Do cardio

>do cardio
>gain weight
I think my meat suit is broken, guys.

Attached: Fat+pepe+hate+fat+pepes+all+hate+themselves+inside_ce1c69_5576352.jpg (500x407, 24K)

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you're eating too much

10 minutes of jogging twice a week isn't going to do shit if your still eating at a surplus.
there's a reason they say abs are made in the kitchen

>doing cardio
>eating more than your TDEE

Pick both and you'll gain weight anyway

>do five minutes of cardio and burn fifteen calories
>eat entire cake to celebrate the change you're making in your life
buh why me fat

I only have two meals a day. Breakfest and lunch/dinner.

Post your MFP/food log

He probably doesn't even log his food. Never gonna make it OP

I hate when people are this vague. What are you doing specifically?

>been cutting from 215 for way longer than I should have
>stuck at 205 for two weeks, eating deficit every day
>wake up mad this morning and hop on the scale as a giant fuck you to my fat body and a way to motivate myself
>down to 203

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Two sandwiches for breakfest and potatos/rice with some cooked chicken fillet for lunch/dinner. I do eat some snacks throughout the day, just a few cookies or a few pieces of chocolate bar with tea, it shouldn't be more than 200 calories. I'm 6'1 and 80-81kg. I've been trying to get below 80 for a week now, but keep bouncing back. I do 1-1.5h on stationary bike for cardio, with some push ups and other light exercises.

start logging every single thing you eat on my fitness pal

>two sandwiches: it really depends on what you are putting on them, but pb+j sandwiches are upwards of 600cal
>chicken and rice: buy a fucking food scale, they are $11.

You're doing okay, in fact you may be losing a bit of fat and simply replacing it with water, because Jow Forums people generally need more water since your body expects to sweat profusely every day.

That being said breakfast is usually the easiest meal of the day to skip, and you're eating a really big one. Try skipping breakfast and eat a small dinner instead

Lol. I train for endurance a lot but it is not the most efficient way to burn fat. The best fat burning work I've done are 5-6 exercise circuits for 5 rounds with an anaerobic exercise at the end of each round (weight vest sprints, max feet versiclimber for 30sec). Another good one is a 20min AMRAP of tireflips, farmer carries, 200ft versiclimber. It's okay if you don't the equipment above. Make your own brutal conditioning workout. Do a cicruit on days when you don't do your big lifts. On days when you are following your program, put in a 15 min conditioning workout for a finisher. One good one is do 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 with burpees, pull-ups, DB manmakers all with a weightvest as fast as possible. If your gym has an assault bike / airdine, do an assault bike tabata at the end of your workouts.

Try 1 meal a day bru

>body stores energy
>I think it's broken

Try 1 sandwich.
It still sounds like your eating a lot. Just go for intermittent fasting/keto if you want to lose weight.
Its really easy cause you don't even get hungry. And only drink water. No soda or tea

>just a few cookies or a few pieces of chocolate bar with tea, it shouldn't be more than 200 calories
imagine being this retarded in 2018

>try this unsustainable meme
please stop parroting this shit you are LITERALLY the "grapefruit and water" diet


>I panic when I get stomach rumblies
Please get a hold of yourself. A fat person eating less is not unsustainable. They literally have sustenance hanging off of their hips.

If you're eating 2000 cal meals it doesn't matter. You'll still be gaining weight. CICO. Read the fucking stick.

It is unsustainable when they reach their goal weight.
>cool, now that I have reached my goal weight of 180lbs I get to go back to eating like a normal human!
>wait a second, what does a normal portion look like?
>what does a day's worth of food look like?
And they are EXACTLY where they started in terms of eating habits but just a few pounds lower than where they started.

CICO is sustainable forever. Keto and IF are not unless you literally plan on doing them for the rest of your life.

How much of a retard can you be to forget how to eat like a normal person? Or what healthy portions look like?

I've gone back and forth between IF and normal eating multiple times and have never had this issue.

Why do you want to lose weight at only 80 kg?

>How much of a retard can you be to forget how to eat like a normal person? Or what healthy portions look like?
>just use these "cheat codes" to lose weight
The person doesn't know what they look like in the first place. When a fatty wants to lose weight CICO is by far the best method for doing it because it gives them relevant experience with their future diet.
>ketofags overdose on bread because intuitive eating fails when reintroducing carbs
>IFags eat too much because they are used to giant portions but now get to have giant portions 3 times per day
>CICOchads literally do the same thing that they were already doing but now they get to eat more food because they are eating maintenance instead of a cut
How are you not seeing this?

>eat fifty tacos for one meal
>its okay i only had one meal today
Meals are made up of calories.

>eating like a normal human
Three meals a day and 100,000 calories in a chilled box is pretty new to humanity. I'm not sure I'd call it normal, especially considering what it's done to most of us.
But anyway, you're right. Shit won't work out for you if you're retarded.

