Did it wrong

Try again

>Implying that is a bad thing

Newfag pls go

>>"hey man I..."
>>"... like your red shorts"
yeah, you're fucking retarded.
what you should have done, is looked for someone who just did a big lift. then asked what sort of routine he's on, how long he's been lifting.
or the same part with a particularly developed body part.
or you could (and probably should, judging by your autism levels) just be quiet and get your session in, then leave.

congratulating his fucking shorts, what are you, a girl or a poof?

I told you I would do it.
thanks for nothing weirdo.

>finish huge lift for reps
>struggling to regain proper breath and heartrate
>actual skeleton comes up and asks what I'm doing
>in such a weak state can't even talk to skeleton
>somehow ashamed
>fail every single set and leave
>years of d&d create a deeprooted psychological fear of skellies
>find new gym

>>somehow ashamed
>>fail every single set and leave
that's on you, bud

>Finish strict pressing LMAO 1pl8
>3 dyels come up to me and tell me that is the sickest shit they've ever seen
>take oat Tupperware of cocaine and Jak3d mix I made industrial amounts of 5 years ago
>look them straight in the eye as I take scoop after the other
>they watch with wide eyes as I down four scoops
>I slap on 1.5pl8 for a total of 2.5
>begin headbutting the bar as it rests on the rack
>turn around wide eyed
>bang one more scoop
>clean set of 5
>no leg drive
>take a moment to disengage my core without climaxing
>my glutes were so contracted my prostate was tingly
>ask them if they want to hire me as a trainer so I can get them shredded for the summer
>they pay me 20 dollars each for SS+GOMAD

I literally make a decent living doing this.

my gym plays music but its dadrock so i like it

>listening to gym music instead of

hopefully that was original formula jack3d