Mirin’ thread
>going to class
>step in elevator, theres some old dude in it
>”you look like an athlete!”
Mirin’ thread
>going to class
>step in elevator, theres some old dude in it
>”you look like an athlete!”
>notice girls checking me out
>too much a sperg pussy to do anything
Ah I see you're training like an athlete
every time
If you've been admired by anyone for anything you don't belong on this website. Fuck you you norman piece of shit.
>new year at uni
>move in to a place with few other guys
>there’s another guy with the first name ‘user’ so they others guys refer to me as ‘big user’
>company christmas party.
>drunk 50 year olds gossiping about how nice my ass is when I'm in the other room.
>stand with my butt in the doorway for them to mire.
Bruh even the most autistic of guys will get mires if they lift for long enough. You sound like a bitter dyel
Based devilish frogposter
Fuck off back to Jow Forums you bitter faggot.
Why are all my mires from men goddammit
If you've ever been admired it means someone somewhere finds you good looking and you're therefore wasting your life on this website. If even one person found me good looking I'd leave this website and the internet forever and enjoy my life.
Spending your free time staring at a screen is for people with nothing better to do, if you're good looking you should never waste your youth on this site.
And this is Jow Forums, not Jow Forums, this is the board where people come to improve themselves rather than bemoan God for not handing them everything on a plate.
Breh what are you doing on this board? Do you even lift?
>old boomer dude
>ah I bet you play soccer don't you?
how do you even respond to this
Earned or not earned if someone finds you good looking and you still waste your life staring at a screen you just can't be helped. You simply take the good things in life for granted, those of us less fortunate don't have the luxuries you handsome normans do.
>haha no that’s gay
>if you're moderately attractive you cant look at a screen ever again
You are the definitive brainlet. Everybody has down time.
>implying everyone on this site is on it 24/7 and doesn’t leave the house
People can have lives and be on this site, in fact 90% of the people on this board probably do
t. Anglo-Saxon
You're wasting your lives. You take it for granted, one day you'll grow ugly and you'll wish you had used what you had. If I looked like you handsome normans I'd never fucking look at any of these autistic ass websites ever again.
It also just so happens that 90% of Jow Forums doesn't even lift, so...
Are you wilfully dense, or did God curse you with tremendous stupidity? Consider people posting here only post here for an hour or two a day rather than the standard 12 hours I presume you spend, you gymcel goblin.
Im actually curious how many people here actually lift. Or have 1/2/3/4
Okay, justify wasting 7-14 hours a week on this website.
i feel sorry for you and your stupidity
I like it, it's my life and I will do whatever the fuck I want with it. Explanation enough?
no one needs to justify any amount of time they spend doing fucking anything, if you enjoy what you're spending your time on then good for you.
I spend 154 hours doing other shit you mong.
I've gone 1/2 but my knees are straight fucked m8
Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.....
It can be informative, humorous, and generally I find it to facilitate some good discussion
Fuck off, incel.
Kek he literally just put on some body fat in the left pic. Otherwise looks the same, barely older
okay I don't agree with that guy totally but let's be real here this website is a major waste of time and just about everyone here would be better off it they stopped using it entirely right now
I haven't been admired by a random in years.
Yeah, I would be better off if I stopped doing many things I like to do, but fuck that. I enjoy being here and talking with you awesome faggots, so I have no reason to stop coming.
If you're not even getting basic mires you obviously don't lift. Get the Fuck off my board
>first day of uni after the summer break
>"wow user, you look very slim!"
>"are you doing sports or heroin, haha?"
I was lazy as shit and only lost 4kg during the summer, between winter and summer I lost like 25kg and the only real change was that I finally bought some non-baggy clothes.
What is this incels.me? Shoo shoo faggaroo
Yo bros im faced with a dilema
Rees's cup/ Cripss or nothing
coles closes in 3hrs
>be horrible dyel
>be less dyel
>coworker remarks that I look bigger
>another coworker doesn't recognize me after a long while, says I look different
im still horribly dyel, most of it is probably posture gains
crunchy nut
Nice nose schlomo
Don't you know? You're here forever.
I have way more than 14 hours in free time per week and I choose to use some of it here. I do productive shit in the rest of the week.
