Some third world peasants with AKs can take down highly trained special forces operators.
Peasants with pitchforks were basically fucking hopeless against knights with swords.
The firearm was just as critical as the printing press in bringing about the democratization of western civilization. Where the printing press democratized information, the firearm democratized the capacity for violence.
Justin Murphy
There is nothing manly about murdering innocent people halfway across the world for US imperialism, capitalism, and the military industrial complex. Actually, it's quite the opposite. It makes you a punk bitch.
Juan Martinez
It's too late for free speech. I dislike the fact that social media has made it so people think their voice matters. Nine out of ten times, it doesn't.
You should have to own property/have a mortgage to be able to vote. Also, if you are currently receiving government benefits you are not allowed to vote.
Anthony Turner
>against the boot trading on him Yeah, fuck the government, right? Its not like they're the reason you have everything you do.
>government is the reason I have everything I have Lmao, this is your brain on boot licking. I will have to remember that the next time I am forced to give up a portion of my hard earned profits under threat of imprisonment, while also having to follow arbitrary rules I never agreed to.
Grayson Murphy
people are the reason the government has everything it has, not the other way around unless you're a welfare nigger
the vast majority of "veterans" these days were pack mules and desk jockeys during their service. The military is like working at UPS or in fast food, with the occasional use of guns.