CrossFit faggotry
Just run 2-5 miles lmao nigga

This. If it takes you more than 2 weeks to realise this by yourself then your IQ is below 110 and you should stay fat and hopefully never reproduce

You do realize that most people who do IF still count calories, right? They still follow CICO, except they eat at specific times during the day. Retard.

Going back to normal eating literally doesn't change this.

Why even fast then? Literally what benefit does it have over regular CICO that you would recommend other people do it? Also, there was no indication in your original post that says he should do IF with CICO. Just IF.

How about you actually read up on why IF is done in the first place before trying to talk about it being a bad diet plan.

Not an argument

>bruh the earth is flat why don't you just read up on it dumbass

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Why count your weight? Just use a take measure and estimate your bodyfat percentage.

>Doesn't know what IF is.
>Talks shit about IF.
user, stop. You're embarassing yourself.

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>He thinks he's not the flat earther in this analogy

>It reduces both psychological and physiological hunger, meaning you're less likely to binge or otherwise cheat on your calories for the day. It's not uncommon to forget to eat when doing IF.
>Eating only once or twice a day keeps your body in a low-insulin state for a longer amount of time than normal eating would
>Your body can only mobilize stored fat for energy in the absence of insulin, meaning being in a low-insulin state for longer = more relative fat mobilization. This is good for fats or people looking to cut to especially low body fat levels.
>IF increases HGH in the body, which further stimulates the burning of body fat while helping retain muscle
>IF improves insulin sensitivity, which is especially important for fats who are either recovering diabetics or borderline
>Many people also just claim IF "Feels good", which, while not providing a literal physiological benefit in itself, is still good as it helps with sticking to your diet.


Ah finally a reply, but could you cite some scholarly sources to back up your claims?

bf% makes me depressed

>Ghrelin (aka Hunger):

>Insulin/Blood Glucose:



Not that user but does this mean that I'll lose the most amount of fat if I exercise while I'm fasting, since this is when the insulin levels are lowest and my fat cells will be accessed for energy? I've been working out for the past few months in between my two meals, and if I've been doing it wrong its a game changer

>This pilot study indicates that fasting ghrelin profiles display a circadian pattern similar to that described in people eating three times per day.
Cool so it does nothing compared to 3x/day for hunger

>Intermittent fasting therefore has beneficial effects on glucose regulation and neuronal resistance to injury in these mice that are independent of caloric intake.
Not a study on humans

>on those with type 2 diabetes
not really relevant to the discussion here

>Accordingly, the 24-h pulsatile pattern of GH secretion obtained from repetitive venous sampling in six normal adult male subjects was examined during a control fed day and during the first and fifth days of a 5-d fast.
>five day fast
Not really IF then is it?

Try reading things next time instead of just copying and pasting them

Studies have shown that you do indeed burn significantly more fat while fasted when exercising, but you have to do low intensity-long duration exercise to get the most out of it. You'll never burn "only fat" though because the body is always using all 3 of its energy systems in unison at all times, but their relative contributions change depending on intensity and relative supply of substrate.

I wouldn't recommend high intensity primarily because your body needs glucose for high intensity work, meaning it will catabolize protein if it has to in order to make ends meet.


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Thanks dude. I kept seeing this article going around a while ago that said there was no significant weight loss difference if you exercised fasted. It wasn't talking about IF though, so it could be completely unrelated. Was it just a meme?

Anyway, I'm going to try doing cardio while fasted for as long as I can and see what happens

>some fat fuck with pictures of children's cereal saved on his computer crying that not eating food isn't how you lose weight

Stay mad, fatboy.

>he doesn't know how to post images from the internet

>u mad??????

Also link study pls. Sounds interesting

He won't, or he will and it will be flawed and from the 1980s.

The whole "Oh well the actual total weight loss is the same" argument is a half-truth because losing 5lbs total bodyweight is not the same thing as losing 5lbs of specifically fat

At the end of the day, 500kcal is 500kcal, which is good enough for 99% of people. if you want to min/max gains, asking the question "Well where is that 500kcal coming from" can be important. This is especially a concern to people looking to cut to particularly low levels of body fat, as they obviously want it to come from stored fat and nothing else.

Interesting. What about weight lifting? I always do it after eating since I feel like I need the energy, but is it better to do while fasted as well? As in, would I need the energy from a meal to have an effective workout, or would I have enough from my reserves?

I mean, IF is still an emerging science so there isn't all that much data. All of the experiments done on animals with similar metabolisms to ourselves have given outstanding results, we just haven't done enough research on humans to see if it is as effective on us

Personally since I started doing IF I've lost 14 kilos since february, so it's worked for me so far. Not to mention that I enjoy my meals a hell of a lot more if I feel somewhat hungry, I feel way more alert and am sleeping way better. It might not be exclusively due to IF but all of my friends who've tried it have experienced similar things, so I'm going to stick to it until it stops working I guess, even if it has nothing to do with fat loss

stop being a brainlet and count calories

>it shouldn't be more than 200 calories.
a fucking snickers has 200+ calories, and you think cookies + pieces of choolate have less...
track calories at least for a week.