>be me at uni
>friend of a friend is having a party, lets call her anonnette
>i know shes been into me for a while but shes a raging liberal
>but shes pretty hot
>go to the party, only like 8 people
>get drunk, shes all over me
>anonette says i look like i got jacked
>we make out for a bit
>other guy comes over
>now she moves to the opposite end if the room to sit with him
>too drunk to care
>next morning i feel like i was made into a total idiot
>she asks if i had fun and thst she doesnt really remember what happened towards the end of the night
Im thinking ill just ignore her.
>walking around campus
>see girl miring from afar
>say hello as I get closer
>she looks forward and ignores me
I don't understand
Nothing wrong with a cheeky Jow Forums browsing as long as you don't spend every waking moment here.
lol wtf
I thought that was a mire and not a mogged thread
what happened was you were a sure thing and he was of higher value than you. she took a risk and it paid off. she got slammed that night and didnt want to tell you, and she knows youre still there.
>look ma, no hands: the sport
nah, cunt
basketball-tier, desu
>end of dance session
>walk up to two spanish girls I was dancing with, one young and the other is a slutty looking milf with big tits n ass
>tell them how I still have energy and feel like dancing more even though session is over
>milf says "well you can come back and dance at my place" in a way where it's very obvious she doesn't want to dance
>I spaghetti cause I'm not used to women being that casually advancive
>drop the ball with her again at another instance because I seem to desperate
feels bittersweet, man
i was mired a while ago, she said "hey you're looking bigger, are you working out?"
[spoiler]by my mom
thanks mom :)[/spoiler]
>only 14 hours/week
One of my patients asked if i play football professionally, I just said no
They called me a stud but i feel dead inside
Honestly I never accept any mires, i always question whether they're mocking me or not
I know I am ugly i just don't like to be lied to
>not "y-you too"
Never gonna make it
Self control is your friend you fat bitch
Move on, she fucked him
You know, if you hate it so much you can leave already
People can notice you bein skinny whether or not you wear baggy clothes, so that’s weird
everything you can do i somewhat seen as wasting time you fucking incel
playing video games is waste of time
going out doors looking at shit is waste of time
eating cheetos all day is waste of time
going playing basketball with someone is waste of time
what is even waste of time? define that you stupid fuck
If you haven't lifted long enough to get a compliment every now and again you should still be lurking.
Either you take charge when you meet women and control them by first kissing them, to later on fuck them.
If you let some random dude come and take her away - well it's you that's the problem. Don't let him take the girl away from you.
She could also be a thot but most girls are thots so fuck that.
>be me
>enjoying sweet noob gains combined with dbol
>new haircut
>visit senpai
>cousin (15) exclaims "pecs" and feels my chest for 10-20 seconds
>asks if I've been working out
>flex arm "you tell me"
>"oh my god"
>holds my arm as we walk along the street with her friend later that day
>touches my abs at dinner
Mired by my boomer boss, she said I look taller and bigger
>haha it's just posture gains
>go hide in my protein fart gas chamber cubicle
went to a clinic and female doctor asked my if do sports.
ahhhahahha gtfo faggot incelm Jow Forums is not exclusive for loosers you know?
Let’s get this clear: someone telling you you made progress, you look more muscular or you look thinner if you were fat are not mires. Just because you look better, doesn’t mean you look good. Maybe you went from a 3 to a 5/10. You’re still ugly my nigga, no one cares if your boomer co-worker said you’re looking bigger, don’t post this kind of shit in mire threads. Only post if someone else said or gave hints that you’re attractive
actual autism
teasing is the best
>be working
>construction sales
>like 5 hour drive away from where I live
>doing site visit at nursing home
>qt nurse showing me the problems in a few rooms where someone drove a car through the building
>apparently this ward is closed off due to the damage since they don’t want old people wandering around
>nurse said she’d keep me company while I’m measuring and taking photos
>flirt with her a bit, wrap up work
>”user if you’re gonna be around for another 30 minutes, I can take lunch and show you my fav place to eat”
>fuck yes I’m in
>go eat with her
>find out she’s got a fiance that hasn’t set a date for their wedding in 7 years
>she invites me over to her apartment that night
>politely decline, explain how far away I live
>”when are you coming back to see me?”
