27+ Thread

27+ Thread - What's (one of) your favourite depressing moment(s) in life so far? Big, small, a realisation, an event, a missed opportunity or something to tell you that you got a bad hand and that the cards are stacked.

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I made a discord server for all robots 25+. Feel free to join


There are no discords for 25+ anons.

Stop shilling this in every thread, faggot.

I'll do the first one then:

>Coming home from work in the late evening in my shabby uniform and my cheap Shoe Zone shoes
>Train station I walk into is mostly empty
>Head down the stairs which lead to the platform
>Before I reach the second flight of stairs I can hear the train arrive but I don't run because I'm too tired
>A mass of people pool at the bottom of the stairs and start heading up them
>All of them covered in splotches of brightly coloured powder having returned from some event, all of them in high spirits
>So there's me, trying to get to the platform, down the stairs, to get home and the happy mass of brightly coloured people going in the opposite direction up the stairs to wherever happy people go
>Train journey is barely any different since I'm the only one in dark clothes

I think that moment cemented my belief in a dickhead God.

Are greentext stories dead on Jow Forums now?

Sounds like uni kids doing one of the colour runs / paint dye music festivals

Honestly one of the thing in life you do not need to experience ever

>Honestly one of the thing in life you do not need to experience ever
Maybe, but it's like I've never experienced anything in life, not concert, not a gathering, not a party, it's just always been me.

I just find this moment in life reflecting the direction my life has been going and still is going in comparison to others. I find some sort bizarre joy masochistic joy out of this memory which I'm sure most of you can understand.

First of all, I've been an atheist since birth. However, your "special book" tells you that you weren't born a Christian because a mythical lady ate some fruit. Haha, stupid creationist piece of shit. Don't you know that I'm a certified zoologist at the Columbus Community College. HA! I pity those like your are stupid enough to believe in some fake super natural entity. Let me tell you something fucko, your religion is terrible and dangerous, your symbol is the object that your dear leader was crucified on. Before you say something like, "You have to read the whole Bible first". Well, for your information I've read the first two pages and I didn't need to read 1,200 pages to know that your bullshit Religion is evil. Your God also falsely claims that I'm not allowed to touch myself at night. Guess what fucker? I'll jerk off to underage anime girls all night and clean the hot, sticky semen with my long ass beard which stems from my neck. It's probably even longer than that of Jesus; who didn't even exist. And I bet you my whole fedora collection that my IQ will always be hire than yours. Come back when you're not an evil person, creationist retard.

34, had quite a few somewhat disappointing moments in life. Here's a few off the top of my head.

>Had a dead-end career for 8 years, am practically broke because the pay was so bad, but actually I got to see and learn a lot so it's a wash kinda

>Got a useless degree in something I thought I was good at but wasn't (music), although am about to finish a not-useless degree (comp sci)

>Been engaged twice but the girls turned out to be mean and vindictive. Kinda dodged bullets but it's still kinda embarrassing to call off an engagement Have a girlfriend now who is very sweet, hope it lasts

>One time a Chinese girl grabbed my dick in the back of her Mercedes, she was disappointed with the size :( Still got a hand job though

>Girl I had a huuuuuge crush on rejected me, is now married to one of my best friends.

All in all pretty happy with myself and my life over all, if I had 1 thing I could change about my past it'd be to not let myself get so out of shape over the past 18 years, but I'm working on it.

>First of all, I've been an atheist since birth. However, your "special book" tells you that you weren't born a Christian because a mythical lady ate some fruit. Haha, stupid creationist piece of shit. Don't you know that I'm a certified zoologist at the Columbus Community College. HA! I pity those like your are stupid enough to believe in some fake super natural entity. Let me tell you something fucko, your religion is terrible and dangerous, your symbol is the object that your dear leader was crucified on. Before you say something like, "You have to read the whole Bible first". Well, for your information I've read the first two pages and I didn't need to read 1,200 pages to know that your bullshit Religion is evil. Your God also falsely claims that I'm not allowed to touch myself at night. Guess what fucker? I'll jerk off to underage anime girls all night and clean the hot, sticky semen with my long ass beard which stems from my neck. It's probably even longer than that of Jesus; who didn't even exist. And I bet you my whole fedora collection that my IQ will always be hire than yours. Come back when you're not an evil person, creationist retard.
What is this?

