use the same criteria for free speech and voting rights too?
>How useful do you think that gun is going to be if you have no experience actually using it?
honestly pretty fucking useful, it's not like a sword that takes fucking forever to be good with
Considering 95% of soldiers and cops qualify on their weapons once a year even Jow Forums has more right to own them by your admission.
Absolutely! If you weren't man enough to fight for your country, and defend the freedom enshrined in the constitution, what makes you think you have the right to vote or speak your mind? Shut the fuck up and let those who earned their rights use them.
we already know your position Heinlein you don't have to repeat yourself
>didn't lick the boot
>against the boot treading on him
Seems perfectly logical to me. Do I need to work as a taxi driver first to own a car too? Be a professional chef to buy my groceries?
3/10 made me reply
Israel isn't my country,
>”You don’t deserve rights if you’re not willing to die for oil, empire, and Israel”.
Go neck yourself.
Someone help me out. I'm scanning through the 2nd Amendment and trying to see where is says I have to be in the military.