If i am doing omad what is the max amount of steak I can eat in 1 sitting...

if i am doing omad what is the max amount of steak I can eat in 1 sitting? i really want to try to eat atleast 1 lb but even 2 lbs of delicious grilled steak sounds amazing right now.

my plan is to eat steak every day for the next week and then fast for a week if I can make it that long.

what are the potential downsides of this? just for reference I am 6'2 170 lbs

Attached: ThompsonSteaksBlueCheeseButter-main[1].jpg (600x500, 84K)

literally none, ignore the retards. Fasting for a week sounds dumb, omad is fine. Look up shawn baker, I think you'd like his diet.

If you are trying to build muscle OMAD is a terrible diet.

disagree, when I did OMAD I felt the best I ever did. If you can eat your 3000+ calories in one meal then its fine

im more thinking about the impact that all that beef can have on my health.

i figure since i'm not really overweight it probably won't cause me a heart attack; my main concern is that it will potentially give me constipation?

my intention is to eat 2 lbs of steak but to follow it with a shit ton of fruits (blueberries and strawberries) and potentially even a fiber supplement to make sure i don't get plugged up.

2 lbs of steak is ~3000 calories and 220 grams of protein for a couple days, but the main thing i'm looking for is to stock up on vitamin b12 and cholesterol in preparation for a week long fast

Doesn't matter as long as you don't eat the same stuff every day like a retard.

>I felt the best I ever did
Feelings aren't science, what are you a woman?
All the scientific literature says frequent small meals are best for muscle growth.

>ignore your own person feelings and listen to (((their))) literature instead

2lbs of steak is a fucking lot especially if you don't eat the fat

If you're not overweight why are you doing it? OMAD is usually one of the meme diets favored by fatties.