My birthday last year, when I found out that my oneitis was busy getting sand in her vagoo with a bf she failed to mention.

New atheist copy pasta. Feel free to share.

every single day is relentless agony

Kinda pointless now that we've left the fedora era. Now we're in the era of unironic "christian" anons.

Doesn't sound too bad of a life.

My roommate is gonna be out of town till Monday and I'm kind of afraid I'm going to do something bad

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Describe you and your roommate. I'm always kinda surprised to hear about older anons with roommates.

>What's (one of) your favourite depressing moment(s) in life so far?

Being in prison.
It's fucked-up but at least all I need to worry about is...
1. Being raped
2. Being assaulted/abused
3. Losing my mind

Anything else does not matter...
Getting out of prison is the real nightmare

1. Criminal record - No work, no prospect of further education. Universities do not want convicted felons.
2. Family members wont look at you the same way they did before
3. Friends think you're scum.

And all I did was get charged for assault with an illegal weapon for attempting to kill a guy that deserved it. I was already on depression medication, so that made it easier for me to get a lighter sentence

>And all I did was get charged for assault with an illegal weapon for attempting to kill a guy that deserved it.
You know how you sound right?

where are you from? how shitty is the prison?

>haha wouldn't it be fun if you posted pictures of ourselves in girls clothes :3
kys raiko

My dad has cancer that they are running out of treatments for. The next one is this CAR T immunotherapy which looks like it has some extreme side effects. I'd have to care for him, and I can barely take care of myself.

He's also getting kinda mean lately. I guess the depression and fear. I'm the only one around for him to take it out on.

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Hit a new low weight today. After spending my early 20's as a morbidly obese WoW addict, I decided to get my shit together (finally) a few years ago. As of today (@30) I've lost exactly 260lb. Feels good. I'm going out today to buy some new Vans. I think I'll get some gray authentics plimsolls at Kohls that I saw on sale for $35. Might stop by Target on the way. I usually buy from the clearance rack because I'm a poorfag and the weight loss means I need smaller clothes often. I've thrown away hundreds of dollars in clothes over the last couple years. 4xl down to a large now!

BUmpo Bumo

I'm considering just picking up this korean mmo just to be able to play with my friends more often even though i already dislike this game. There isn't really any game I enjoy playing solo anymore. I just spend most of my day staring into space.

>I've thrown away hundreds of dollars in clothes
I lost only a pittance of weight compared to you, but sort of know that feel.
At least I got lucky since I didn't throw the ones from when I was slimmer away and it was a nice "fuck yeah" feel wearing them again.
Anyway, congrats.
Any trouble with loose skin now, or were you able to avoid that?

>kissed the girl I love goodbye after a night out
>she told me it made her feel violated and reminded her of when she was abused
I've known her like 10 years and she's fucked up too. Probably why we get along. We made up and still talk all the time. But it's one of those things that needs to either go somewhere or end. We are getting too old for this shit.

I woke up this morning, so that sucked.

Have ordered some Vitamin B12, highly dosed, 1mg each pastille.

Don't notice anything.

Everything is such a meme and overrated, it's not funny.

I've got upper arm wings and an awful gut overhang but everything bad can be covered up in clothes. And they're getting better over time. I hate watching that tlc skin surgery show where these people who are still fat are getting skin removed. 90% of them are still fat and you can see it when they hack it off during that portion of the show.

My dad isn't dying I don't think but he's disabled. In the hospital for pneumonia for the second time now though so it's probably the beginning of the end. I've cared for him for years.

I know it's hard user. But caring for a family member is one of the most noble and loving things you can do. It's the mark of a true man. Be well, user.

Thanks, user. I hope your dad feels better.

