Why are tanks and airplanes even built?

Wouldn't be far cheaper to just have more infantry and equip them with anti-tank missile and anti-aircraft missile?

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Gotta get to where you can launch it first. Tanks and planes help the dudes get there.

Tanks and jet fighters both pre-date guided missiles designed to destroy them. It’s a constant back and forth of evolving offense and defense. New active protection system (APS) technology is going to give the upper hand back to armored vehicles for a little while.

hint: the reason anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles exist is because tanks and aircraft are much more useful than infantry

Golly you're a fucking retard

they do different things, sweetie. more of the same is rarely a winning mix.

Aka what’s the worst that could happen if I put all my eggs in the same basket

>what’s the worst that could happen if I put all my eggs in the same basket

You have a fuckload of eggs

Are you even thinking this through. I mean fuck. Really?

>trips and breaks all of his eggs


Wow you’re actually retarded, report to your nearest bridge and jump off

Why are guns even built? Wouldn't be far cheaper to just have more infantry and equip them with body armor?

Why have infantry at all? Just send a fuckload of ducks at the enemy. The quacking will drive them insane. War won.

>have more infantry and equip them with anti-tank missile and anti-aircraft missile?
Literally what east bloc countries did.

They still kept jets for the kinds of things an infantryman can't do, or technology didn't let him do. But they replaced most of the things an airplane can do with SAMs and fuckloads of artillery at ever level. Nowadays it seems like they're phasing out even more planes and loading their army with more crazy capability SAM and artillery and missiles.

Eventually I think if the technology lets them do it they will cut airplanes altogether, the Slavs just don't like to fly, they like their feet on the ground.

Airplanes are superduper fast and tanks are superduper armored

Well, yes, but no. A very mobile infantry united, properly dispersed through the theater of operations, acting as guerrilla, with ATGMs, would fucking wreck a tank unit. However MANPADS aren't very good at shooting down fighter-bombers and multi-role fighters unless the pilot is a complete idiot. The proliferation of ATGMS as has happened in Syria forever changed the face of tank operations in war, everyone worth their dime is now scrambling to outfit their most combat worthy tank units with Active Protection Systems.

>Why not just use infantry

In a word? Artillery

ducks are cute though and they'd just put earplugs in.
I'd tell every soccer mom in Murrica about a walmart sale in durkastan that's like black friday on steroids and when the SUV blitzkrieg realized there was no sale the sheer weight of moms demanding to see the manager would overwhelm any defensive or offensive capabilities the enemy can hope to deploy.

Just tweet at them. Use #cancelled and they'll have no choice but to surrender. Don't you know that once you can get 200 braindead tweetfaggots to repeat what someone else already said, you have no choice but to quit your job and commit suicide?

>tanks and aircraft are much more useful than infantry

Infantry can't shrug off 30mm rounds and shoot at stuff two miles away, or travel at mach 2 and drop bombs 1,500 miles away


because having a mobile armored box with a 120mm gun to soak up bullets is simply too good to pass up

man portable anti tank missiles have several issue including weight, accuracy, and effective armor penetration.

while a typical LAW is effective against most WWII tanks it lacks the punch for anything built now. in order to make tanks obsolete you would one have to have a surefire way to end tanks as infantry, the AT4 is seen more of a countermeasure and not a solution as a tank can do massive damage before it can enter the range of the counter measure, which is why other tanks and TOW are common.

the same applies for man-portable anti air missiles, in that they are basically only good against helicopters.

Most infantry with anti tank weapons are motorized or mechanized. They themselves are part of an armored vehicle that is more so the platform of those weapons.

You haven't seen me after I eat MREs for a week.

>Use only infantry
>Your enemy specializes their equipment for anti-infantry work
>Suddenly roll out the tanks
>Your enemy has no weapons that can hurt them
I am a tactical genius.

An F-16 can carry 4 tomahawks of payload onto a target, then go back home and do it again hundreds of times