Is it worth going to the gym if you're dogshit tired?

Is it worth going to the gym if you're dogshit tired?

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ya know what they say, a bad gym day is better than a no gym day

Eat a banana and have a cup of black coffee and kill it, user. You got this

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Same boat, I work 9hr days in removals 6 days a week and lately I just cannot be assed with the gym.

Only if you're gonna get adequate sleep tonight.

Im almost always tired when I hit the gym. That's what warmups are for.

Drinking coffee now

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>feeling great, high energy
>2 sets of squats
>instantly sleepy
>pass out on bench
what is this problem called

1. Clean up your diet because a better diet won't make you feel sluggish.
2. Get exercise at work (walk around the office, park further away, use the step counter on your phone, etc.)
3. Keep preworkout in your car.
4. Kill your caffeine habit. If you drink coffee in the morning, stave off with tea, then quit all together. Only drink caffeine when you're ACTUALLY tired and need to have energy.
5. Get some modafinil.

t. office cube guy.


Too much weight, and you aren't breathing properly

Oh it's not my diet my dude, I just slept like shit. I'm def cutting back on caffeine atm

Why kill caffeine habit? Isn't it meant to give more energy?

>he's never been addicted to caffeine

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Read about adenosine.

My gymnastics teacher back in 07 used to tell us that it wasnt when we were full of energy and did our workouts that made us good. It was toughing through it on the days when we were fucking tired and didnt want to do it.

It's good advice.

It's the days where you don't want to go when you have to go the most.

If you do go to the gym don't do your programmed lifts. Do a fullbody deload day or something; overhead squats, snatch presses.. work on some oly technique, go to the pool instead.

There's nothing worse than forcing yourself in and having a shit session fucking up your numbers and motivation for the next session.

Good shit, user. You're gonna make it

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the only bad workout is the one you skip

I work about 9-10 hrs everyday excluding inportant holidays, 6 days a week and I still find time to do exercise for an hour. either wake up early in the morning or do exercises at night, up to you man.