>Go track and hunt a Grizzly bear, on foot, with dogs and a Bear-spear. >Which is similar to a boar-spear, but heavier. >Then eat it's heart to take it's powers, and wear the skin as a mark of your deed.
>There, I just described an adventure you could have in North America.
I have no previous experience with hunting at all. How do I prepare and then go about doing this?
Whatever the outcome I'll always think being a Rhodesian is something to aspire for. Particularly their attitude and ability to deal with struggle. youtube.com/watch?v=SrVIWiHBKgE
Grayson Diaz
a REAL bear would be a coastal brown bear when the salmon start running in june. Giant hulking bears will be camped out at every river inlet for them salmon. their sense of smell is 7x better than a blood hound, 2100x better than yours, so they'll probably just avoid you.
even though, if you camp out in a berry patch next to a stream in southeast alaska during the summer a pissy little black bear that doesn't give a fuck will run into you and possibly shred you like a german tourist. that's your best bet for a bear encounter.
reminder: bears start eating you bowels-first while you're conscious and alive
Angel Ross
you could try for a hibernating bear but this is alaska and you're a chechaquo. so you'll just freeze to death.
Ian Torres
>as a white nationalist, I aspire to losing a war against niggers
Liam Gray
>brown bears will avoid you and black bears will attack you Gee, user, are you some kind of bear expert?
Caleb Cook
I can't wait for this thread to turn into baiting because OP decided to post rhodie stuff.
>solo killing a bear with a spear Yeah no you're gonna fucking die, back when humans did that shit is was with a team of people and a whole fuckton of dogs
yeah probably. my dad and grandfather are hunting guides. they groomed me to do it as a side gig like them but i don't want to babysit retards. black bears in southeast have gotten pretty comfortable around humans. brown bear (which arent the same as grizzly) are more sheepish.
Justin Reyes
Lets say I paid you to let me stay at your place and train me and teach where I can spear hunt bears for a week or two. Would you do it?
Austin Ross
there is no amount of money, i really abhor guiding. also, me and the boys at fish and game are tight. Alaska is big, but small, everybody knows everybody and people are all up in each others business. it'd be hard to get away with. Alaska fish & game is very keen to keep out of state hunters in check. if you can convince fish and game you're Tlingit eskimo they might let you do it.
Russia will probably let you kill a human baby though, maybe you should brush up on your Cyrillic.