Some people are afraid to post on social media

Some people are afraid to post on social media
I'm afraid to post on Jow Forums


Attached: kyscuck.jpg (1200x3026, 412K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Because I think that no one cares anyway
And even if someone does care, he's fucking pretending so he can mock you

I feel insecure posting this picture, because I don't know if it's considered bad by the general population.

Attached: 6a5186f4.png (500x442, 89K)

What is the problem budy
Do you have social anxiety?

I don't think you should feel that insecure, its an anonymous imageboard.
People like to be mean for no reason, don't take it too personally budy.
If you ask for advice, some people will answer very sincerely and give you honest answers, others will tell you to kys.
If you post something you like, someone else with similar taste might come along and share something cool with you, some meanie might come and tell you its gay and cringe and to kys.

I advise you seek therapy if this is something that is a big obstacle in your life. Being too afraid of judgment and criticism might actually impair your life and you are better off seeking treatment.

take care budy

Fuck off and die you literal retard

when did they add new panel to this meme?

DEC 2013 21st

>literal retard
opposed to? fake retards?

I basically try to please everyone because I'm afraid of conflict.
Then I get on the internet and oh fuck can't do that anymore.
Solution? Never post
I also spend a good amount of my time telling myself I'm a terrible idiot who everyone hates
No one likes what I like, because what I like is terrible
Psychosis diagnosed
What I originally wanted to post was:
I smoked weed and realized I can control my visuals. Make them red or blue by thinking about it. Also can create some certain patterns like a green 3d platform kind of a thing and "flying through stars"

I thought that was cool, but not like anyone would care cool. So I made this thread (with good intention), but now I realize this was just a trap to bait nice people in and then use them so you can share thoughts with them because the color of your visuals isn't something you chat about at lunch

What the fuck me

Attached: 164201.jpg (750x733, 82K)

>I'm afraid to post on Jow Forums
Same. I'm worried people are reading all my posts. Sup by the way.

Now my brain goes like "Noo that guy is lying! He's here to get you"
Now it's suddenly impossible that there would be other people like me
Must be an imposter

Attached: min.png (611x430, 346K)

>I thought that was cool, but not like anyone would care cool.

Doesn't matter budy. Share away. Do it for yourself.
You would be surprised at how people can react to what they see here, you aren't the only one smoking weed right now.
Someone who smokes weed could actually come to your thread and chat with you for some time.

>I basically try to please everyone because I'm afraid of conflict.
>Now my brain goes like "Noo that guy is lying! He's here to get you"

If this is how you normally think you should talk to a psychologist if you can afford that.
Or maybe you are just paranoid right now because of the weed. I don't know, budy, I know that feel of being afraid of the outside world, try to fix that if you can.
By the way I am pretty sure you shouldn't be fucking around with weed if you have problems with psychosis. Be careful with that.

You're right, but I have a hard time putting the tiniest bit of effort into anything.
My fridge broke 2 weeks ago and all I need to do is to call some guy to fix it for me.
I noticed that having a fridge isn't so essential so I still haven't bothered

Also thought that this might be just because of the weed
And yeah I know I really shouldn't, but I do it like once a month max and I really enjoy it.
I also kind of like my psychosis, because it has broadened my vision (:D) and it's just kind of funny sometimes

It also sucks that it's kind of hard to find information on what kind of visuals do people see
I'd need to find people who want to lay on my bed, look at the roof and discuss our visuals with each other or try to see the same things
Sounds stupid in my head already

>Sounds stupid in my head already
ye thats definitely stupid budy :^)
But don't sweat about it. This is an anonymous imageboard, you don't need to be that self-conscious about what you say and about what people reply.

try looking up the some subreddits or maybe 420chan. You might find the information about visuals you are looking for.

And fix your fridge man, when the day you need it comes it will not be working because you didn't bother to fix it.

>tfw this was all you wanted from friendships when you were 18
>now 25, tolerance is too high to properly hallucinate, too insane to control them, bitter cunt who doesn't care what other people see anyway
Where were you seven years ago

Oh yeah reddit, where everyone can read my post history.
And also that's legit what I'd like to do with someone, kind of sucks how it's stupid
Fuck man, I was 17 playing videogames

>look back at every time someone called me a retard on this site and feel they were right
>any time I achieve something and get congratulated I feel like it's undeserved because I didn't feel I worked hard enough
>my mind always intentionally sabotages any good feeling I have
>always think about how great it would be to have a girl who loved me and showed interest and physical affection but know full well I wouldn't feel the same way back and would probably be unappreciative until she left
Fuck why do I hate myself so much

Attached: Fight-Club-Cigarette.jpg (700x951, 206K)

>click submit
>oh fuck what I posted was retarded I shouldn't have done that
>close tab and stew in shame
>check thread some time later when I'm less attached to it
>it's actually not that bad of a post but not great either, feels like another average post

Attached: 1432091679284.jpg (224x225, 15K)

That reminds me
>click submit
>oh shit that post was retarded
>close tab in shame
>check thread later
>0 replies
>"Oh God people think I'm so dumb they aren't even dignifying it with a response"

Oh and if you're not aware, there's this site: which autistically categorizes common visuals and there's Erowid which has trip reports.

>don't get called a retard because I dodge it by not posting
>I get so good benefits that I could order fast food to my door everyday and still have some money left. gotta feel bad about that
>Bullying yourself in your head because you forgot something, realize you forgot it because you were too busy bullying yourself to pay attention
>no one can or should ever love me, might as well look like a hobo
It happened again
Cool thanks

I'm happy about this thread, but also feel like I achieved it through pity so It's not worth that much

>And also that's legit what I'd like to do with someone, kind of sucks how it's stupid

Maybe its cool to do with a friend when both of you are high, I don't know. Try 420chan, you might like there.

pic related man. I look at it every dey and I try to bey the best I can bey. Save it and use as a wallpaper :3

>write long post
>think its retarded
>erase everything


>write long post
>click submit
>anxiety sky rockets
>delete post
>someone replies to my deleted post
>close web browser in shame

Attached: here man.jpg (500x500, 28K)

"Component controllability is a very rare experience that most commonly induced under the influence of heavy dosages of psychedelic compounds, such as LSD, psilocybin, and mescaline"

Oh crap I do that with 1 joint
I've done it sober, I think I was just really tired because I haven't succeeded well since

>spend 20-30 minutes trying to help someone
>thread dies
/mu/ has been such shit for this recently, I could spend half an hour coming up with recs for everybody in a chart thread and the thread dies an hour later without a single response. That's about the only thing I have enough experience in to talk about yet all my posts there are thread killers.

Someone should update OP's image in the next 10 years when things are even fucking worse than they are now

Weak (((psy op))) kike

Anybody got the picture with the guy using building blocks to build a life, and women asking why he doesn't build things to include others?
Like turning his life into furniture and shit.
Was an image circulated around a lot.

You should change the pic to be (You)'s