>First of all, I've been an atheist since birth. However, your "special book" tells you that you weren't born a Christian because a mythical lady ate some fruit. Haha, stupid creationist piece of shit. Don't you know that I'm a certified zoologist at the Columbus Community College. HA! I pity those like your are stupid enough to believe in some fake super natural entity. Let me tell you something fucko, your religion is terrible and dangerous, your symbol is the object that your dear leader was crucified on. Before you say something like, "You have to read the whole Bible first". Well, for your information I've read the first two pages and I didn't need to read 1,200 pages to know that your bullshit Religion is evil. Your God also falsely claims that I'm not allowed to touch myself at night. Guess what fucker? I'll jerk off to underage anime girls all night and clean the hot, sticky semen with my long ass beard which stems from my neck. It's probably even longer than that of Jesus; who didn't even exist. And I bet you my whole fedora collection that my IQ will always be hire than yours. Come back when you're not an evil person, creationist retard.
What is this?
27+ Thread
My birthday last year, when I found out that my oneitis was busy getting sand in her vagoo with a bf she failed to mention.
New atheist copy pasta. Feel free to share.
every single day is relentless agony
Kinda pointless now that we've left the fedora era. Now we're in the era of unironic "christian" anons.
Doesn't sound too bad of a life.
My roommate is gonna be out of town till Monday and I'm kind of afraid I'm going to do something bad
Describe you and your roommate. I'm always kinda surprised to hear about older anons with roommates.
>What's (one of) your favourite depressing moment(s) in life so far?
Being in prison.
It's fucked-up but at least all I need to worry about is...
1. Being raped
2. Being assaulted/abused
3. Losing my mind
Anything else does not matter...
Getting out of prison is the real nightmare
1. Criminal record - No work, no prospect of further education. Universities do not want convicted felons.
2. Family members wont look at you the same way they did before
3. Friends think you're scum.
And all I did was get charged for assault with an illegal weapon for attempting to kill a guy that deserved it. I was already on depression medication, so that made it easier for me to get a lighter sentence
>And all I did was get charged for assault with an illegal weapon for attempting to kill a guy that deserved it.
You know how you sound right?