Shew lads
although teasing could be fun and ego-boosting it's, at it's core, feminine shit. If you don't have the ability to close and seal the deal, you're just making yourself look pretty for a more assertive/dominant person to choose you.
True. Normies boomers point out anything as "good progress". You're aiming for the prizes and rewards of the upper 1% and better, don't let recognition of your ascension stop your rise
Went to a wedding
>girl says why you gotta be so tall user
>you've been working out havent you
When we went on our separate ways thot just molested my back, touched groped every back muscle there is
Feels good man
The ultimate mire
Bring her back to YOUR place
Match with a really unique looking hottie on Tinder. Through convo learn she’s only in town tonight and leaves tomorrow. She’s here for a course only being held in my city.
>pick her up from her hotel and am literally floored with how hot she is, tanned skin with the lightest green eyes ive ever seen, 10/10 face
>she guesses my ethnicity more or less and it takes me a few guesses for hers
>she’s Egyptian and Muslim but not hardcore practicing kinda deal
>we go play pool, she never has and i use every available opportunity to check her tits out (double D’s) or coach her on how to hold the cue stick also making sure to get real close to her
>she drinks so thats how i know she’s not a hardcore extremist cut your head off snakbar
>learn her brother died 2 weeks prior in a car wreck
>i go and show her off at a local pizza joint i frequent but she’s not hungry, hasn’t been for a couple weeks as is understandable
Long story short. I took her back to her hotel that night, we made out and i finger banged her. She wasn’t down for intercourse. She was on her period. The next day we meet again and after a coffee she tells me she’s going home today but that she’s coming back on Sunday. Literally only going home for one day to support her grieving family. She still has a week in my city to go for the course.
Pick her up on Sunday night and we smash. Spend the next week chilling with her in her totel, meet up after her class at 4. Fuck her everyday sometimes multiple times, burned through all my condoms. On her last morning here wake up next her and just cant control myself creampie that pussy like it was hungry.
She left later that day but not before asking me to come to her city. I was hesitant but we kept talking after she left and figured it out. I actually did book a flight and am now going for 6 days. She’s got a place and is gonna use a couple sick days plus the weekend to ensure we can basically fuck for a few days straight again.
>you have legs, why dont you run all the time? some people are not so fortunate
>you have penis, why dont you have sex all the time? some people are not so fortunate (and have vaginas)
>you have eyes, why are you using them to look at the monitor and not seeing what is outside? some people are not so fortunate
>you have water, why dont you waterboard yourself? people are dying because lack of water
>you have food why dont you eat all the time and become morbidly obese? some people are less fortunate and cannot enjoy food
I try to give a quick/friendly mire to any Jow Forums autistic dude I meet on the off chance that he browses here. I don't get gay about it, I'll just glance at his arms and say "Nice man!" or something like that.
>you have water, why dont you waterboard yourself? people are dying because lack of water
>you have food why dont you eat all the time and become morbidly obese? some people are less fortunate and cannot enjoy food
She spilled her spaghetti, youre almost there user keep going. We are all going to make it.
Something similar happened to me at work.
>work in a labor intensive position at work
>get a bit dirty at times so I don't wear any nice clothes just my ex-fatty stuff
>eventually moved to a sales position which required "professional" clothing
>old clothes didn't fit so I bought new clothes that complimented my physical changes
>all the sudden start getting compliments from co-workers and even some customers
Nothing really changed in the time I was working there other than my wardrobe, of course I progressed a bit. Nothing drastic though
>If even one person found me good looking I'd leave this website
i wanna fuck my cousin too
yeah man
She remembers and she strung you along.
She finds you attractive but did a shit-test.
If you want to be alpha you should consider insulting her a bit, messing her around, arranging dates then rescheduling at last minute because you are "busy" (dont explain why), then fuck her. String her along a bit. She wants you to. do that
>Be me, 18 & browsing Jow Forums
>Thicc aunt comes into my room to say hi without knocking (quite normal in my house)
>Shirtless, she says i gained shoulders and pecs and touches my left one
>She leaves, furiously masturbate thinking of her
btw i often go swimming with her since she does sports on a regular basis
Fucking shitty revision of a shit pasta
fucking lost