I've been going to his chemo and infusions for years, but I think this treatment will be 24/7 care. I have a sister who doesn't know the cancer is back, my dad won't let me tell her, but if this treatment is the next step then I'll need to.

We have a 70 employee family business (my dad runs it and I do engineering), so I'd need to run it, plus do my job, plus manage my dad 24/7 (the side effects include delusions and not being able to speak, plus possible seizures and other wild stuff). Not sure how I'm going to do it.

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Man, this thread sunk fast.

>tfw worked a shit job for 4 years
>someone asked what my name was today

its an abstract kind of feel

>tfw worked a shit job for 4 years
>someone asked what my name was today

>its an abstract kind of feel
Was it a new person?

OP forgot to put 25 in the thread so nobodies filters are picking it up

So you're suggesting to stick 25 in there something while having explicitly a 27 cutoff?

when i moved home from college sophomore year in november due to loneliness and depression

Old fags please gibs info.
Does it mean anything if women say hello anytime they see you,
Also are they interested in you if they talk to you without you initiating conversation?
I have 2 sorta co-workers where this is the case. Neither work in my department so it's not like we see each other every day.
First one almost always talks to me when she sees me
The second one wanted to talk to me about my uni schedule (no we don't go to the same school)
Is there hope of a grill liking me here or is it meaningless

How can you be in your late 20s and still be this retarded over simple pleasantries?
Most people say hello to other people each time they see them.

Normal threads are 25+ so the people that regular them have 25+ in their filters. If you put 27 the thread gets lost and they don't see it.

I'm not late 20's, I'm very early 20's that's why I said old fags. I'm aware this is a 27+ thread, hence why I came here for advice on this
I've had poor experiences with women to say the least so I don't know shit honestly

>I'm cool because I don't believe in God
>I'm so tough because I don't believe in God
>I'm so smart because I don't believe in God
I wonder how your life is going user

dont get excited until they want to talk outside of work. otherwise they're just passing time.

Relax, be pleasant, be friendly and interested. Expect nothing, because frankly that is what you will 99% get anyway.

At workplace it is dicey af even if you are some chad light. You mentioned bad experiences? Now imagine that same bad experience is seeing you there every day or talking to your boss every lunch. Not to be recommended.

>got mcdonalds
>they gave me an extra 10 piece by mistake

we're all gonna make it

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Sad way to look at it but it's realistic

>Sad way to look at it
I tend toward those, sorry.

But really, even our granddads heard
>Do not dip you pen into company ink
from their bros and that was at a time where shit like "He put a hand on my shoulder, so I was sexually assaulted!" would have gotten the accusing woman laughed straight into a new job in the cafeteria.

>I'm very early 20's
>I'm aware this is a 27+ thread
Every single thread, every single fucking thread. I bet if I put it as a 1+ thread, we'd people who weren't born yet asking for advice.

What the hell ever happened to Nick and those Psychological Issues threads from last year!?

Who? The adult highschool autist stalker?

Nick. He was this tripfag who would start Psychological Issues threads last year. He would help people out with their psychological issues.

Those got banned I think, some sprout-off went to Jow Forums or made a discord server afaik.

>Those got banned I think

Why would those threads get banned?

I work at an oncology ward and that's a really promising therapy. Granted I don't know much and am new there, but they started that on a few people. One guy is 80% cured and feels great. Sure, he did get fever and low blood pressure, but in a hospital it wasn't that bad.

Geez, do l look like the wizened old chronologist already?

I THINK, and that is capitalized for a reason, someone complained about a none-practitioner offering psychiatric help and nu-moot carved in quickly. Could be bullshit.

>someone complained about a none-practitioner offering psychiatric help and nu-moot caved in quickly

It's like he wants us to suffer. I mean, it's not as if it would've made things worse, we've had multiple livestream suicides anyway.

I took a break from Jow Forums for about half a year so I missed out on what happened but those threads seemed fairly comfy, like these 25+ and 27+ general threads. Nice change of pace from the typical bullshit you see on Jow Forums. I think that somebody has recently restarted some mental health issues threads but it is just not the same.

