/fast/ - #259 - Ghandi Edition:

>What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of snake juice fasting, dry fasting, OMAD, OMAW, AFD and IF (Why should I fast?
Read all of these, they might answer some other questions you may want to ask.

See your doctor before fasting if you have any sort of chronic illness (type 1 diabetes, malnourished, underweight, pregnant, breastfeeding)

>How do I safely do an extended fast (approx. 4-5+ days)
New snake juice recipe here - youtube.com/watch?v=1onQ0nxgWFM

>2000mg of sodium (preferably Himalayan Pink Salt) max
>4700mg of saltless potassium max (NoSalt/LoSalt are high potassium-low sodium salts available in grocery stores or Amazon and the like)
Mix these in a liter of water and sip it throughout the day. The apple cider vinegar and lemon are optional but recommended for 10+ day fasts.
You can also do this if you feel lightheaded, weak, dizzy, nauseous, etc., on shorter water fasts. Don’t do this while intermittent fasting.

>Won’t I go into starvation mode?
No. It only occurs at extremely low body fat (4% or less).

>Can I workout?
Yes. But don't overdo it.

>Will (something with calories) break my fast?

>Can I drink coffee, tea, and diet soda? Or anything with artificial sweeteners?
Black, unsweetened coffee and tea - YES!
Diet drinks and artificial sweeteners are debatable (continuously)

>Do I need a multivitamin?
No. Fat burning provides sufficient vitamins

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Ok cock suckers

Previous Thread

66 hours into first fast. Did first 48 hours dry. Snake juicing today. I’m struggling hard. Send help.

hello i got some cake on my fingers. none of it was visible, but I could smell it on my fingers and I happened to touch my lips

is my fast broken?

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only if you drink water while smelling the smell of cake on your fingers.
The olfactory sense coupled with swallowing triggers insulin response which would break your fast

will eating boogers break my fast??


science please?

are you being serious? I didn't drink any water but I swallowed saliva... fuck I probably broke my fast didn't I

I smelled the shit out of the cake.

I'm 220+ lbs right now

I used to be fit but got lazy and complacent because long term GF

I just started to see a minor double chin. I'm freaking the fuck out boyos and the anger of seeing myself become this fat has awakened the fire inside me once again.

Could I theoretically fast for 3 days if I don't have snake juice and just drink water?

Is there any benefit to trying a 24 hour fast? I know I'm not going to drop much else other than water weight, but I just wanted to try a small one out to prep myself for a longer one later maybe.

Do sips break a fast? 0 calories

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>eating disorder general
when are you guys going to fuck off for good?

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I'd rather have an eating disorder and be lean than have my current eating disorder that makes me fat

Fasting will end when "not eating" stops being the most sure fire way of losing weight.

Cope harder

at least you're willing to admit it's a disorder

>not eating
except that's not true. most vegetables are extremely low in calories. a pound of broccoli is only 150 calories. a human would never gain weight eating that non-stop,

listen to and start admitting you have a problem

I don't eat on any Saturday or Sunday. It's a little 2 fast and keeps me from eating out on the weekends.

Theoretically you can do whatever you want. The snake juice will just mitigate your headaches, and help you stay energetic. Might as well cut the water and rock out a dry fast my nig. Just don't make any other plans.

I don't have the mental fortitude for dry fast. Drinking water helps me manage the hunger when i fast (longest I've ever fasted was 27 hours though)

switched from OMAD and trying my first proper fast today, 1 hour after i would normally eat and I'm not sure if i can make it. you're doing great

Hunger comes and goes. I'm on day 4 of my current fast, and I feel no hunger at all. I will a handfull of times a day, but it's 100% manageable. I am on the snake jizz though. Heavy water drinking will flush your electrolytes (that snake juice replenishes) and you will be left feeling like ass. The calories deficit will basically be the same though. Your call.

Yeah do it. If you’ve never gone that long between meals it’s pretty cool just psychologically to do it and to know how easy it is.

