Be honest, how many of have ACTUALLY lifted weights?

Be honest, how many of have ACTUALLY lifted weights?

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I can't lift, i have a permanent injury.

Sometimes, yeah

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I lifted a weight once. I hated it, it made my arm tired.

I lift my feels of
>tfw no gf

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i unironically browsed for like 3 years without lifting, started last month

I went into the gym
Put one of the big plates on each side of the bar
Couldn't even lift that
Not gonna lift if I have to humiliate myself

Yeeeep, back in my day I benched 500 pounds from doin yard work

I came here because I lifted weights and was looking for advice on certain exercises.

hahaha i bet you feel stupid now

I'm lifting weights right now.

I'm planning on starting some time later this year.

29yo boomer here that just started this week. I feel the best I've felt in years. Doing 5x5.

>not curling while sitting at the computer
never gonna make it

I'm just here to spread incorrect information and post disparaging replies to people seeking help.

Three days a week for the past 2 years.

How did you cope bro. Took me 1 month of lurking before I took up the steel.

I didnt come on this board until 5-6 months after lifting. This board unironically has killed my gains.

i was underage and lifting impairs growth but i'm 6'2 now so i said fuck it

you got memed by momscience

Baron Trump?

tried it, didn't care for it

even if i did i would've looked weird if i started lifting back then...16's a pretty good age to start right?

asking for friend btw

Curremtly in the gym atm lmao

get off your phone retard

Kys faggot

yeah 16 works
>asking for friend btw
kek get off this site while you can.

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Lifted before I started regularly getting on chan

Dont listen to anything on Jow Forums

Gotta start somewhere or you'll be soft everywhere forever

So put smaller plates on and lift those until you get stronger. If you give up so easily you're never gonna make it

>he doesn't lurk between sets

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I mean, if it was OHP, that's reasonable. Few people OHP 1pl8 on their first day.

>looked weird
You mean bad-ass


Do 10x10 Basedboi

This. I had to get used to it. It took a little over 2.5 weeks before I was repping 1pl8 OHP. You gotta start somewhere.

>this person gives advice on Jow Forums

You just post it autist, you don't have state what you're gonna say.

I wish I started when I was 16. If you haven't made it in your mid 20s you never will. Your body when you're 25 is the best it will ever be no matter how much effort you put in later in life

im just a celery salesman making sure my profits for the future are secured tbqhfam

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fucking estating dipshits I swear. There is only one guy in my gym who ohp's over 1pl8 and you fuckers do it on the first day. sure.

I did, but I never got over babyweights

Did you not read my post. It took some time with getting the form right. Apparently I kept bending back at the core and not the hips. Much better now.

I spent about $1000 on a power rack, Olympic barbell/300lb weight set, olympic dumbbell bars and preacher curl bar, an adjustable 80lb weight vest, and a cheap bike/elliptical machine about a year ago. Done SS and calasthenics while wearing weight vest a few times but always end up giving up. Low motivation & high maintenance property with a slight case of alcoholism is a bitch.

That's pretty pathetic desu, what sort of weak ass gym do you go to

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So there's only one guy at your gym who OHPs? How can you not do a plate? It's just one on each side.

Raises hamd


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Every day except Saturday and Sunday.

Are you going to start lifting soon

Weights isn't the only way to be and stay Jow Forums, where's my calisthenics bros?

Using anything but shoulders is cheating.

I'm only starting to lift, but I've lost 110 lbs since last July

I do a 5x3 m-w-f routine at my college gym. Life is good

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lol no SS is good to start with

Lurked close to a decade, started sl last sunday when i bought a bench and a bar from my neighbour.

Yes but my DL form is really bad and so I feel like I don't deserve to say I do.

So you're doing a standing benchpress?

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I lift barbells 4 times a week my man

I lift myself out of bed every morning

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No niggers. An OHP. You got to lean back to clear your head. Obviously you are unfamiliar with this lift.

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Of all the people on fit who lift regularly I am in the bottom 20% str wise (this includes girls)
Of all the people who post on fit regularly I am in the top 20% str wise

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I'll buy it for $500. Where you live?

I know but the guy I responded to made out like he was using his legs for momentum.

What part did I say anything about using legs to drive the movement? That's not an OHP, that's a push press.

I’m too scared to hit the bench press in a gym with others looking. Haven’t done it.

I think you mean The Press™

I lift so hard my adductors are literally split in half from muscle damage.

Seconded. Jow Forums makes it sound like all fuckers in the gym are able to lift big, yet in my 3-4 years of going to multiple gyms only aprox. 25% of gym goers are able to OHP 1pl8 and lift big.

>Not lifting paint cans with your dick for ez gainz
Never, EVER, gonna make it.

>I wish I started when I was 16. If you haven't made it in your mid 20s you never will. Your body when you're 25 is the best it will ever be no matter how much effort you put in later in life

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Never lifted but give serious advices here for keks

>He doesn't bring his desktop to the gym

i actually do lift, and can OHP 70 puppies, more or less depending on breed

>my favorite to lift, they're chill enough to sit still
>other breeds are too hyperactive, they unbalance the bar during the movement and it's not safe for them or me

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Nah, lower back injury. Used to bench lmao5plate though

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Yeah no Joke I lift 6x a week and I also do boxing, swimming and climbing.

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Yeah boooiiii just hit 185lbs OHP. So far all I’m stalling on are squats (225, bitchweight) which is why I’m doing SS in three weeks.

it's the same with everything on the internet.
90% of people going to the gym are dyels who will stop lifting after 3 months, I've actually never seen anyone OHPssing in my gym.

this. The biggest mistake I see in OHP is people using the big plates. I just use the smaller ones and do lots of plates easy

>tfw started this year at 23

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