Well those suicides did not have any sue-happy lobbies behind them, so in the great scheme of things noone cares.

But I can be totally wrong on this, maybe go dig in some archive if you really care.

I don't really care enough to check, but that sucks if true.

If the 25+ threads stay at 25 then we get a constant flux of people much younger than 25.

Plus those coming after the core millennials can fuck themselves. If I had the same chances they have/had I wouldn't be here on Jow Forums.

So what do most, if any, wizards do with their lives? I'm obviously going to be one and I haven't got a god damn clue what the point is if I'm not going to have a family.

The point is finding out that there IS no point, with a family or without, and still trudge on and try to make the best of it. My take on it at least.

>Mon - Fri: Lift, Eat, Work, Eat, Vidya/Anime, Sleep
>Sat - Sun: Chores, Vidya/Anime, Shopping

With a family at least you have a project to work toward and hopefully something to propagate aspects of yourself beyond the mortal. I mean if I had a career doing something remotely important that would be neat too but I can't have that either. I'm basically just waiting for life to end at this rate.

I'm sure there's plenty of dead wizards.

You know what irks me? At nearly 29, I have these small sparks of motivation where it still feels like I have time to do something or make something. But it soon dissipates when I realise I don't have enough friends to rely on. Leaning too hard on the 1 or 2 friendships you struggle to maintain at the best of times is not a good idea.

I have seen too many good people getting divorced and from my own fuckup with trusting women..I just do not see enough loyalty or honesty in females to try for that project.

And without that goal, any career is simply as much of a timewaster as fapping to modded bethesda games all day by my reckoning.

>job i applied to a month and half ago just contacted me

i feel like this is a red flag

Todo esta terrible.

>I just do not see enough loyalty or honesty in females to try for that project.
Why don't you fuck a man then? Fucking homosexual.



Because male disgust me when I even see them. With females that disgust only starts once I speak with 'em for 10 min or so.

Sorry tranny, your prince is in another thread.

The internet has made me so misanthropic I feel like becoming an anime super villain in real life. I used the internet to escape the real world. Now the internet is so toxic there is no escape. I hate people more and more each day.

I've already decided, i want to shut my self in a room with the bare necessities, immerse myself in anime, video games and literature till the day I die. I manage to do this once already until the normies dragged me back into their world and made me realize that the reality that I create in mind is the 'ideal' i sought after to be in which is never as dissapointing like the 'real' world always is.

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>fapping to modded bethesda games
Thank god I'm not alone.


Ay alguien aqui que me puede decir el punto de la vida?

>i want to shut my self in a room with the bare necessities, immerse myself in anime, video games and literature till the day I die.
Man, anime and vidya are dead to me, I just like the idea of them now.

>What's (one of) your favourite depressing moment(s) in life so far? Big, small, a realisation, an event, a missed opportunity or something to tell you that you got a bad hand and that the cards are stacked.

Well, uh, back in 2016 I went to see a babalawo who told me that I have tres sombras (Spanish for: three shadows) that have been following me around my entire life, closing windows of opportunity to prevent me from ever succeeding. That by this point in my life I should have been extremely successful.

Instead I have ended up becoming a 29-year-old, overweight, neckbearded, high school drop-out, virgin loser with a decade-long gap of unemployment, no car, no friends, no connections, no references, and living in an apartment with his 72-year-old, hard-working, single mother.

The ongoing summer has been pretty depressing. I moved on with my life so much during 2017 (graduated, got a job, moved out of parents basement). Now, after working for 10 months straight, I got 2 months of vacation, and another job ready and waiting to begin at 30th of july. I got an ok amount of savings from my salary, I even had 12 unspent holidays which I got paid for not using during the workyear. So things couldn't be better, right? I had 2 months of total freedom to do anything I've ever wanted to do, and now having plenty of money to do those things with. But what I've ended up doing is fuck all. And I've only got a bit over 2 weeks of summer left before its back to the work schedule. I've regressed back to my NEET schedule, waking up at 2-3 PM and going to bed when the sun rises. Most of that time is spent on Jow Forums. I don't leave my apartment except for groceries. I can't think of anything to do. At least when I was working, I had shit to do during the day and was too exhausted afterwards to be depressed or bored.