I'm legitimately so poor that I can't buy the salts i need for snake juice feelsbadman

You're poor because you don't keep salt in the house.

I don't get it

How do I incorporate lifting? I'm doing IF right now, so I've just been timing my workout to be towards the end of the fast, so I can break the fast with protein powder.

But I want to do a longer one, like 72 hours to start, but I want to workout everyday. Is protein powder too much to break the fast, or is 110 calories once a day ok?

Pic related, best chest exercise to smooth out some of the boob sag.

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Your problems aren't caused by a lack of money, your problems are caused by a lack of wealth or value.

no shit its lack of value. Value would mean that I could generate money.

So fuck off and kill yourself you worthless piece of shit.

fuuuck. i have failed. made it to 4 and a half days. food tasted just as good as I thought it would. I think I'll try again tonight.

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I was basically in the same boat. Food stamps paid for my snake juice cause I achieved nigger mode.

no thanks

>somewhat skinny face
>breasts are getting much smaller
>calves and thighs are slimmer
>still big gut, love handles and massive fat ass
I’m a fucking pear right now. Can’t buy proper pants since ones that are big enough in the waist are way too long in the legs.
The closer I get to being done, the more impatient I get.


You're never done fatty. Get it off, and keep it off.

come on /fast/, where are all the hardcore fasters who do 7-10+ day fasts only broken up by 1 refeed meal? I'm sick and tired of hearing about 24-48 hour fasts

Does it matter if I drink cold ice water with my other salt water in a cup on the side? I just remembered some shit where ice and salt burned people.

they fucked off to discord where they could eject the crabs and other cancer that infests /fast/

https:// discord .gg / YGKtES

your server is a faggot ass hugbox

hey /fast/ does anyone know the max amount of time one can dry fast without any risks? i want to dry fast but there's basically no literature on this stuff.

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Fuck I'm tired of this shit every thread
The artificial sweeteners trigger a fuckhuge insulin response and effectively break your fast

Legit fasters don't meme about it here anymore. Once you master long fasts you have transcended the shitposting world.

Not long. You can't live without water for very long, user.

What are you eating if you cant afford salt? How about do 24hrs dry then buy salt with the money you would have spent on food.

I broke on day four. Going to take a day to recoup and try again.

the only shit i eat is stuff my mom gives me to bring to school (broke college student) so like shitty sandwiches

im gonna start doing shitty online surveys fuck it if I get 2 dollars a day it's still enough for some salts

72 hours here and just about to sleep so that's another 9. Please kill me.

same, it just motivates me to keep going. never thought i'd do as much as I did.

So, all the websites I have been looking up concerning OMAD all tell me that it's a pretty mixed bag in terms of pros and cons and that the science is not really in yet.
You guys seem to be some pretty strong proponents of this stuff, so what's your reasoning?

yeah obviously, but the record is what, 17 days? we need to establish how long and how often the average person can do this.

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the science isn't in because the industries dont want it to be in

you think anybody's gonna pay for studies that makes their supplements and foods sell LESS?

hard to eat 3000 calories in an hour.
good results from experience

just hit 74 hrs, not bad, but have been keto and fasting prior.

What women is going to want to be with some faggot that’s fasting from water?

>hint none


its small, dont sweat it,
keep calm and fast on
Keto + OMAD for a week prior, then jump into a multi-day fast, its easymode then.
potassium chloride is 5$ at the grocery store, salt is even cheaper if you steal if from macdonalds, go suck 5 ducks.
If you fail, just try again, fasting is free, and always available.
we are all on the discord.
I do 5 days on a regular basis, many on the discord are close to a month.


its puts the lotion on the skin.....
for dry fast? no idea, for wet fast, 382? days

>I do 5 days on a regular basis, many on the discord are close to a month.
WITHOUT WATER? there's no fuckin way.
besides, that doesn't really address the question of safety

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no, only intermittent dry fasting, more than 72 hours dry is silly IMO and of no real fat loss benefit.

