I disagree with this post like crazy, maybe at the weight you are at not it's not that big of a deal but form is so important on the bench unless you want shoulder issues, benchers elbow etc
Hit 145 bench today
Famn bro keep at it
I hit a 145lb ohp for reps this week feel good man
>tfw also hit 260 last week for PR
>dead inside
It's an abstract kinda feel, ain't it?
You think that's bad?
DL 545 lbs
Squat 445 lbs
Bench is a measly 265. About 60% of my squat. Symmetric strength says my symmetry score is -54
I'm pathetic
thanks man, will do
ive maintained my weight for a year now, and just started a cut, the beginning is always the hardest part
t. long-armed lanklets
I do have long arms. It's freaky. They're disproportionally small and long. Especially compared to my bigass legs. I'm a circus freak and I can't even win a powerlifting meet because I get outbenched every time.
DALEET. But at least it makes deadlifts easier.
I hope this is your first month or something. 145 is ridiculously weak.
And suddenly my high deadlift makes perfect sense. Thanks for solving that mystery, user.