I was diagnosed with Asperger's young. I never expected to have success so I don't care if I don't have success now. Is this a problem or a blessing?

Do you have any friends to spend time with? (Pointless question but I have to ask.)

I had a moment today at work where I came to a realization. This is going to be the rest of my adult life. Being somewhere I don't want to be 8 - 10 hours a day, 5 days a week minimum. That's how I'm going to spend my whole life, just to pay the bills. And the worst part is I never got to have a youth, never went to parties, never had friends, never had sex, never did anything cool or fun. This is my life, it feels like prison.

So I know that there are 20+ and 30+ year-olds in these threads, but are there any 40+ and 50+ year-olds in these threads?

>have crazy fetish that a girl will never fulfill

>scatplay/ want a girl to poop while my penis is in her ass.

Good luck user. My mom might have cancer, they're still running some tests. It really fucks sucks so bad.

40+, but hey give it time.

Yeah.. you probably gonna need to get money involved or really hit one with the same kinks for that one


It is a prison, we're just in different cells

You're gonna keep coming to this realisation because you'll get these moments when things aren't so bad and then reality hits hard.

Well i had all of those and i am literally rejecting them on porpuse right now, i created a linkedin not long ago and the hundreds of invitations came in but i simply rejectem them all and clicked "i dont know this person"
I have been missing for a whole year in secclusion, but i gotta find a job soon, i think some people in my circle are sure i died. Lol

I still believe there's a chance I could become self-employed. Otherwise I just spend all my money on pleasure stuff that I barely use and stay at home all day.

Self employment is a great goal, but its not realistic for most. Its like the newest normie pipe dream too now that normies are also depressed of the 9-5 life. In an IDEAL world, I would be making like 25k - 30k USD online somehow working remotely, living in places with low cost of living. But meanwhile I'n reality I'm working my dick off just to barely break even every 2 weeks.

I want to make video games, I know it's not realistic but I enjoy the process of making it anyways so it's all good. I already work from home and live in the countryside, I hate my job but at least there's no one breathing down my neck.

>tfw no comfy stream that brings in some money every month

my goal is to have this and a steady job

>too tired, declined overtime to come home early and maybe get 8 hours of sleep tonight
>had an errand to do, then bus was really fucking late, then had shit to do
>got irritated, posting on this shithole to alleviate stress
>if I went to bed right now I could get 8 hours
>supposed to study for 2 hours
>supposed to clean apartment, would take an hour
>not gonna
>feel guilty missing out on overtime pay
>it wouldn't even be that much in the big picture (I need $100,000 cash, after expenses, in 2 years...a few hours of time and a half aren't gonna put a dent in that. For perfectly legal-ish reasons.)
I've been going out of my mind trying to scheme on how to accomplish this. Only plan that's feasible is going to leave me extremely exhausted, essentially working 3 jobs... The upper success point on that scheme is $250,000 so even if I relax on it a bit I should hit my mark. But still. Fucking Trump just write me a check, 100k is nothing to you, RRRRREEEEEEEEEEE
>for assault with an illegal weapon for attempting to kill a guy that deserved it.
Just move to china and become a hitman. What have you got to lose at this point? It could be like your chinese cartoons.
>been at job 2 months
>already setting myself up to be an essential personnel and the only one who knows how to do certain tasks
>accomplishing a certain task the boss really cares about that no one else has bothered to do until now, going to wave this in their faces
>may compile a resource that will make everyone's job easier and ingratiate them all to me, need one more piece of information to accomplish it
I am the wolf
wolf wolf wolf
wolf needs money

My current job took that long to get back to me. Just roll with it.
It is a prison. Mediocrity gets trapped in that prison. If you aren't smart enough to break out you deserve the prison.

Seems too big a mountain to climb to become a Toady.
What's your skillset?