>read online that water helps you lose weight and has no calories >Drink a gallon of water >I can feel the weight falling off >Feeling pretty good about myself >Go to scale >Weigh myself >298lbs >I gained 8 FUCKING pounds
my advice is to play WoW, smoke cigarettes, and drink a lot of coffee; these three things combines helped me never think about eating cause I'm constantly satisfying other urges
Thomas Howard
Lol jus b urself bro
John Hill
I've lost 35 pounds in the last 3 months. If you're not counting calories, you'll be fat forever.
Blake Hall
stop eating more calories than you burn. that is the only way to lose weight.
2nd that. just count your calories. it's actually easy as fuck. I use the app "lifesum" to help me keep track. lost about 15 pounds in 2 months which is faster then I should but whatever, no fucking around homie just keep to the plan you make on the app and you will loose fat probably faster then it says you will. Just do it and stick to it
Jordan James
How many fucking times are you going to make this shitty thread
Wyatt Hughes
Then drink less than a gallon. Water also gets stored in your body, remember?
Mason Watson
These threads are one of the reasons I keep coming back to this board.