Boogers are just mucus mixed with dirt.
That is like asking if swallowing your spit will break a fast.

4 day fast here, but I'm not fat and doing it for pure health reasons, so I am ending it tomorrow.

Do you need snake juice for a 9-10 day fast? I don't have any potassium, only sea salt and won't be able to afford any until around the 10th day. I've only done a 4 day before and was fine with out.
May extend it for longer depending on how things go.

From what I've heard you shouldn't push much past 48 hours if you want to for sure be safe, but what do I know?

get the potassium for a fast over 72 hours, if not eat a whole avocado or two every 3 days or so.

Okay so I just decided this morning to waster fast for the whole week. How fucked am I?
Should I just start out with IF and then gradually move into more intense fasting?

>just thought about doing x how fucked am I
you're a retard and a faggot.

I'll only be able to afford to buy anything on the 30th at the earliest.

There's no best way to do it.

Eat a maximum of one meal per day and less than that if you want faster results. Its not some fucking complicated process.

then fast until then, you will save money and if you get just salt you should be fine. There is potassium stored in body tissues.

Don't think so

>0 calories
Unfortunately they do have some calories

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Today has been nearly as difficult as the first, but the days in between weren’t too bad. I’ve been going OMAD with dinner being said meal, 24 hour fast in between. Lost four pounds in a week, so that’s definitely put me back on track.

I'm getting there. Almost done with day 5. Going to go as long as I can, but no longer than 2 weeks.

I read on one of the threads about using baking soda and cream of tartar for snake juice recipe. Anyone know about that?

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How much weight will I lose doing OMAD for a week, with my meal being 1500 calories?
My belly fat is starting to visibly empty and sag, so I wanna do a more drastic cut to get it over with finally.

Was eating about 2500 calories per day while doing lots of high intensity cardio stuff like sparring in a boxing gym and HIIT.
Should I dial back the intensity?

Is it safe to drink on a fast?

Is this a good way to break my fast and a little bit of bone broth?

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no, your testicles will explode.

no, you will shit your heart out.

Drink alcohol? It severely dehydrates you so go figure.

It's sip not alcool

i miss grandpa omaw

Thoughts on ECA stack while fasting?

I just broke a 7 day fast
I wasn't uncontrollably hungry, I don't even mind hunger any more, but I wasn't quite on my game and I needed to be, I have to rescue a kitty

for those interested I had a little bit of chicken broth, two soft boiled eggs, and two pieces of buttered toast. Wanted steak but don't think I can fit it in

be a nigger, shoplift some nosalt

I live in the middle of nowhere and my bike is fucked. It would actually cost me more than the salt is worth to get to the nearest store.

I have a bad habit of biting skin off the tip of my finger, like a very small amount

does that break my fast?

Yes, you are now 100% out of ketosis. Now say ten hail Mary's, and eat an entire loaf of bread as penance to the fast God's before you may start your next fast.

I didn't realize the only thing that matters in a fast is ketosis

Doesn't matter cause you broke both. Pack up your bags and go home. You were never gonna make it anyway.

How many calories do I aim for in my keto OMAD? Does it matter?

no thanks

you bit your nails, fast is over pal.

>except that's not true. most vegetables are extremely low in calories. a pound of broccoli is only 150 calories. a human would never gain weight eating that non-stop,
Except why would you do that you fucking retard. Did you even bother to educate yourself on how fasting changes the metabolism of your organism?

honestly I would focus on not eating too LITTLE.
Getting even a thousand calories in a healthy nutritious meal can be challenging top eat.

Will dry fasting help with acne?

Only one way to find out sweetums

so ill just keep going anyways who cares

>Not sealing your face orifices with superglue to prevent swallowing insects, and calorie dense dust particles

And this clown bites his fingers. Don't know WHAT made him think he would make it.

Why doe?