>You’re gonna make it
t-thanks bro
came home. took a shower. did my hair and dressed well (for me).
gonna keep hating myself 1% less every day

No, gyms that play music = cancer

Yeah man the best quality you can have is wanting to improve, saying you’re life sucks and you need to do something about it is better than feeling sorry and admitting defeat or waiting for some Godsend to change you

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>be me at my 24 hr gym
>gym is split into two sections separated by a hallway, free weights and cardio
>cardio section always playing like edm top 40 shit
>free weights side plays rock music that kids in middle school thought was cool
>clock strikes 12:30am
>The Pack enters
>6 ratchet ass black dudes that I can only assume swipe themselves in on one membership
>first things first, the shirts come off
>second things second, the Bluetooth speaker is set up
>now there are six baboons chanting around a bench “yeah nigga, good shit nigga” while putting up 1 pl8, with the added benefit of now being amplified by a Gucci mane-three days Grace cacophonous mash up
I think I’ll keep my headphones in

This needs to be a new meme

>Mfw I'm the one who posted that advice
you need to keep trying that's how you'll learn to socialize

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You learn from mistakes. Keep trying user.
Phenibut also helped me a lot when i was in your position

>find nearest person doing curls
>Holy shiiiiet your guns are looking siccc brooo

you just made a friend, congratulations.

>you just made a gay friend, congratulations.